Sentences with phrase «to derail the project»

The phrase "to derail the project" means to cause the project to go off track, fail, or not be successful as planned. Full definition
``... those who oppose wind turbines, biomass facilities and solar farms «just because» — i.e. because they don't like the look of them, because they think wind energy is uneconomical, because they think climate change is a crock, because they believe it will affect property values — won't be permitted to derail projects by manipulating local and provincial regulations.»
The final version - to be issued this summer - will likely conclude that the environmental concerns should not derail the project, despite troublesome leaks from the existing Keystone pipeline, which was shut last week after a small leak in Kansas.
But late last year, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under political pressure, delayed bestowing easements that derailed the project after protests erupted against the pipeline by environmentalists and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe.
«You're forever filling and training positions, which derails projects, and it takes months to recover.»
Her group has filed two lawsuits aimed at derailing the project, and she usually is up front at press conferences decrying it.
«To say zero or some diminimus number at this time is calamitous and all it's serving to achieve is to essentially derail projects that are almost all 100 % low income,» Jerilyn Perine, executive director of the Citizens Housing Planning Council, said in an interview on Thursday.
The charter amendment adopted by the council would make sure the planning commission couldn't quietly derail a project without the council and the public getting a chance to weigh in, councilor Pat Hogan said then.
Sometime in 2011 and 2012, the source said George Lucas saw the game and suggested a number of Star Wars backstories be woven into it, further derailing the project's tentative story plans.
A last - minute scramble to make provision for coverage can delay or even derail a project.
Unchecked stress derails projects and causes absenteeism.
In other words, those who oppose wind turbines, biomass facilities and solar farms «just because» — i.e. because they don't like the look of them, because they think wind energy is uneconomical, because they think climate change is a crock, because they believe it will affect property values — won't be permitted to derail projects by manipulating local and provincial regulations.
When something threatened to derail a project, such as the departure of a team member, and managers had to convince employees to complete a new task or do something differently as a result, they turned to nagging.
Although they seem harmless and usually bring value, deviations from the minimum viable product (MVP) can derail the project's timeline and budget.
A contingency, which the Common Council last year approved when it agreed to provide $ 2 million in TIF assistance to the project, threatens to derail the project.
The economic health and vitality of this borough is of preeminent importance to my administration, and I am satisfied that the legal efforts to derail this project have been given a fair hearing and have been dismissed.»
«My own view is that perhaps Governor Cuomo has inserted himself in this process and for some reason wants to derail this project or reallocate resources from it,» New Jersey state Sen. Bob Gordon said at Thursday's Port Authority.
De Blasio had atypically sided with Mayor Bloomberg by trying to prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from declaring the toxic canal a Superfund site, which the builder, Toll Brothers, said would derail the project.
I didn't want to see us being distracted from the project and find ourselves derailing the project or getting into flight and finding we had some problem and wishing we'd have been more focused during development.»
Beyond the cut - and - dried, some of the basic stuff of moviemaking is clumsy enough to derail the project.
Today, I am continuing north along the Bakers Bay Golf & Ocean Club construction property, in a boat of locals who hope to derail the project.
But environmental groups have mounted a major campaign to derail the project, arguing that approval of a pipeline from Canada's «tar sands» will increase global emissions of greenhouse gases, threaten local water sources and frustrate U.S. efforts to reduce its reliance on crude oil.
While it might appear to be that easy, there are many obstacles that can derail your project.
However, there have apparently been several design challenges that could derail the project.
Pseudonymous developer bitPico has claimed responsibility for the attack — which does not appear to have a financial incentive — and has said that it is a «stress test» for the network, not a malicious attempt to derail the project.
He was hired by a high technology global company on the basis of his transferable skill of leading teams to get critical things done anywhere in the world with resourcefulness when unexpected events threatened to derail the project's timeline.
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