Sentences with phrase «to correct one's course»

Keep sight of what you want to achieve with it and keep heading towards that, correcting your course as you go.
Which give the firm's leadership the insight they need to correct course before disaster strikes, or capitalize on an opportunity for growth.
Investors seem hopeful, at least as of today, that the toy maker is building a solid foundation to eventually correct course and dominate the toy aisle again.
No need for this to take years; perform your due diligence, correct course where necessary, and just do it.
You will have time to correct your course moving forward, and you should do so regularly.
I hope it can correct course before it's too late.
M. Scott Peck has written that for psychological and spiritual health, we must be dedicated to reality, and he offers a helpful image: «The less clearly we see the reality of the world — the more our minds are befuddled by falsehood, misperceptions, and illusions — the less able we will be to determine correct courses of action and make wise decisions.
«The Island Fox recovery is an incredible success story about the power of partnerships,» US Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said in a press release, «and the ability of collaborative conservation to correct course for a species on the brink of extinction.»
Coming off the tepid «The Dark Knight Rises,» Christopher Nolan corrected course in a major way with «Interstellar.»
The Personal Yoga Practice Journal will support you in developing or reigniting your home yoga practice, so that you have a place to go whenever you need to reconnect to your body, get a clearer picture of what's going on in your life, and correct course when necessary.
LaneSense ® Lane Departure Warning with Lane Keep Assist also gives the driver visual and audible alerts when it senses and unintentional lane drift, and can even help correct your course if you don't manually return to your lane.
Both also provide calculated adjustments, LaneSense by correcting your course if you begin to waver and Forward Collision with an active brake assist to limit the probability of fender benders.
People, who are afraid to start, think if they start down one road, they can't correct course midstream, which just isn't true.
The game actually found ways to help you with this — portals would shift to fit nicely onto a platform if your shot was off, and the springboard Aerial Faith Plates would gently correct your course if it looked like you were about to hurtle to your doom.
Hopefully, the Oscars will correct course here.
The company that was notorious for poorly - considered marketing campaigns and forcing customers to wait months in virtual lines for new phones has improbably and wholeheartedly corrected course over the past nine months, turning into, at least from the outside, a well - run and confident machine.
As Mercury corrects course on September 5 and returns to Virgo on September 10, we'll be mobilized to find solutions and do our part to help.
Instead, they just start, and keep correcting their course as they go,» he says.
I think it is very important for you to do two things: act on your temporary conviction as if it was a real conviction; and when you realize that you are wrong, correct course very quickly
Business Insider spoke with three HR experts to find out the implications of the allegations and resulting investigations for Uber and how the world's most valuable startup might correct its course going forward.
The weakened opposition is unable to use the weakened institutions to correct the course from within the government, or to alert the people.
Maintaining international development spending is not just the morally correct course - in an age when so many are dying of treatable and preventable diseases - it is also an essential part of any national security agenda.
According to the authors, India's current health system needs to correct its course urgently across seven key challenges.
But a strong ending corrects course, rightfully returning «Sicario» to its heroine.
Anders corrects her course at the end, though, when Turturro returns and the songwriting slant again takes over; however, this isn't enough to erase memory of the turgid pace of the Jay section.
Blessedly, Ayer's finale corrects course in a major way, stirring up smoke and suspense in spades, giving all five of his characters a fitting send - off.
What is more, PLNs can help busy school leaders correct course.
Fortunately, we have the opportunity to correct the course under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which provides states and districts far more flexibility than its predecessor.
LDW warns when you drift, while lane keep assist corrects your course automatically.
Microsoft well and truly dropped the ball by designing the Xbox One as an entertainment system but have since corrected the course of the ship by focusing on — you guessed it — games.
Correcting Course includes comprehensive strategies for how Congress can repeal these ineffective laws today and better reflect the popular attitude among Americans, as brought out in the findings of the poll.
During a rare hour - long call with reporters, Zuckerberg answered questions about the latest disclosures and how Facebook plans to correct course after the biggest scandal of its 14 - year existence.
After dropping below $ 6700 in the middle of the day, Bitcoin corrected its course almost entirely to reach $ 7000 once again.
If you are drifting away, you can more easily correct course
Madam Secretary is attempting to negotiate a settlement that will keep Ford happy, but quickly realizes... with help from O'Grady... that there is really only one correct course of action.
And it was on full display at this week's Facebook F8 developer's conference, where CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other executives revealed to the world what the future holds for the world's largest social network — and reiterated its willingness to correct course in the wake of its recent scandals.
The cherry on top was definitely the mea culpa from a few weeks back where Bungie tried to admit their mistakes and provide the roadmap that would introduce changes that would eventually correct the course.
For a deliberative body that insists on holding students, schools and educators «accountable,» the Regents» unwillingness to assume responsibility for their blunders and then respond by correcting course is breathtaking.
To allay those fears, Apple CEO Tim Cook said last year that he believes the iPad has a long «runway» and that it would correct its course over the long term.
But now, as Mercury corrects course, you'll be able to see past the smoke that's been pouring out of your ears.
Which give the firm's leadership the insight they need to correct course before disaster strikes, or capitalize on an opportunity for -LSB-...]
They spearheaded the pilot and could correct course as needed, giving them invaluable insight on implementing Eureka Math, from GreatMinds.
What makes it hard to stay alive is the game's jumping mechanism — Once you jump, you're essentially «committed» to going where you're going... however, you are able to jump one additional time in mid-air, so you can correct your course if you absolutely need to.
Instead of correcting course to avoid further catastrophe, the Maduro regime is attempting to circumvent sanctions through the Petro digital currency — a ploy that Venezuela's democratically - elected National Assembly has denounced and Treasury has cautioned U.S. persons to avoid,» Mnuchin said in a statement.
The fourth quarter is usually Sotheby's most profitable since much of the industry is seasonal, so the company appears to have corrected its course.
Content marketing is maturing, and as a result we're better able to effectively target content, measure performance and correct course to improve results.
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