Sentences with phrase «to deliver someone from something»

Judaism, Pharisaism, law, works - righteousness as opposed to grace, etc., are all «bad,» and Jesus delivers us from them.
Noah and his family passed through the waters and were delivered from the waters just as some pass through the fire, and are delivered from it.
So in practice authentic life becomes possible only when man is delivered from himself.
David continues to be tested voluntarily every six months, but for the present, he believes that only God could have delivered him from it.
Deliver me from myself!
«If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us...»
And it is God's willingness to suffer the worst this process has to offer to deliver us from it, to deliver us to a new path of peace, that is the good thing.
Perfect mercy consists intaking on oneself the wretchedness of another, to deliver him from it.
And as we have seen in previous posts, and will see in future posts, God willingly accepts the blame (or responsibility) for our violence because He is seeking to rescue and deliver us from it.
It is essentially a Walking Simulator, but the narrative it delivers from you just walking around a big -LSB-...]
It is essentially a Walking Simulator, but the narrative it delivers from you just walking around a big house was absolutely fantastic.
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