Sentences with phrase «to cover such expenses»

The administrative spread covers such expenses as bond insurance premiums, bond trustee fees, loan servicing expense, loan defaults, and other operating costs.
Adoption fees cover such expenses as veterinary bills, spaying or neutering, flea treatments, food and other expenses.
If left up to an individual to cover such expenses after an accident, many could not afford to do so.
Therefore, purchasing insurance to cover such expenses makes sense.
Additionally, medical payments to others can cover such expenses as a friend comes over and trips on your carpet and gets injured.
There will be costs, the question is whether they will be paid with a bigger mortgage that includes the old loan plus closing costs or will the borrower cover such expenses with cash from savings?
Federal student aid covers such expenses as tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation.
It also covers such expenses as notifying customers about the incident and dealing with international lawsuits.
In his first public response to questions about the payment, the president said he did not know where his attorney, Michael Cohen, got the money, and he declined to say if he ever set up a fund for Mr Cohen to cover such expenses.
Quickly realizing her inability to babysit the required hours needed to cover such an expense, she recruited a few friends to help with the fundraising.
The very best way to prepare for future crises is to have a savings account set aside to cover such expenses — but occasionally life catches up with us and we simply don't have extra funds available.
Understand that a financial emergency may come up at any time, and you don't want to be caught without the ability to cover such an expense.
For most families, there's just not enough money in the budget to cover such an expense.
An exemption will be granted if the claimant can demonstrate that they are unable to cover such expenses.
Depending on the circumstances surrounding your boating accident, you may be entitled to compensatory damages, which are meant to cover such expenses as:
It covers such expenses as medical and hospital care, income continuation, child care, loss of services, and funerals.
Whatever the reason, point out how an emergency fund can save you from going into debt with a credit card to cover such expenses.
We offer eligible first - time homebuyers up to $ 12,000 toward their home purchase to cover such expenses as down payments, loan origination or discount points, and other closing costs, plus paid time off for closing.
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