Sentences with phrase «to cure the issue»

"To cure the issue" means to find a solution or fix a problem completely, so that it no longer persists or causes trouble. Full definition
This won't cure an issue that is already there, though.
The state appellate court first analyzed whether the plaintiff's amended complaint cured the issue of her geographic inaccuracy.
Any ideas of how to cure this issue Regards
@Delsin: I see your point of view, but until there is absolute solid proof that demons exist, putting your faith in exorcism to cure issues is unwise to say the least.
So if you have bowel movements problems, consider taking Psyllium husk, it cures the issue and no side effects, you can take it for years.
It would be awesome to learn and use natural methods to cure these issues.
Please suggest your best solution to cure this issue.
Many studies have proven that it cures issues like Crohn's disease, peptic ulcers, and other digestive tract disorders.
Headphones go a long way to curing the issues, but even with ear buds, the sound is a bit tinny and does not sound nearly as full as it should.
Current recommendations state injectable vaccines for cats should only be administered low on their legs, because if a tumor developed in this location, amputation could cure the issue.
Bacteria specific antibiotics are used to cure the issue.
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