Sentences with phrase «to create something unique»

I wanted to create something unique with an old window that's been in the garage for a couple years.
I love collaborating with people to create something unique just for them.
This includes us; we are a small team of players, volunteers, and professionals working to create something unique in the current MMO market.
Instead of calling it «store» or «shop» why not create something unique?
So in essence bitcoin's inventor created something unique and different than the digital goods we all swap today.
I like taking time out and relaxing while also creating something unique and special that I can wear or give away as gifts to my friends and family.
Because of personality types, hobbies, personal reactions, etc., the combination will always create something unique.
In this way, we are offering you great bathroom design ideas in order to make sure that you can create yourself the unique bathroom you've always dreamed of.
The second disadvantage is that there is no flexibility to create something unique for a portfolio.
Wilder does a wonderful job of creating something unique with Madame X.
I hope this smokey eye inspires you to go outside your comfort zone, step out of the box and create something unique on your eyes this week.
The series was, and continues to be, beautifully directed by Jonathan Krisel, who brings a cinematic quality that when combined with the Galifianakis» physical comedy creates something unique and very charming, even when its story falters.
That said, while at times uneven, Grabham and Sharp's tone nevertheless creates something unique for both a genre exercise and a documentary: a science - fiction film that doesn't contain an ounce of fiction.
«Keep the cameras rolling, and let the kids create something unique,» Rudkin recommended.
«Our brief was to create a new genre of compact crossover; a vehicle that could create something unique from a customer's point of view — an innovative, three - dimensional, fully immersive user experience,» said Stephan Rasmussen, designer at Lexus» European Design Centre, ED2.
Starting a network from scratch is not easy, but it is clear that Janice and Keith have put a lot of work into creating something unique and valuable.
We're keeping the DNA of the vs. series, like the air combos, but at the same time creating something unique and original.
More of a hybrid between the Tycoon series and Kinectimals than a straight up Tycoon game, it manages to blend the joy of creating something unique with the charm and serenity of a lovely visit to the zoo.
Verdant Skies is a life simulation game born from a love for games like Harvest Moon and a desire to create something unique with modern gameplay and deep storytelling.
You can also combine your weapons and create something unique just like the previous Deadrising games.
Similar to Heavy Rain (A title I very much loved, review can be found here), Quantic Dream followed up their acclaimed breakthrough success with creating another story driven, action - adventure but delved into new water with their narrative by dipping into several genres, from sci - fi to horror to create something unique in style and tone.
According to Shigeru Miyamoto, this development has led Nintendo to figure out more ways of creating something unique for this.
If you are creating something unique - which you should be - it doesn't matter what any other brands are doing, and you should be learning from each other.
I probably was a little more flexible on the stay at home path for a time being because I was able to create something unique for myself so I didn't completely leave the work life.»
A valid, valuable altcoin will often transform the existing rules of Bitcoin to create something unique and productive.
Inspired to create something unique and extraordinary, this start - up's vision stems from relentless passion to bring a Heart Healthy beverage to the masses.
After whipping together my vegan chocolate mint brownies aka greenies, I thought I'd created something unique.
The best option for a sustainable Christmas tree is to put your thinking cap on and create something unique, from materials around you.
You can make sure different colors, add some graffiti touch, use personalized information and create something unique.
What makes me excited about BellyBallot is that we have created something unique and met a demand that new parents today have been looking for.
After whipping together my vegan chocolate mint brownies aka greenies, I thought I'd created something unique.
We are usually served spaghetti in tomato sauce, meat sauce or Alfredo sauce but I wanted to shake up my spaghetti routine a bit and create something unique.
Considering the saturation of masks in the beauty world, Nugg Beauty really managed to create something unique with the gel formula & the ingredient deck.
Following an original partnership which brought together Industry, Fashion and Art, it would be only natural for the artist to collaborate with FLY London to create something unique, and so the «Interstellar» boots were born.
We prefer to hire an artist and then trust them to create something unique and beautiful — it won't always work, but when it does, it will be magic.
As a brand ambassador for Waverly Inspirations at Walmart, each month I am sent a box of Waverly craft supplies and / or fabrics and challenged to create something unique!
But together, we create something unique
We've all created something unique and different using mason jars as inspiriation.
Each month I will receive a box of Martha Stewart craft products and am asked to create something unique and beautiful.
It's about stepping out of your comfort zone to create something unique and beautiful.
He set his sights on creating something unique to supplement the growing world of digitized dating, and Dating DNA was released in iTunes as the original free, full - featured dating app in the store.
Dragon Quest Builders proved to be quite an intriguing title upon its release last year, splicing together elements of both Minecraft and the Dragon Quest (or Dragon Warrior for you old - school fans) series, to create something unique.
It isn't hard to find plenty of eerie stories about the goings on in the house, and Winchester expands on these ghost stories in an attempt to create something unique and original, even if it does ultimately fall back on tired old clichés.
To create something unique and more involving than traditional computer - generated settings, the artists at FX giants Puma Pictures and ILM have taken inspiration from vintage sources — 1960s - era toy kaleidoscopes, M.C. Escher drawings, liquid - psychedelic light shows.
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