Sentences with phrase «to determine the issue»

"To determine the issue" means to come to a decision or find a solution to a problem or disagreement. Full definition
However, in some states, fault may still be relevant in determining issues of custody and visitation, child support, spousal maintenance or property distribution.
This can be a very effective way to have a third - party determine the issues in dispute between you and your spouse.
Based on the summary provided by counsel for the defendants of the contents of the video I can not conclude that I will be prevented from determining the issue on the merits.
Thus, trials are no longer the default procedure for determining an issue, but rather one option.
Even if there is a genuine issue of fact or law for trial, the court may determine the issue by way of summary trial.
When determining issues of religious upbringing the views of parents will be of «great importance».
Such misconduct is weighed by the court in determining issues such as child custody, division of assets and whether to grant alimony.
It therefore appears as though retrospective administration orders will remain the subject of judicial debate until an appropriate case finally determines the issue.
The answer to that question may vary according to the applicable law determining the issue.
If a trial determined issues between you regarding your separation, these terms carry forward as well.
It is difficult to determine the issue without some more information.
When accidents occur determining the issue of fault can become a complex issue.
A procedure during which evidence is taken to determine an issue of fact and to come to a decision based on that evidence.
A law report editor reading a judicial decision is trying to determine the issues in the case and how they were decided.
The court gives extra consideration to marriages of long duration, when determining issues such as property division and spousal maintenance.
During the hearing, which is usually quite brief, the court may determine issues such as custody while the parties work out the other terms of the divorce.
``... I am not satisfied that information about Thornton's source, including the disclosure of the source's identity, can reasonably be expected to significantly help determine an issue raised in the parties» pleadings, or ascertain evidence that could reasonably be expected to do so,» Browne wrote in the decision in Stringam Denecky LLP v. Sun Media Corporation.
By following guidelines given, the client will have the capacity to determine issues with antivirus programming.
By performing a thorough Multi-Point Vehicle Inspection, the Certified Service technicians can help determine issues before they start.
A safety assessment will take place in all SCSD schools to determine issues facing individual schools, Fowler said.
He also made the valid point that MCA 2005 does not seek to regulate how a court determines the issue of a person's capacity to litigate.
If the court is satisfied it has all the information that it needs to determine the issues raised by the application and that it would be procedurally fair to proceed, then it is likely that there will be no grounds upon which the court can properly adjourn the substan - tive application.
Selected to work on new technology project to determine issues within real estate regions across the U.S.
Wisdom «determines the mode of coalescence of instinct with intelligence»; it is «a modifying agency on the intellectual ferment so as to produce a self - determined issue from the given conditions.»
A one - group pre - / post-test design was used where the DIT (Determining Issues Test) was used to measure moral reasoning and the PSI (Parenting Skills Inventory) was used to measure parenting skills.
Evaluated customers backup / recovery environments, to determine the issues which contributed to missing service level agreements.
For instance, if an individual enrolls in a 12 - month short - term health plan in March and discovers a health problem in July, an insurer could determine the issue predated the person's enrollment.
After you've sat tight a few minutes for your application to respond, but haven't gotten any, and moreover, your Kindle hasn't determined an issue and offered to shut off the application — you need to kill it on your own.
Once an affordable ADR value is determined they issue certificates on the market to be purchased just like normal shares on the market.
Sometimes San Francisco laws help to determine issues like these, but it can often come down to the court's opinion in the end.
Arbitration may be particularly suitable for determining issues where special technical expertise is required (which explains why arbitration is so common in the construction industry).
This gave rise to the following «decision tree» in analyzing whether other energy services contracts involving vessels were maritime: (1) had the jurisprudence already determined the issue and, (2) if not, did the analysis of six factors provide the solution as to whether the contract is maritime.
In the circumstances it would further the object of these rules, particularly the ability to justly, fairly, and efficiently determine the issues on the merits at trial, that if the defendants intend to rely on this objection, that the application must be made and set down for hearing prior to trial and within two weeks of today's date.
As such, there is no «right» to a predetermined rate of PJI and to the extent there is a right, it does not crystallize until the trial judge determines the issue at trial.
Eleanor has also acted for P in a case involving complex issues of fluctuating capacity, in particular whether the COP is the correct jurisdiction or whether the inherent jurisdiction of the high court might be better placed to determine the issues arising for P. Further, she has conducted a complex and sensitive case about capacity to consent sexual relations and the development of, or protection from, intimate relationships for P where she may lack this capacity.
Also, the exchange of Financial Statements long before a court date will allow the parties» respective lawyers to provide accurate legal advice on matters such as the range of child or spousal support that may be owed from one spouse to another; this can reduce or even eliminate the time that a court would have to spend determining the issue.
Whenever the challenge arises, whether it is to the original or subsequent decision, it is the rationality and lawfulness of the first decision which ultimately determines the issue (per Mr Justice Mitting at para 12).
The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Court determined the issues accordingly.
Provided basic networking and Pc troubleshooting to customers to determine issues prior to technical service delivery.
Reviewed petitions, motions, and briefs that had been filed to determine the issues involved and arguments made, and prepared legal memoranda for the Judge, including appropriate suggestions.
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