Sentences with phrase «to crack the door»

I know people have been published way too early, because they had a famous last name or because the knew someone who cracked the door open with an introduction or a cover endorsement.
When they are relaxed about this step, crack the door of the room open so that the cats can see each other, but can not push the door open.
It's sad to say, but many big companies don't want to crack the door on this issue.
Turn off the oven, crack the door just a little bit and leave the cheesecake to slowly cool for the next two hours without taking it out of the oven.
Do not remove from the oven after the hour, just turn the oven off and slightly crack the door and leave it there to cool off about another hour.
But in reality, she's too frightened to even crack the door and check the mail.
Turn off the oven, crack the door open, and let the pie sit for 10 - 15 minutes.
«La La Land» had to crack a door for the «The Greatest Showman.»
I'm passing petitions to run for mayor,» he explained to a neighbor who barely cracked her door to ask who's calling.
Excellent Good Average Needs attention Interior Radio operates properly.Interior complete, only looks average, seat may be torn, loose or cracked door panels.
It was an awful image, even awake, so he pushed it down and cracked the door wide enough to see his father slumped in an old brown chair, a pillow squeezed to his chest as he stared at the broken television where Gideon had hidden the gun after he stole it from his father's dresser drawer two nights ago.
Many times getting past a locked security checkpoint means first using your Mavi to find and follow a trail of glowing arrows left by the sleeper agents who planned the attack, leading you to a Cypher that will crack the door code.
But prohibitionists cracked the door open by promising to keep whiskey available by prescription.
He said to not do so cracks the door to illogic and maybe more legal circuses.
Final Fantasy Type - 0 HD is a departure in some ways from the games you know and love, but in this reviewer's opinion, it's about time someone cracked the door and let in some fresh air.
Cracking the door open in order to turn off the engine without wasting battery is an odd procedure as well.
You could start with an absolute monopoly today, crack the door just a little, and someone is going to kick that door in and raid your fridge.
I was a little bewildered when I cracked the door of a studio in midtown Manhattan.
Shut off the oven, crack the door and leave the cereal squares in the oven for 10 - 15 more minutes or until the squares are golden brown.
Simply turn the oven off and crack the door a bit.
Turn the oven off, and crack the door.
Turn oven off, crack the door, and leave cheesecake inside for 20 minutes.
I like to shut the oven off right before they are done, crack the door open, and let them finishing cooking as the heat is going down.
Turn off the oven and crack the door open.
That doesn't beat down the door on the NCAA model, but it cracks the door open.
That's when a missed field goal on 4th - and - 1 cracked the door open for the Spartans, who pulled out the win 21 - 14.
The Seattle Sounders are finally on the board after three scoreless and lackluster performances, and it was an awkward goal off a long throw - in that cracked the door open.
Others worry the decision, which is widely seen as part of a tit - for - tat bid to open the Chinese market to U.S. beef, may crack the door to the eventual importation of chicken raised in China.
+ Turn the oven off, crack the door, and allow them to cool slowly with the oven.
They had to learn to fear the light, and all that implies — open windows, cracked doors, daytime car rides, certain fluorescent bulbs, mirrors.
That cracks the door open, but only slightly.
«I feel like I've fallen through the cracked door into paradise,» she said.
Swallowing hard, he cracked the door, trying to ignore that his arms were skinny - white and his heart was running fast as a rabbit's.
If you have a barn, shed or other outdoor building that you would be willing to open up to stray and feral animals, all you need to do is crack the door a few inches to let them in.
What had happened was that the evening before, I had cracked the door to the bird room open just a little (as I often do) to hear the canaries sing better.
These swift little dogs can zip through a cracked door and be gone in an instant.
When it seems that your new family member is comfortable enough in her safe place, it's time to crack the door open a few inches and let your new kitten or cat and resident cat sniff each other.
Try to reintroduce them slowly, as if they did not know each other, through a screen or cracked door.
A few weeks passed, and Diane successfully accomplished feeding the two on opposite sides of a cracked door (this took a bit of time mainly because Cherokee would hide under a bed every time she made eye contact with Mallo).
After several days, if both of your cats appear relaxed, crack the door open one inch.
But now that Amex has cracked the door open to giving this kind of direct value for Membership Rewards points, it's only a matter of time before that door opens further.
There is a cracked door on the left in the end.
You still need to do some networking work on your end to crack the door open.
He gives readers the tools to helping each other to crack that door open and leave it permanently ajar.
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