Sentences with phrase «to develop one's skills»

An important question remained unanswered, though: What can teachers do to help develop these skills in their students?
Frequent writing opportunities and opportunities to justify decisions and points of view can help students develop the skill of supporting claims with evidence.
The project is also innovative in its efforts to assist teachers in developing skills for shared leadership for improved instruction.
I am impressed that team activities can help in developing skills as well as improving employee relationships.
Finding a mentor who can help you with your decision - making and further develop your skills for success will be priceless.
He is on a mission to help people develop the skills needed for personal growth, to create empowering media - based intellectual property and to foster mission - based businesses.
These data indicate that participation created a sense of community and belonging, as well as developed skills necessary to carry forward art - based learning activities into their teaching careers.
By developing your skill sets in each of these top five areas, you'll maximize your chances of landing — and retaining — a rewarding administrative position.
This simple, self - directed drawing activity will help your child develop the skills needed for later writing success.
Of course you can discuss the matter with academic staff members but there's nothing wrong with developing skills by yourself.
Focus on developing the skill of integrating adult learning theory and current research - based best practices into professional development program planning.
You will use these activities over and over as the children develop their skills with fractions.
The school will engage students in creating, questioning, and revising knowledge, while developing their skills in critical thinking, collaboration, communication, reasoning, synthesis, and resilience.
This ensures that the challenge also helps students develop skills such as problem solving, communication, resilience and teamwork that will be valued in the workplace.
Currently there is no method or program to deal with students that have not developed the skills required for the next grade.
Libraries help people develop the skills necessary to make efficient and effective use of e-books as a technology and service.
Many second marriages fail because couples haven't developed the skills needed to make their marriages work.
You'll also develop the skill set to grab a workout from anywhere in the world.
To help teachers develop the skills needed to advance student achievement, begin by understanding their strengths and opportunities for improvement.
This is a PowerPoint and worksheet to help students develop their skills at writing up an experiment / investigation.
Through the arts, students develop skills like resilience, grit, and a growth mindset to help them master their craft, do well academically, and succeed in life after high school.
Well developed skills in prioritizing, organization, decision making, time management, and verbal / written communication skills.
So a vital aspect of Marriage and relationship counseling focuses on developing skills which allow this affection and caring to grow and develop.
Highly developed skills in providing patients with assistance in their personal needs and providing support to them in activities of daily living.
I am an effective trainer and would like to continue developing those skills during new employee orientation, benefit open enrollment and human resource compliance training sessions.
Find ways to purposefully help children develop these skills within the classroom.
Babies develop their skills using varied methods and timelines.
Problems can result in opportunities, since they can help you to develop skills employers are looking, such as leadership and people skills.
However, by developing skills around presence, around focus, around «yes, and,» you are certainly going become a better communicator.
It is this combination of expectation and support that helps children of authoritative parents develop skills such as independence, self - control, and self - regulation.
He places a major emphasis on the fundamentals of the game and spends a great deal of time developing skills needed to succeed on the court.
Most of the problems are easy to fix — if you start developing those skills during law school.
Our Data Use course includes a catalog of engaging content designed to help educators develop skills related to specific concepts.
At Virgin, we encourage our staff to take training days and to develop their skills during business hours.
I help clients develop skills and tools they can use in their daily life and relationships.
We are competing on a national level for job creation and to develop a skilled workforce, and should not have to compete against other counties on a regional level.
Use this to your advantage by developing your skills early in your career and then adapting them through the years.
Which newly developing skills helped you the most in your work?
While your resume lists the main attributes you need for the job, like organization and verbal communication, your cover letter should explain how you've developed these skills over time.
Investment to continually develop the skills of the workforce must not be seen as a cost - cutting opportunity.
Additionally, use these keywords to develop the skills section mentioned in a later section.
The program develops skills in needs assessment, designing instruction, and evaluation of instructional content.
Hopefully I can develop my skills more and more.
Talking with your child helps her see herself as a good communicator and motivate her to keep developing these skills.
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