Sentences with phrase «to dance with»

After a long time I go to sleep and dream of dancing with somebody, nobody clear, just vague with his arms around me.
Is max on dancing with the stars dating anyone.
For example, they are comparing balance in dance with balance in graphic design.
She enjoys sharing her passion for dance with students of all ages.
I think dancing must be one of the best things ever, especially dancing with fire!
Where a night out dancing with friends in a seemingly safe space can end in death.
At these stages, you should make some games for babies to enjoy and develop like dancing with your baby through a great music.
My first dance with death at this pet store involved just one grey kitten.
But the other thing about dancing with a blind man is another lesson entirely.
Buy a new workout outfit, go dancing with friends, get a massage, etc..
My husband, for example, tries to show me he loves me with bear hugs and by dancing with me in the kitchen.
It lets you play with the music while dancing with dragons.
I tore them open immediately and did a little happy dance with one of the copies.
So don't lose such an opportunity as dancing with your partner.
It takes some imagination and creativity, but reading Scripture this way causes the pages to dance with life and color.
Studies also show that singing or dancing with others increases your pain tolerance.
The energy that comes along with dancing with a friend is essential to the experience, especially now that you can do it at the same time.
At its simplest, dance with abandon for 3 minutes, and then take a break.
A typical workout (6 days a week) consists of 60 minutes of strength straining and then 40 minutes of cardio dance with new workout routines every 10 days.
Will you slow dance with me in the living room with the lights down low?
Of course, birthdays are a little different now that baby is here — they involve more dancing with baby in a park and less dancing in a club after dark!
It was my first dance with a debt settlement company.
Above age 60, men dance with more complexity.
Have you seen videos online of people dancing with their dogs?
Then paint that fireplace a nice creamy white and all your cream accents will just dance with delight!
Complete your look for the big dance with one of these awesome nail art tutorials.
He also offered some advice for followers: dance with many different types of leaders if you'd like to improve your following.
The community is decent and most players will enjoy dancing with you whether they win or lose.
You can also bring out a radio so you can have some music and then dance with your partner.
Earlier this year, another priest broke out into dance with college students.
It's been the sweetest thing watching them getting to know her, rocking her to sleep, and salsa dancing with her..
When a bat emerges from its cave, it engages in a delicate dance with hundreds of its neighbors.
Welcome to the world of Beats; listen to your favorite music and Beats will make your heart dance with joy.
This time, there were only 3 students — all women — so we got to take turns dancing with the three instructors.
Come dance with me and let's learn about each other.
Anyway, we had an evening I'll never forget, dancing with old friends and celebrating the union of these two very sweet people.
So if you take off your headphones, it looks like people are just dancing with headphones!
Dance with baby to help build his muscles and coordination skills.
The commercial features dads dancing with kids, surfing, putting their little ones to sleep at night, and even saving kids from an unexpected accident.
Continue dancing with friends or stop to say hi?
She showed us how to rock her to sleep — an intricate dance with specific moves!
I was no stranger to the concept of hating myself, thanks to a long - standing back - and - forth dance with depression.
We are a locally focused dance education center where we share our passion for dance with everyone who enters our classes.
In working to effect change in any arena, «dancing with systems» is essential.
Beautiful food makes my eyes dance with joy, makes my mouth water and fills me up with massive anticipation just by looking at it.
As scientists, we have learned how to make ideas dance with reality, and we expect them to be transformed in the process.

Phrases with «to dance with»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z