Sentences with phrase «to cross one's mind»

That thought never crossed my mind in reading anything he has written on the topic.
For most of the history of the modern economy, the sourcing of products didn't even cross the minds of those shopping.
It certainly didn't cross my mind when I was 18 that we were representing the biggest sports magazine in the world.
The thought crossed my mind as I was reading your blog.
I won't offer an opinion on the matter, tho of course the thought did cross my mind when she told me when the switch was made.
It never crossed my mind when I started blogging that it would become a career.
If your personality is pleasing enough and you are beautiful then you are sure to cross the mind of at least a few of these men once you have successfully made your mark.
Didn't even cross my mind as an attack.
I never thought I was going to have twins and it never ever crossed my mind, I just wanted my oldest daughter to have a sibling to play with.
Don't get me wrong it's always my first choice when the chocolate box is passed my way but the thought of making them never really crossed my mind.
Also, the whole concept behind what happened to these 10 people isn't something that had ever even crossed my mind until I saw this movie.
Like that would not even cross my mind at all!
This is a really great idea to put fish in a curry... I don't know why that did not cross my mind before!
That same thought crossed my mind while editing my own gameplay footage.
I'm asked a lot of questions on this topic, but here are the top three — I'm guessing they've probably crossed your mind, too.
When I started thinking what I would love to receive this year tons of things crossed my mind — as usual.
I have a small notebook in my bag, a real one not electronic, where I write down inspirational ideas crossing my mind for the blog.
It just crossed my mind after reading this moving post..
With so much on your plate as a parent, your insurance probably doesn't cross your mind too often.
None of these clever thoughts and questions really cross their minds in the afternoon when they are busy playing.
I never even once considered that I wouldn't be able to breastfeed, the thought never once crossed my mind.
A place for everything; everything in its place — that's what crossed my mind as I listened to the surgeon talk.
With this in mind I'd like to share a tort reform idea for the better which recently crossed my mind.
But expressing my milk by hand never crossed my mind then.
Walking - around this exhibition, the thought kept crossing my mind.
Without being much interested in my own consistency, I have to admit that the question crossed my mind many times.
The idea of exclusively pumping was not one that even crossed my mind because my breastfeeding experience with my first was so easy.
That idea certainly crossed our minds and yes we tried those things, but in the end we went with quality over quantity.
Every day I have come across new challenges that I have not yet endured, or something new for my to - do list that had not yet crossed my mind.
In fact, exercise hardly crossed her mind until 2015, just before getting pregnant.
What I actually wanted to eat rarely crossed my mind.
This is something that would have never even crossed my mind with the tables, etc. ha ha!
The thought of baking bread in a cast iron pot with the lid on never crossed my mind years ago, but it makes complete sense.
At no time did formula feeding cross our minds so when we found out the twins would have to have formula only, we were unsure where to start.
Your DIY trick with the hoop earrings has crossed my mind several times but I never explored it.
I would think that eventually if you had all of the information available to you that eventually the idea may cross your mind though.
It never even crossed my mind since I don't own a grill, but you're totally right, they would be phenomenal grilled!
The thought also crossed my mind that people for millions of years had not counted calories and managed to stay slim, so I was not going to bother.
«It has crossed my mind over the past couple of months,» he said.
Has the idea of cutting back on alcohol crossed your mind lately?
If and when thoughts like your children and to - do list cross your mind, focus on the gentle flow if your breath.
When you think of friendly dog breeds that make the perfect family dog, chances are the golden retriever crossed your mind.
If the idea that SEO is dead crosses your mind or turns up in print, dismiss it.
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