Sentences with phrase «to create inflation»

Despite fears voiced by some, the program did not create inflation.
The tariffs could create inflation as industries pay more for products made with steel or aluminum and pass the costs to consumers.
A mechanical «money - printing creates inflation» relationship can not be relevant for the same reason, because no money has been printed.
This fact usually prevents steel companies from creating inflation - adjusted wealth for shareholders over the course of the business cycle.
Rather than doing it with an annuity purchase, creating an inflation hedge through your market - based assets will almost always make more sense.
Government bonds are «safe» because the government can always print more money (albeit creating an inflation risk).
The excessive risky lending of these institutions created inflation - not of goods but of asset prices.
It will likely create inflation, but the question is where?
Also printing more notes creates inflation and increases the prices of commodity.
However, in the years since the global financial crisis the idea gained prominence, and several central banks decided to take the plunge after 2014 in an attempt to boost weak economic growth by creating inflation.
Japan has found a way to write off nearly half its national debt without creating inflation.
The policies are likely to have deleterious impacts, including creating inflation that must be stomped out by the central bank.
by adding more machines but less people you are just creating inflation.
On the other hand if you double the production of something that just had it's price cut in half, in an attempt to keep revenue steady, you're assuming that the consumption of resources and time used in that production isn't going to create inflation elsewhere in the economy.
It's starting $ $ RT @LisaCNBC: The Japanese are going to overdo it and create an inflation problem.
To date, quantitative easing and negative interest rate policies have not created inflation because these programs have been largely limited to the purchase of securities from banks rather than directly creating money (Brightman, 2015).
If you want to buy it you can get it here: Where Keynes Went Wrong: And Why World Governments Keep Creating Inflation, Bubbles, and Busts.
Excess printing of money to pay government workers» salaries will then create inflation, leading to hyperinflation.
It's hard to say, but certainly in a scenario where our government attempts to make up for the sins of over borrowing by creating inflation, we should expect interest rates to increase enough to hurt.
They want to bail out financial company balance sheets without creating inflation that the average person can notice.
So it can't create inflation that might erode the real value of its dollar - denominated debt load.
Bernanke needs to do more of this: Debunking myths about savers, currency, fiscal policy enabling, monetizing the debt, creating inflation, and operating in secrecy.
In short, the Fed is paying attractive rates on the banks» reserves because it is afraid of over-stimulating the economy and creating inflation.
I don't really see how that creates inflation.
However, with the Federal Reserve doing its level best to create inflation, you can be sure it will continue.
When loans become cheap, too much money chases too few goods and creates inflation.
If enough do this, they create inflation.
This scenario reveals a valuable lesson - those who have the ability to print money also have the ability to create inflation.
Unger calculated the dollar return on investment using federal budget data to create an inflation - adjusted estimate of $ 418 million in NCI funding to SWOG over its 60 - year history in 2015 dollars.
First, we examine test forms to identify predictable patterns that could create inflation.
Well, that creates inflation in the US, with import price rises feeding that.
But sometimes they wonder, when it's dark at night and quiet, «What would it take to create inflation?
They are saying they won't let the liquidity injections get out of hand and create inflation.
In the long - run, The Bank of Japan's actions are likely to create inflation and / or higher interest rates in Japan.
Merryn Somerset Webb: Is there anything else that the central banks can do to create inflation or are we at a dead end?
If you believe in financial repression — creating inflation and holding interest rates below the rate of inflation — you'd really want to be investing in people who borrow money, not people who lend money
Merryn Somerset Webb: So, in this interpretation, QE can prevent disaster but it can't improve the underlying economy and it can't create inflation.
Merryn: And this is why — this is the problem that QE for example has been designed to try and deal with, to create inflation that will deal with the debt problem and clearly it's not working.
While other countries are creating inflation, Australia's central bank is raising interest rates to keep inflation in check.
From 1995 to about 2004, I would imagine Federal Reserve Governors sitting around over dinner the night before the FOMC meeting, and because the mainstream view of monetarism hadn't been discredited yet, and saying something to the effect of: «What would it take to create inflation?
Initially some feared that all that money would create inflation; it hasn't.
- as well as creating inflation, one of the main arguments against forks.
Sidechains, on the other hand, reduce scarcity, which, in turn, create inflation, Wright said.
If trillions of additional dollars are created and then placed in a vault somewhere, those dollars won't get into the economy to create inflation.
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