Sentences with phrase «to deprive someone of something»

To share love with anyone who needs it or who feels deprived of it is to me, an end in itself.
Then, as persons accustomed to depend on alcohol for sleep, when deprived of it, are apt to suffer from insomnia, I should add suggestions as to sleep and rest.
In the second experiment, 109 participants, also business students, were split in half, with one group getting uninterrupted sleep, and the other deprived of it.
Women start pulling for more attention when they feel deprived of it.
Aside from depriving both of you of quality cuddle - time, propping increases the risks of choking, ear infections, and (after he's popped out a few pearly whites) tooth decay.
I can totally see where AJ would want to deprive himself of something so tempting.
People who have left their passport with the Home Office for a visa are often deprived of it for years while the process trundles on, effectively barring them from leaving the country, even on holiday.
Conversion is knowingly depriving a person of their property without an intent to permanently deprive them of it.
For many it means depriving yourself of something; for some it evokes the ritual slaying of some animal or even of a human being.
Babies and toddlers need much more sleep than we do and to deprive them of it because we have things to do is just setting everyone involved up for failure.
Viruses use iron as part of their reproductive cycle, so depriving them of it blocks their dissemination.
Why deprive yourself of something that makes your body and mind happy?
Many people are literally scared of starting a diet, because they think that a diet means completely depriving yourself of something.
Elise helped me find a path to clean eating that works for me, and fits into my life, without a constant feeling that I am somehow depriving myself of something better.
And would depriving ourselves of them hold back our health and performance?
I will admit I absolutely love the winter season especially since I was deprived of it -LSB-...]
Everyone should play this game, as depriving yourself of it would mean missing out on an unforgettable experience.
«Humans are hard - wired genetically for an affiliation with the natural world,» says American author Richard Louv, who coined the term «nature deficit disorder» to describe the unhealthy consequences for the growing population deprived of it.
And that claim might not be prior in right to the claim of some prior owner wrongfully deprived of it.
Hence, an unexecuted order of this kind, made by a state court to restore possession to the parties who had been deprived of it by a decree which had been reversed, can not be interfered with by another court by way of injunction, especially by a court of the United States, by reason of the Act of Congress of March 2, 1793, 1 Stat.
If we become deprived of it, our creativity, drive, and motivation recedes and we live life on autopilot.
They hold their office during good behavior, and can only be deprived of it for misconduct ascertained and declared by the judgment of the court after opportunity to be heard has been afforded.
Theft is knowingly depriving a person of their property with the intent to permanently deprive them of it.
A huge step toward increasing our safety with each other as partners is to recognize our own automatic threat responses, whatever form they may take, not as «bad» or «wrong,» but as signals that we feel deprived of something that is very important to us.
Deprived of it, they quickly develop medical conditions from a lack of essential amino acids.
Withdrawal feels like being deprived of something you need in order to survive.
If the way I think when I am not deprived of reason is determined by antecedent causes just as tightly as the way I think when I am deprived of it, then what difference does it make whether I am deprived of it or not?
I think it would take epic disasters to strip someone of it, winning cups instead of league titles is certainly not enough to deprive him of it, nor is finishing in top four for almost twenty seasons.
Sometimes drinking coffee or tea actually helps with sleep rather than deprive them of it.
I think to deprive them of it would be awful.
Being deprived of something we want badly, especially something like breastfeeding or a natural birth, is hard enough.
Neither baby or parent should be deprived of it»
«I'm didn't say I'm willing to challenge, you know, some innocent child, somewhere, who's deprived of something might be willing to challenge the governor's use of power somewhere down the line,» Silver told our Erin Billups.
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