Sentences with phrase «to crow about»

They don't want a bunch of crowing about how this changes the overall average.
While you don't want to be one of those irritants who crows about Christmas as soon as the last one is over, preparing for the cold snap now, when some stock is out of season and therefore cheaper, will save you cash and let you beat that winter rush.
They're crowing about all the green things they're doing, such as purchasing carbon offsets in the form of renewable energy certificates, donating $ 50k to the Las Vegas police force for purchasing electric vehicles (does that buy more than maybe two?)
And the big rooster is something to crow about for sure.
There are other «conservative» aspects of charter schools worth crowing about as well.
I find it incredibly boring when uneducated «believers» start crowing about how they are privy to secret wisdom hidden from the rest of us, when common sense indicates that a broad base of information combined with a solid grounding in logic are the best way to tell truth from falsehood.
A Senate GOP source was already crowing about what the 32 - member majority believes is a chance to expand.
Democratic front - runner former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has also crowed about her small business credentials, which she says harken all the way back to her small - business - owner father.
You know, like BMW has been crowing about on its upcoming, flagship 7 Series limousine.
Democrats even crowed about the bipartisan support for the resistance.
Obviously that won't stop the winning party from crowing about it, but you should not overhype national significance that really doesn't exist.
Ryanair considered painting plane with logo of extra-marital dating site 31 Aug 2013 While the government crows about holding down tax rates.
where are the people on here crowing about we are going to win everything, like as in the quadruple.
Mighty my ass, and it's 3 times just face it and stop crowing about the past, bloody hell Blackburn and the Foxes have won the current league Have Liverpool??????
Yes, fewer women in the homebirth group experienced severe acute maternal morbidity, but that's nothing to crow about if one of them died and might have been saved in the hospital.
Democrats now crow about the result of a recent Senate special election along with the well - deserved retirements of several long - term GOP state Senators, claiming it's a harbinger for November.
Same deal with crowing about what a hard worker you are and how you routinely put in long hours.
I'm giving away my non-millennial age here, but remember when the internet was new and experts crowed about how much less time we'd spend searching out information and how much more time we'd spend, say, relaxing at the beach with our families?
Jennifer F recently posted... Crowing About Parmesan Roasted Sunchokes — Tastes Like Artichoke Dip!
If you've ever seen Valentine's Day, you probably know what to expect: big - name celebrities, a bunch of disparate storylines, and people crowing about how goddamn magical the holiday in question is.
Instead, it just pumps out press release after press release crowing about how amazing the Kindle sales are, without actually telling you anything about them.
Blaming the folks who haven't read their Irving, TX Renters Insurance policy and crowing about personal responsibility is wrong.
Politicians in the developed world are always crowing about how a carbon control agreement is no good if China is not part of it and keeps burning coal.
They spent October and November crowing about how magnificent it would be — sweeping aside its enemies like Genghis Khan.
And in New Rooster app crows about good books, young and old at the Washington Post, Ron Charles writes, after mentioning Dickens, of course:
The latter results from so many educators not practicing critical thinking (outside of their discipline) themselves, even while crowing about teaching it to students, yet failing to really do so.
In opening remarks before a meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Trump crowed about the sales, running through a list of $ 12.5 billion in approved arms purchases by Saudi Arabia and previewing billions more to come.
Not many automotive companies crow about how many vehicles they've managed to retire.
Iger crowed about «the quality of the assets» Disney is picking up in the deal, which includes Fox's film and TV studio, along with various cable networks and regional sports networks as well as Fox's stake in Hulu (giving Disney majority control of the streaming service).
But if they're good, then Apple can still crow about them and split out results on an ad - hoc basis.»
But every time the mainstream financial media crows about «beating the street,» it just fuels the worst instincts of investors.
they constantly crow about their «intelligence» and the «Stupidity» of others.
Certainly, Conor O'Clery's jubilant crowing about «the few remaining faithful in this once Mass - going nation [setting out] out for midnight services on a freezing cold Christmas Eve» (as though even the weather was the bishops» fault), has more to do with his ownobvious animus against the Church than anything remotely to do with reality.
In a recent telephone press conference, several evangelicals crowed about how interested the Democratic Platform Committee was in their opinion on abortion.
The gingko trees outside my gym have been absolutely crowing about it for the last week and a half, daintily dropping canary - colored leaves, proud to be the first harbingers.
There might be some away fans crowing about that, what with their three FA Cup wins in the last four seasons.
i thought you would be high on your roost crowing about our famous victory.
Though our pediatrician wasn't worried a bit about my daughter, it seemed like everyone else was: parent magazines crowed about the need to breastfeed (despite running ads for formula); online parent forums held open season on the selfishness of people who wouldn't breastfeed; and I knew formula moms who had been blatantly harassed by some of La Leche League's less well - trained members.
Another thing — mildly interesting that I don't hear anyone crowing about the insult of that New Yorker cover to the oval office itself — you know, respect for «the office» and all.
Instead of New York crowing about it (after all, both teams left NY for the Meadowlands in NJ), it should be doing whatever it takes to land the Olympic Winter Games for Lake Placid in 2018!
State GOP Chairman Ed Cox, who spent a lot of time after the November elections crowing about how the GOP has gained more House seats in New York (6) than any other state in the nation, just released the following statement in response to former Rep. Chris Lee's resignation yesterday:
State GOP Chairman Ed Cox just released a statement crowing about Congresswoman - elect Ann Marie Buerkle's newly - minted victory, gleefully noting that Democrat - dominated New York — yes!
Andy's recent crowing about the miniscule job growth in NYS was comical.
Ed Balls would love to be able to crow about rising unemployment, but he can't.
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