Sentences with phrase «to cover one's ass»

Or maybe he's just saying that to cover his ass in advance.
It also has to cover my ass while I'm running errands!
While that doesn't sound too promising, Motorola is likely just covering their ass, as delays are usually inevitable.
In round one, Google, Facebook and Twitter cooperated, but they weren't particularly helpful, opting to mostly cover their asses with pre-planned statements and platform reports designed to appease lawmakers and stave off regulation.
Employees are more worried about covering their ass rather than daring to be innovative and creative.
And no, your USA car insurance will not cover your ass in Baja.
Dear avocado, you are so kermit - green and creamy - delicious, and make lunch - time so much fun... Dear black tights, thank - you for covering my ass in dresses that would otherwise display my rear.
I'm not exactly sure why they want so hard to exclude these other options, but it might have something do with covering their asses if something goes wrong and a person has difficulty claiming their credit or requests two credits.
Sad thing is, they are not having a change of heart here, they are just trying to cover their ass against a slam of law suits that are sure to follow after their dick move..
Same with ya'll wanting cech, do nt forget he played with a very back four who always covered his ass.
Peterson and Cromartie might be covering their asses off down field only to look up and see Wilson running for yet another first down.
Too much to expect Kos and Bell to keep covering his ass.
Kos covers his ass pure and simple, if there was another good strong CB beside Kos we would have the defense we need.
For Beal, Brooks is just trying to cover his ass b / c he knows how immensely he phucked up by running Beal into the ground.
They are ugly, uncomfortable, and frankly, don't cover your ASS!!
«There seems to be some CYA [cover your ass] happening here, which is frustrating.»
This underscores the importance of covering your ass, to the extent possible, with insurance and signed documentation of assumption of risk by the client, including explicit assumption of any risk of cardiovascular, ocular, pulmonary and cerebrovascular complications from exercising under Valsalva.
I too believe in covering my ass when I wear them, but I have plenty of tops and tunics that do that.
It was fashionable to wear cashmere twinsets and plaid kilts mid-thigh, but T. Ray said hell would be an ice rink before I went out like that - did I want to end up pregnant like Bitsy Johnson whose skirt barely covered her ass?
Would anybody care that Marvel's lawyers technically covered their asses?
The bad guys are captained by Shahdee, who has a penchant for shopping at the local Middle Eastern S&M store and making sure the camera catches her barely - covered ass as much as possible.
I have only ever thought: Buddy, you are just covering your ass.
Resilience will become increasingly important as sustainability becomes more about covering your ass than simply doing the right thing.
There must be some lawyer pressuring them to have some sort of system to cover their ass if some child predator case comes up and their product was used to lure kids.
Don't try to cover your ass with the classic» I've already pre-ordered two PS4's».
He's trying to cover his ass.
he's perfect there cus he does his job, his job is to keep the balance in the midfield btwn the defence and attack, the job of attacking is for our attackers and AM, box to box midfield your job is to get the ball and make sure your AM has it to distribute so you can cover his ass, and you can cover your DM's ass in our own half of the field.
But, the only reason they're essential is because the rest of the HRs of the world have fabricated a national business culture where everyone has to cover their asses.
[Walking Bonds has] become an easy way to cover your ass.
That he depends on Kos and others to cover his ass is surely not fair and sooner or later our main man will have to give in to being overworked.
They want to cover their asses.
If a baby or mother dies in hospital, they usually say that there was nothing they could do... to cover their ass.
Your desire to cover your ass, isn't a reason to tell her she must pump and dump without checking for factual information first.
You're trying to CYA (cover your ass).
A lot of the advice organisations give risks making things worse because of what you mention — they have to cover their asses.
Sen. Liz Krueger accused him of colluding with the GOP to cover his ass — he did vote «yes» on Bonacic's bill, after all — and asked him on the floor what the Republicans had bought him off with «this time,» according to a Democratic staffer.
Sunnie Dae @Sunniedae5 #Osbourne keeps sending his flunky's in to cover his ass.
(i.e. blame Corbyn not yourself)(We free voter think it is the latter here your covering your ASS!
«If you would have lined up the Democrats, even Shelly would have voted Republican,» adding, «That's how bad it was, it was total chaos in Albany and the Chamber rebuked Hiram to cover their ass
I also really love that the company has a beautiful way to cover their ass just in case someone does fall pregnant while using the machine — because it isn't meant to be used as a method for contraception.
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