Sentences with phrase «to decrease bone density»

One of the health concerns has to do with decreased bone density.
Perhaps cats need to be included in the space program, where decreased bone density is a known problem?
Here are some with the negative reasons for not employing Depo - Provera: it can cause decreased bone density which can lead to osteoporosis, depression, increased blood clots, liver damage, headaches, hair loss, leg cramps, nervousness, dizziness, abdominal bloating, and weight gain.
Astronauts exercise, on average, two hours a day on the station to counter effects of microgravity on the human body, which include decreased bone density and muscular atrophy.
Children and adolescents who take medication for attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) show decreased bone density, according to a large cross-sectional study presented today at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS).
The Nautilus Training Center conducted an osteoporosis study in 1982 in which a group of elderly women suffering from weak bones and decreased bone density trained with light weights in slow motion.
Decreased bone density effects men and women as we age, making us more prone to fractures and becoming dependent on others.
Decreased bone density increases the risk of stress fractures, muscle problems and physical fatigue — serious conditions for the athlete now and later in life.
A more recent discovery in bird medicine is that exercise is needed to minimize changes in bone density as birds get older, she said, because decreased bone density occurs in birds as well as in people.
Elevated cortisol levels will certainly cause decreased bone density and that should be considered as well.
Raised levels can cause suppressed thyroid function, blood sugar imbalances, decreased bone density, decrease in muscle tissue, high blood pressure, low immunity, inflammatory response, lack of ability to heal, and other problems that can contribute to health complications, short term, or possibly long term.
The combination of cycling extreme distances and restricting caloric intake to reduce weight can decrease bone density to levels that put young athletes at greater risk for serious fractures and, in the long term, developing osteoporosis.
There are side effects, including kidney problems, decreased bone density, and gastrointestinal problems.
Perimenopause is the phase before menopause during which women start to experience symptoms of declining estrogen levels, like hot flashes, irregular periods, fluctuating moods, hair loss, and decreased bone density.
Fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive, muscle loss, decreased bone density, and memory issues are all part of the warning signs that will lead to blood analysis to determine HGH levels in men.
«It can lead to many undesirable symptoms such as «burnout» and prolonged fatigue, muscle and joint injuries, poor sleep quality, loss of motivation, irritability, altered immune and hormonal function, reduced appetite, and decreased bone density
Symptoms and signs of low testosterone include decreasing lean body mass or skeletal muscle with increased body fat; fatigue, decreased energy, motivation and drive; decreased sex drive (libido) and erectile dysfunction; brain fog or reduced concentration or mental focus; mood changes including depression, anxiety or irritability; decreased bone density; and hair loss.
It increases cortisol levels, which is known to do all kinds of nasty stuff including deteriorating muscle, accumulating fat, decreasing bone density, to name a few.
The adult age - related clinical syndrome of growth hormone deficiency includes increased fat mass, decreased muscle mass and strength, decreased bone density, elevated lipids, insulin resistance, decreased psychosocial well - being and depression, fatigue, increased social isolation, inability to handle stress, cardiovascular disease, memory decline, overall deterioration in quality of life, frailty, thin dry skin, increased wrinkles, and diminished exercise tolerance.
Fatigue, weight gain, low sex drive, muscle loss, decreased bone density, and -LSB-...]
Significant health effects — Primarily affects the lungs and kidney function, causes heart disease, anemia, autoimmune thyroid disease, and decreases bone density.
Just like processed foods can decrease your bone density, whole foods packed with nutrients can increase bone density and decrease your risk of developing osteoporosis.
Consistently high levels of cortisol can result in learning and memory problems, lowered immune function, decreased bone density, increased weight gain and blood pressure, and heart disease, and high blood sugar.
Both aging and GH decline are associated with decreased lean body mass, decreased bone density, and increased fat mass.
The long - term effects of surgical menopause include decreased sex drive, vaginal dryness, and decreased bone density.
Animal protein causes the kidneys to dump calcium which would decrease bone density.
Among these negatives are decreased bone density, sluggish digestion, increased pain, increased risk of developing blood clots, reduced aerobic capacity, and reduced muscle strength.
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