Sentences with phrase «to develop one's style»

Unless you have a hand in developing the style of trading a signal provider uses, there will be conflict.
This is a much more developed style in oils than I am familiar with or have attempted.
It has been delivering premium quality and has been developing styles for the past 18 years.
I know what you mean about developing a style over time.
You are having some conflict around decision - making and need to work on developing a style of interacting that makes both of you feel considered and comfortable.
Instead, he has made his way by developing a style all his own.
His highly developed style is recognizable as his own across various media.
I would say that the last five years, I've really developed my style and it includes a lot of full skirts, and flats, and skinny jeans.
She began developing this style of partner yoga about 15 years ago.
There's not much cooler for this fashion loving Mom, than to see my kids develop a style of their own.
Yet, while some people may be mirror images of their own parents, others develop a style that sharply contrasts how they were raised.
If you long to have style or to develop your style genius than you need to take action.
He has been developing these styles alongside of the geometric abstractions he was originally known for.
Subscribe to our mailing list and get great articles that will provide you with all the tools you need to develop your style in your email inbox.
Do you have any advice on how to develop a style for those blessed with blank slate opportunities?
What these data are telling us is that principals are developing styles of leadership that move away from the traditional administrative role.
Over the years the artist developed a style which was a synthesis of early 20th Century French Modernism and a painterly directness that brings to mind Abstract Expressionism.
Weller would later develop this style further when he starred in Robocop in 1987 and then Naked Lunch in 1991.
Next, we worked on developing our style by creating mood boards led by NYC blogger Dikla Goren.
Speaking of his work, he said: «I have developed my style using both traditional and digital techniques.
I'm always really intrigued by your style and how it develops
Weller would later develop this style further when he starred in
The «Pictures Generation» creatives also include Richard Prince, Barbara Kruger and Louise Lawler, who developed their styles during the media - driven consumer culture of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
In recent decades Lipsky has continued to refine her personalized abstraction into an ever more controlled expression of color, line, and form showing an affinity for minimalist painters who developed their styles contemporaneously to her own.
Formulating a Consistent Message Developing a style guide and set of brand guidelines will help you deliver the same brand message through every interaction with your customer base — from social media posts to blog entries to public interviews.
The artist developed a style in her large - scale works that challenges a traditional linear art history; these works were influenced by a wide range of images from different cultures, including techniques from Persian miniature painting, studies on the female body and subjectivities, and science fiction.
A graffiti legend at the age of 18, he is best known for developing a style called Calligraffiti, which is a fusion of graffiti and calligraphy.
You don't develop a style of play by saying «I want an attacking full back who pushes forward into the space, but don't attack for a few months until everyone is used to and fully familiar with their new roles».
I have slowly developed my style to where now it includes pantyhose, bikini panties, bras, skirts, dresses, garters, lingerie, negligees, jewelry, and anything else I...
Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park Studio developed this style with open, airy plans, low - pitched hip or gable roofs, horizontal brick walls, exposed rafter ends, broad overhanging eaves and grouped wood windows.
Using such materials as resin, glass, neon, and fluorescent lights, Bell developed a style of art — alongside such peers as John McCracken, Craig Kauffman, and James Turrell — that came to be known as «Finish Fetish» due to its high - gloss polish and sheer surfaces, which reflected a Los Angeles aesthetic of Hollywood and technology.
During that decade Brooks developed a style characterized by the staining and dripping on unprimed canvas that became a signature of the artist's embrace of experimentation and risk.
While several American comics creators, such as Frank Miller (The Dark Knight Returns,) and Wendy Pini (Elfquest) have acknowledged manga influences in their work, other American, Canadian and European creators have created original works that show a strong allegiance to the manga way of drawing and telling a story, while developing a style all their own.
William Scott: Upright Abstract 1957 — Scott developed his style from figurative still lives into ever greater abstraction and this is one of his finest paintings, using minimal colouring and expressive modulation of the paint to render an abstract image of objects on a table top.
38,000 BC - Puente Viesgo, Spain In a cave later known as El Castillo, middle Paleolithic painters develop a style of pre-post-painterly abstraction using vibrant colors and abstract shapes heavily influenced by the Ganzfeld effect.
Its goal is not to present a single, monolithic model of a «good marriage» or an «intimate marriage»; rather, it is to encourage each couple to work at developing that style of relationship, with that degree of intimacy which meets the unique personality needs of themselves and their children.
Braddon's father developed a style of machinery and tooling that could produce smaller runs of niche products to serve very specific needs in the marketplace.
And it turns out that once a theropod species developed some style of head display, subsequent species would take large leaps toward gigantic body sizes every 4 to 6 million years.
Master Zink developed his style of Yin yoga from the ancient tradition of Taoist yoga that is indigenous to China.
From basic fashion tips to sophisticated style advice, Attire Club is the companion that offers you the tools you need to continuously develop your style!
He — in separate improvisations — would have become that character and with the set designer developed the style of what kind of restaurant he ran, down to the menus and everything.
Facing the student - gone - rogue Kaecilius (Mads Mikkelsen, who seems to be developing his style again by crying unsolicited tears like he cried blood in Casino Royale), Strange appears ready to break at any moment — just like Tom Cruise's Cage in Edge of Tomorrow he is an unlikely hero who must learn on the job how to defend himself.
The answer is there's simply no comparison - Bennett is one of the great satirists of the English language and, now in his 70s, has honed his craft to perfection, developing a style uniquely his own.
African American painter Jacob Lawrence found inspiration all around him as he grew up in 1930s Harlem, eventually developing a style he called «dynamic cubism.»
I still make more layered, time - consuming art, too, but very intentionally developed a style that takes me less time.»
At the very beginning, I sold directly from my studio because I had to... It was too early to be with a gallery - I was just developing style... I was very very happy & enjoyed getting paid right away for my work, enjoyed doing my own shows, & enjoyed being the King of my own little castle...
Steeped in Hofmann's modernist theories, Kahn nonetheless developed a style of landscape painting that owes as much to the impressionists as it does to abstract expressionism.
Rist's work provides a spectacular backdrop that will draw individuals from across the city to experience the artist's work in a newly developed style.
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