Sentences with phrase «to cure the default»

The phrase "to cure the default" means to fix or correct a problem or mistake that has been made. Full definition
This «stay» allows a debtor who is behind on their mortgage payments on their principal residence to cure any defaults by bringing the payments current over a reasonable time period.
The borrowers will have plenty of time to cure their default before the foreclosure auction sale.
Aside from repayment in full or a loan discharge, most borrowers can cure a default of their federal loans through one of two programs: rehabilitation or consolidation.
The right to cure any default on the first mortgage.
You are allowed to be late on payments twice, the second time you will receive another notice allowing you the same time frame to cure this default as the first notice.
It is usually possible to determine a date certain for curing the default.
According to the CFPB, the rehabilitation program, where borrowers make a series of payments in order to cure their defaulted loans, is not creating a sustainable path to student loan repayment.
Having committed non-curable defaults, the franchisee can not cure those defaults.
See related: Consider these 14 factors before declaring bankruptcy, 11 tips for dealing with debt collection, collectors, Cure your defaulted student loan in six steps, Tips for finding the right credit counselor, Picking the right debt - help company
I doubt if there are any statutes concerning buying real property from record owner prior to tax sale if the new buyer cures the default.
It is often possible to set a date for curing the default.
If such notice is received, Valeant has 60 days from the receipt of the notice to file its 10 - K, which will cure the default in all respects.
I would follow the landlord tenant act for my area, in regards to the written notice (keep a copy for yourself) to cure the default of the lease agreement with the proper amount of time allowed by the landlord / tenant act.
Borrowers who want to keep their homes get additional time to pursue mortgage modifications or cure the default.
This is why, if you get behind on your mortgage payments, your lender will work with you to devise a practical plan to cure the default and bring the loan current.
The nature of the workout plan will depend upon the seriousness of the default, whether your financial problems are short - term or your payment ability has been impaired for the foreseeable future, your prospects for obtaining funds to cure the default and the current value of your property.
After your vehicle is towed to a storage lot, you will receive a notice informing you that you have 10 days to «cure the default» or pay the debt or your car will be sold at auction.
Chapter 13 can also be used to cure defaults, so that such debts as home mortgage arrearages and car lease arrearages can be made «current.»
Note: borrowers have a legal right and a window of time to cure a default to prevent or stop a foreclosure from the lender.
With a traditional mortgage, if you can catch up on your delayed payments, you might be able to have your mortgage loan reinstated — «there's a right to cure the default,» Mancini says.
«So when a default occurs, the so - called insured party or hedged party doesn't know who's responsible for making up the default and if that end player has the resources to cure the default
Missouri residents are allowed up to a month to cure the default.
Remember, paying the Fees charged in connection with a default will not by itself cure the default.
For the federal student loans, she cured her default by getting into an income - based repayment plan.
There may be other conditions within your loan documents that would need to be met as well to cure the default, but the biggest one and the one that probably creates the most stress for folks is the amount past due.
Hence, it is important to negotiate a «notice clause,» which states that the landlord must give the tenant some number of days» notice and the opportunity to cure the default before the landlord's right to terminate the lease comes into existence.
3) Question: My bank just sent me a letter saying that my home was at risk of foreclosure, and that «To cure the default you must pay the the past due amount of $ 0.00, including $ 0.00 in late charges and $ 0.00 in delinquency related expenses.»
In addition to all of those requirements, if the tenant - buyer defaults on a payment under the contract, the seller must provide a specific written notice of default to the tenant - buyer and allow the tenant - buyer at least 30 days to cure the default.
Note: borrowers have a legal right and a window of time to cure a default to prevent or stop a foreclosure from the lender.
This is why, if you get behind on your mortgage payments, your lender will work with you to devise a practical plan to cure the default and bring the loan current.
It is usually possible to determine a date certain for curing the default.
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