Sentences with phrase «to deny global warming»

See the issue is that most people don't deny it just a small percentage of people deny global warming for some reason.
I wonder those people deny the global warming whether see the one by one phenomenon, whether they worry about these phenomena?
Many of those labeled «deniers» aren't denying global warming exists; rather, they're questioning it's cause.
If you oppose it you might as well deny global warming.
He's not just denying global warming, he's denying a link between carbon dioxide and the planet's increasing temperature.
After reading a preview of it, I concluded the book denies global warming and concluded it was a bad book.
Conservative political parties in other countries don't necessarily deny global warming either.
I know there is a section of the population that will deny global warming exists right up until the point when coastal cities are underwater.
So it appears he doesn't deny global warming, but more accurate denies the projected implications of said warming.
Although a handful of reputable scientists do deny global warming as well as its concomitant sea - level rise, their arguments continue to be discredited.
We stood out — we wore tin foil hats to highlight the insanity of denying global warming, as some members of Congress continue to do here in 2013.
Its kind of comical that many of the people that deny global warming want to give god credit for changing weather patterns...
You likely deny global warming for no other reason than it makes you uncomfortable and hold science to the impossibly high standard of having to explain every conceivable mystery about the natural World before you will accept it, but some moron rolling around a floor speaking in tongues is enough to convince you he is channeling a spirit.
That said, in general - in the United States, at least - the issue isn't so much about denying global warming as much as it is about protecting and favoring the major fossil fuel industries:
I just want to highlight this illuminating infographic by James Powell in which, based on more than 2000 peer - reviewed publications, he counts the number of authors from November, 2012 to December, 2013 who explicitly deny global warming (that is, who propose a fundamentally different reason for temperature rise than anthropogenic CO2).
In the face of this overwhelming evidence, is denying global warming really that different from believing that the government is hiding aliens in Area 51?
He used to send me lots of links to articles denying global warming, but I countered every single one of them with as much factual science as I could find.
It's just one of the simpleton's excuses for denying global warming due to human activity.]
In 2009, Monckton gave a speech at Bethel University in Minnesota denying global warming.
I don't think Strve McIntyre has ever denied global warming.....
That's what two members of Lord Lawson's climate change science denying Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) did when they bet Chris Hope, a Cambridge University researcher, that 2015 wouldn't be the hottest year ever recorded.
He was later the Chairman Emeritus of the Board of the Institute, an organization that has long denied global warming.
IPCC on the hotseat... IPCC Chairman Denies Global Warming Slowdown Rajendra Pachauri, the head of the UN's climate panel, dismissed suggestions of a slowdown in global warming.
Naturally there are people who will deny global warming until the day they die, just as some will deny that the Earth is over 6,011 years old, or that intelligence doesn't depend on race, and so on (many of these groups overlap).
«Fred Singer Denies Global Warming,» Skeptical Science, November 2, 2011.
Meanwhile, a popular website which focuses on denying global warming announces «Bomshell!
The reason I believe that Romney now denies global warming (after he acknowledged it) is because that's what he feels he has to do to activate the Republican base.
And when reporters have directly asked White House press secretaries whether Trump denies global warming is real, they have skirted the question.
Although very few scientists still deny global warming is upon us, no one yet knows how much of it — if any of it — could be due to a recurring natural temperature cycle.
Patrick Michaels and Chip Knappenberger found 100 papers by looking for papers with keywords «slowdown», «global», «temperature», etc. and found all of the 100 papers denying global warming.
It is striking that not one of the passages you quote denies global warming, Indulis.
I'm sure many people who deny global warming and / or its effects and immediacy honestly believe what they're saying is true, but for some of the others that honesty is difficult to grant.
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