Sentences with phrase «to develop one's practice»

Recently I reached out via twitter and asked the following question in the form of a poll: How effective is appraisal / PM in developing your practice in your school?
Instead, work on developing a practice of listening to yourself so your yoga practice serves you and is something you want to return to daily.
This mode of engagement has been the fuel for developing my practice as an artist.
While we do this it is our obligation to keep an eye towards further developing our practice in order to be more effective in the work we do.
Their work will initially focus on developing practices around a competency known as growth mindset, the belief that one's ability can change as a result of effort, perseverance, and practice.
People can move between practices and develop practice areas rather than waiting for the mother - ship for permission.
International development agencies believe that breeding new crops is important for ensuring food security and developing practices through the development of crops suitable for their environment.
The aim is to educate competent, reflective teachers who develop their practice.
It functions as an «artist laboratory» that fosters exploration and experimentation, providing an in - depth opportunity for artists to critically develop their practice.
She also develops practices that teachers and parents can use to promote children's early learning and social development.
First, this appears to be a fully thought out and developed practice management platform with all the features most lawyers would want.
There are many states that continue to develop practice test in driving which you can download and take at home or you may also take the test online according to your preference.
She is known for her competence and experience in developing practice strategies in the industry.
I've been slowly developing my practice ever since, and love the great things that yoga has helped me achieve for my body, soul, and heart.
The four phases are supported by 21 transition activities designed to help leaders develop practices that they can use the rest of their career.
All three partners have independently developed practices and practice philosophies that are remarkably similar and they all share a passion for excellence in pet care and client service.
Nevertheless, over this period I worked with two groups of practitioners to develop practice responses to women and children who had been alienated from one another in domestic violence and child sexual abuse.
Our aim is to further expand and develop the practice together.
To help managers, front - line workers and volunteers working with families and children develop their practice in engaging with fathers.
It's important for practitioners to understand, and listen to, the needs of their bodies and develop a practice routine that best suits them.
Traditional groups developed practices to reduce and remove these harmful compounds.
This new exhibition strand aims to encourage and support artists to develop their practice beyond the studio through short - term projects and experiments.
He was called to the Bar in 2010 and has since developed a practice involving both national and international disputes.
Business Reporting Analysts develop practices for preparing business reports.
Those chains developed the practice of buying store stock directly from suppliers and did so in small quantities.
Instead of providing the program of the week or year, the church needs to develop practices of faith for a lifetime.
So, be open to self - reflection, and be prepared to outline how you learnt from your experiences and how this has helped you further develop your practice.
She has developed a practice which is concerned with social and political issues with particular reference to history and cultural differences in contemporary society.
The central idea is the creation of structures that, while making teachers accountable for developing their practice, also provide the support for them to do so.
These earlier artists developed practices that use conceptual strategies to critique conventional approaches to art making.
I wanted to develop my practice in stages so the change would be manageable; I'll probably be ready to expand to the workplace mediation this year.
Play work - in - progress games, give your feedback, and help develop the practice of game design in New York City.
To develop practice guidelines for implementing better «antimicrobial stewardship in companion animal practice,» AVMA has created its Task Force for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Companion Animal Practice.
So far, I have found the course to be laid out in concise steps, some more time consuming than others, but good for building sturdy, necessary foundations; and helping me develop a better plan not only for marketing and (eventual) sales, but also for developing my practice with a methodical, deliberate approach.
Susanna says: «Exchange Chambers has an established and expanding civil department and I am looking forward to further developing my practice at such a forward - thinking, progressive Set.»
Established by The Abraaj Group, a leading investor in growth markets, to support contemporary artists of the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia, The Abraaj Group Art Prize has given resources to artists to develop their practice by realising a unique project.
They began learning more yoga and developing their practice under the guidance of Ali and Atman's godfather.
That work, as Weiner later developed his practice as a painter, became an epiphany for the turning point in his career.
The Course offered an intense theory tutorial on the fundamentals of international arbitration and the opportunity to develop practice skills with mock sessions on oral argument and witness examination.
He successfully opened his first practice in the Atlanta area in 1988 and continued to grow and develop the practice into a extensive and thriving business.
As a result of completing the first two KidsMatter components, Positive School Community and Social and Emotional Learning, St Mary's primary school has reviewed ideas for developing practices within the positive school community including those which develop healthier relationships and a stronger sense of belonging, and which develop social and emotional teaching and learning skills at St Mary's.
Lindsey also developed a practice focused on defending fresh - produce related personal injury and commercial litigation cases for national and international produce companies.
Practical skills courses, externships and legal clinics help students develop practice - ready skills and experience the challenges of working lawyers.
While developing his practice, he has helped facilitate transactions worth in excess of $ 100 million on behalf of leading FMCG companies as well as IT, advertising, finance, outsourcing and logistics firms.
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