Sentences with phrase «to destroy the data»

Users will have the choice of destroying their data after a set period of time, or to pass along their data to a trusted contact or contacts.
My point is that the process as I see it effectively destroys the data we seek.
And because the physical backup is nowhere near you, your whole city could burn down without destroying your data.
In addition, enable location tracking and install a wiping software so you can track down your phone or destroy the data on it if it's ever stolen.
Facebook has been under intense scrutiny since it acknowledged that it had received reports that a political consultancy - Cambridge Analytica - had not destroyed data harvested from about 50 million of its users years earlier.
Also this week, hackers breached a community college in the Los Angeles area and demanded a $ 28,000 ransom to keep from destroying data from the school that they had stolen.
Facebook says Cambridge Analytica, which worked on the Cruz and Trump campaigns, lied about destroying data it collected without Facebook users» permission.
SAN FRANCISCO / WASHINGTON A 20 - year - old Florida man was responsible for the large data breach at Uber Technologies Inc [UBER.UL] last year and was paid by Uber to destroy the data through a so - called «bug bounty» program normally used to identify small code vulnerabilities, three people familiar with the events have told Reuters.
These enemies include a variety of robots whom not only attack you but also focus on destroying the data core as well, and said robots explode satisfyingly, with the «ping» that is heard when you score a headshot also never getting old.
Quebec, insisting that it had assisted in collecting the data, commenced an application alleging that federal legislation was unconstitutional insofar as it permitted the federal government to destroy the data contained in the registry without first transferring it to the provinces.
Facebook recently suspended Cambridge Analytica for not destroying the data of the 50 million users.
The Russians tried to cover their tracks after the election by deleting or destroying data including emails and the bogus social - media accounts they'd set up, according to the indictment.
And it was only last week, years after learning of the breach and days after the emergence of these explosive reports, that Facebook finally announced it would conduct an audit of Cambridge Analytica to see if it had actually destroyed the data.
But my phone conversation suggested the opposite - clicking means mechanical failure, possible scratching off of data with every click, it has to be opened in a «clean room» to avoid destroying the data on the tiny little discs, and the minimum for the place on the brochure is $ 700 (with a max of $ 2700).
A 20 - year - old Florida man was responsible for the large data breach at Uber Technologies Inc -LSB--RSB- last year and was paid by Uber to destroy the data Share this Rating.
This can include data erasure, and where necessary, safely destroying the data device for complete assurance.
Overview of Privacy Management Process for the Compliance and Enforcement Tracking System (CETS) Personally - Identifiable Information and CETS Why CETS Collects Information How CETS Uses Information How CETS Shares Information How CETS Ensures Data Accuracy How CETS Provides Redress How CETS Retains and Destroys Data How CETS Secures Information System of Records
To accomplish this, CASTLE stores and maintains HR - related personnel data on current employees, and maintains data on former employees for 52 weeks after their separation before destroying those data.
As for if the robots complete their objective by destroying the Data Core, then it's back to the start of the level for you.
Recent lawyerly requirements in respect of due diligence projects may include the obligation to destroy data when the project is finished, but quite a few times I have been asked months later by these same lawyers for a reprise of certain points... naturally, they assume I have the enabling data
It works with both PC and Mac, has a touch screen, and has a «self destruct» mode that will destroy all data if a non-authorized party attempts to access the device.
The federal government has already destroyed the data on 5.6 million rifles and shotguns registered in other provinces following its decision last year to scrap the controversial and costly long - gun registry.
For the company, it works toward a «future where data is first and foremost owned by their creator (e.g. an individual posting an image) and where the creator can choose to share, monetize or destroy this data based on their own purview.»
Kogan and Cambridge Analytica both certified to Facebook that they had destroyed this data back in 2015, but «copies of the data still remain beyond Facebook's control,» the New York Times is reporting.
When it discovered this in 2015, it removed the app and asked Kogan, SCL / Cambridge Analytica, and Wylie to certify they had destroyed the data collected.
Facebook knew about the access in 2015 and demanded that Cambridge Analytica destroy the data — something the firm says it did.
But Facebook later learnt that they hadn't completely destroyed the data, as a result of which it banned Kogan and Cambridge Analytica from the platform.
Cambridge Analytica has said that it did destroy the data, and has further claimed to Fortune that it destroyed «all derivatives,» including any algorithms that might have been created using the data.
SAN FRANCISCO / WASHINGTON (Reuters)- A 20 - year - old Florida man was responsible for the large data breach at Uber Technologies Inc [UBER.UL] last year and was paid by Uber to destroy the data through a so - called «bug bounty» program normally used to identify small code vulnerabilities, three people familiar with the events have told Reuters.
And in 2016 Castorina, along with Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R - East Shore / Brooklyn), sued to stop New York City from destroying data from its NYCID program.
The purpose of this legislation was to dismantle the long - gun registry established by the Firearms Act («FA»), and destroy the data contained therein.
Joseph Demarest, the FBI's cyber-crime division assistant - director said the Sony Pictures hack, which crippled computers and networks and destroyed data after a devastating cyberattack blamed on North Korea last year, would not be a «one off.»
Facebook recently suspended CA for not destroying the data.
By contrast, the new attacks seek to destroy data or to manipulate industrial machinery and take over or shut down the networks that deliver energy or run industrial processes.
Cambridge Analytica, Kogan and Wylie all certified to us that they destroyed the data.
Instead, the company paid the hackers $ 100,000 to destroy the data.
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