Sentences with phrase «to develop points»

Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.
Every teacher weighs each part of the project and develops a point system to reflect the amount of work and time students are expected to put into each part of the project.
At his size he probably needs to continue developing his point guard abilities, and he can't finish under 40 % from 2 again.
This is a very useful tool when developing your points strategy, so you can see how your credit score is being affected by your activities.
Unless you are already way ahead of me on this it might be beneficial to also develop this point.
«Our custom developed point of sales system, integrated with our general ledger software, has created tremendous efficiencies and accuracy in all our operations and financial reporting,» he explains.
Functional resumes, for example, allow you to include a lot of skills information on your resume, so you can devote your cover letter to developing points about your experience.
You'll need to develop a points strategy based on the purchases you'll most likely make.
Most significantly also, Dei Verbum — without developing the point in detail — clearly understands revelation as the disclosure of God's own selfhood: «Placuit Deo in sua bonitate et sapientia seipsum revelare...» («In his goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal himself...»).
We see Clyde become jealous of his partner's extramarital relationship with his wife, but instead of developing this point further, Condon dismisses it, seemingly only for a moment of conflict.
The one that has received most attention in our time is that stemming from Soren Kierkegaard and issuing in modern existentialism.18 I shall not develop this point beyond suggesting that here, too, concern with the ultimate import of the immediate situation associates ultimacy with immediacy in its concreteness.
«I think more communicating between retailer and manufacturer would help develop point of purchase materials that work for all concerned.
The authors develop this point through citation to and discussion about various lower federal court and U.S. Supreme Court cases, which recognize sexual harassment as Title VII violations.
Weiss developed the point most fully in Modes of Being (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1958), p. 512 and passim.
A thoughtful chapter on the twists and turns of Betty Friedan's attitudes toward work gives Muirhead a way to develop this point insightfully.
Donald Davidson has more rigorously developed the point — though not specifically as an objection to Whitehead — by drawing a distinction between a strong and a weak way of interpreting causal law statements which satisfy the Principle of Uniform Causation.5 On a strong interpretation, says Davidson.
By developing point - of - purchase information, professional, customer and consumer educational materials and programs, Kemin has established FloraGLO Lutein as a recognized brand.
In this article, we will expound some essential points that you should put in mind when developing a
We can help our clients develop a point of view that connects to different audiences in a way that feels true and stands out.»
His intent is to deepen the discussion, developing a point indicated but not clearly landed by The Economist:
Eating slowly or slobbering Rabbits can develop points on their molars that irritate the cheek or tongue, causing them to slobber or eat carefully
Ortman is one of those artists who developed a point of view based on an abstract idea of painting that others would gradually take beyond the formal limits of painting and into other areas of sculpture, performance, or installation.
I will refrain to redirect my reply to interesting sites (which I have nothing in common with) that develop this point so that no one will accuse me of trolling around.
Skelton develops the point: «Some partners are very good, while others find it more challenging.
Building a true brand story means a return to basics: developing a clear service and a deliverable vision for a defined marketplace; understanding where the value points lie in your offerings, and communicating and developing these points under a consistent umbrella — your brand.
Unfortunately it is not possible to develop this point further here.)
Although Wang did not develop the point, I believe he presupposed the cosmology of a harmony of vibratory motions as the background to his claim that the sage is one body with the universe.
In what is probably a serendipitous moment akin to «A Bug's Life» and «Antz», Spooky Doorway also developed a point and click adventure game that takes shots at the X-Files and Twin Peaks at the same time that Thimbleweed Park was being developed, and had a similar theme.
The learning goals for the lesson are to cite textual evidence, analyze how an author develops the points of view of different characters, and write arguments to support claims with logical reasoning and relevant evidence.
You'll need to develop a points strategy based on the purchases you'll most likely make.
Li's laboratory is interested in developing point of care (POC) diagnostics to detect bacterial pathogens, particularly epidemic
Dominic Crossan particularly has developed this point of view; he describes myth as the form of story that functions primarily to form world, and parable as the form of story that upsets and transforms world (DI).
The person who has taught me this is Wes Jackson, and being sponsored tonight by his institute and speaking in the neighborhood of his pioneering experiments, I will not develop this point.
«19 Thomas W. Ogletree, in an excellent essay entitled «A Christological Assessment of Dipolar Theism,» develops this point further: «When Hartshorne speaks of the absolute pole of the divine being, his intent is not to isolate God from process, but to identify one of his aspects with those factors which are the precondition for there being anything whatever....
Not unless he develops his point guard skills a whole lot and learns how to shoot jumpers consistently.
Actually, to develop this point, I do think there is an important germ of truth in Blond's characterisically (and silly) exaggerated talk of «totalitarianism».
Because some types of research cost more than others, the analysts didn't simply tally grant dollars; instead, they developed a point system that gives a standard R01 grant seven points, and other grants more or fewer points depending on how much of an investigator's time they require.
At Ariel, one focus of the financial - literacy curriculum is on aiding students to develop a point of view.
And while there is not space here to develop the point, high wealth donors frequently advance the interests of their friends and family by seeing that they have positions and salaries at the non-profit organizations that the donors have created.
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