Sentences with phrase «to destroy communities»

These findings can be used to prevent human activities from disrupting or destroying these communities of important marine species.
The result is that policies based on this model consistently destroy communities.
Stop destroying our communities, property values, health and environment with your ignorance and greed.
A touch of madness is often shielded by this transcendent effect as well as by institutional freedom — a madness which, if not checked, discredits the fundamental insight of faith and destroys community in fanaticism.
«The Walton family, which created Walmart, is responsible for destroying communities across the country,» said Audrey Sasson, director for Walmart - Free NYC.
Exposing secrets destroys community by destroying people's trust in one another.
When these are neglected and money is pumped instead into industrial development, the males move to the cities, destroying the communities which have sustained the people for thousands of years and creating huge urban slums.
Bonhoeffer's development of the idea of community in his important book, Life Together... that visionary thinking in the church can actually destroy community... was a very influential idea that pressed me to explore it and even experiment with it in my own local churches.
This is not to suggest that these topics are not worthy of debate and discussion, but they have been known to destroy communities because of the difficulty of effective moderation in the online environment.
«What destroys communities is when low - income black and brown families are forced to suck it up and live with schools that don't work for their children,» Bellafiore said.
He willfully permitted the Fulani herdsmen to operate, killing people, destroying communities wholesale, destroying farmlands and turning the entire Middle Belt into «killing fields», all the while enjoying government protection from counter attack, arrest or prosecution,» he added.
Lax enforcement of environmental regulations has let mining companies destroy communities and taint groundwater throughout Appalachia.
Nutrient enrichment during shrimp cultivation alters bacterioplankton assemblies and destroys community stability — Wen Yang — Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Carrying difficult material on sturdy shoulders, the great Tilda Swinton plays the guilt - ridden mother of a high - school psychopath (Ezra Miller) who destroys a community's future.
John Dewey's approach was through advocating techniques in schools for restoring or developing a sense of community in an era during which industrialization, science, technology and urbanization were destroying community as known throughout the United States.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the city of -LSB--RSB- vote NO on this new spay / neuter proposal and instead work with the law abiding pet experts in veterinary associations, kennel and cat clubs and national animal welfare groups to write effective, enforceable laws that will build rather than destroy community support for Animal Care and Control and respect for pet laws.
Noise emissions disrupt and destroy communities quality of life and health status and regulatory authorities by ignoring the evidence of impacts on health and the uselessness of wind energy as being seen around the world, even in Germany, lack the duty of care and responsibility to rural communities being adversely impacted which we rightfully deserve.
The documentary completely ignored other factors and used extreme sea level rise forecasts in an attempt to scare people into believing that sea level rise would destroy communities along the outer banks and the adjacent low lying land.
After long denying responsibility, Shell Oil has finally accepted liability for two oils spills, which occurred in 2008 that effectively destroyed the community of Bodo.Prior to reversing its position in the last few days, Shell would only acknowledge that 40,000 gallons of oil had spilled.
«We can not allow this senseless violence to destroy our communities in South Florida.»
«TFA is destroying communities of color: they drive out teachers of color.»
«What you are doing is destroying my community
Destroyed communities are seen in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Toa Alta, Puerto Rico, Thursday, Sept. 28, 2017.
«If we lose the smelting jobs around this area, it's going to destroy this community
Kebe admits that he used to live a life that destroyed his community.
So Pastor Hubert Beck, Lutheran campus minister at Duke, noted, «Every advance in technology increases time, decreases space and destroys community
By this test, a religion is good when it ultimately promotes community and it is bad when it destroys community.
It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible.
The people there, led by a woman mayor, resisted for years but finally an armed police force came to destroy the community.
Does the pursuit of material happiness create envy and destroy community?
The issue is whether policies should be geared primarily to this increase, with the result of destroying community, or primarily to benefitting people in communities in part by increasing their ability to meet their need for goods and services.
Because it hates and destroys the community that already exits as it is.
personally i think it is destroying community.
While the Industrial Revolution brought about efficiency and inexpensive goods, it also caused work to lose its dignity and interest, forced workers into below subsistence wages, polluted the environment, and destroyed community.
When we destroy the community of scholars, cruel teaching and learning are the result.
But when we destroy the community of work, we get unethical products and degrading services.
The application of the theory that is guided by this value system has the consistent effect of destroying the community it does not value.
It destroys communities, leaves children without fathers and is the definition of injustice.
It is not always clear if their motive was to bring down the government or to replace it with the opposition but their sacrifices were part of the belief that strong trade unionism and solidarity were needed to turn around attempts to close pits and destroy communities.
«As a former New York City Police Officer, I know firsthand that the presence of gangs on the streets of New York have, and continue to, destroy communities, destroy schools, and destroy families,» Golden said.
State Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr. said Lugo's resignation just months before the June parade attended by up to 1 million people will «destroy the parade and destroy the community
«I'm running with a plan to simplify the tax code, grow small business investment and end the regulatory nightmare that burdens business and destroys communities.
«At a time when the American economy was plunging into the Great Recession, Alfred Gary and his co-defendants were destroying our communities, ruining the finances of innocent people and contributing to the fiscal distress of Nassau County,» Nassau County District Attorney - elect Madeline Singas said in a statement.
«We don't want to destroy communities or tear people away from their families for low - level offenses,» said Eric Gonzalez, the acting Brooklyn district attorney.
«We don't want to destroy communities or tear people away from their families for low - level offenses,» he said.
That's had the effect of, among other things, destroying community.
While it is commendable that Norman finds the courage to confront and tame the wicked force that wants to destroy his community, parents who want a good night's sleep after this movie will need to carefully consider its appropriateness for their children.
In an attempt to capture the little creatures, the evil wizard goes on a rampage, smashing their tiny mushroom houses and destroying their community's infrastructure.
Deepening into a landmark study of destroyed communities, racial politics and local history (roller rinks were the birthplace of the truce between L.A.'s Crips and Bloods), United Skates is cultural anthropology at its Hoop Dreams finest.
Among need for rebuilding destroyed cities and villages, economic and political systems of an destroyed community is the need for healing trauma in order to reconciliation of the society and its progress.
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