Sentences with phrase «to develop products»

However, the government hopes this levy will encourage the entire food and drinks industry to play their part in developing products with lower sugar content.
But this doesn't put a halt on developing its products further.
But failing early in the process of developing a product or service allows us to recover, learn and apply those lessons.
In both cases these firms want to monitor your computer to help develop their products with data about searching habits.
Tell us about your inspiration for developing this product line.
During her 7 years in this role, she provided technical assistance to regional comprehensive centers and state departments of education, as well as developed products, publications, and professional development materials.
Successful companies develop products that become so useful it's integrated into our every day lives.
My students were engaged and were mostly interested in the classroom content and using it to help develop their products.
When developing your product design it is important to have clear answers for these questions: What is the function of my product?
Going forward, I will be providing the company advice and assistance on further developing its product, building strategic alliances, and expanding its user base.
Recently developed products from the company include Mexican - style foods and hot cereals like oatmeal.
We do this by developing products in emerging markets that are tailored to meet basic local needs.
The intention is to take an open - source approach which will allow communities to develop the products which are most beneficial for their needs and markets.
So, I set out to see if I could develop a product like that.
We put a lot of thought and research into developing products that make that interaction as pure and healthy as possible.
Develop products based on commodity trading vehicles and help sell those products to pension funds and institutional investors.
I began developing products with some of the local makers I met.
Just as you might ask why so few women are in technology, you might ask why more mothers aren't developing products for your children.
The ability and willingness to continually develop product knowledge and gain a greater understanding of the day - to - day store operations, customer service, and merchandising is essential.
It's a very concrete way of seeing why you are developing your product at all.
Their mission is to develop products designed to safely and naturally promote fertility pregnancy wellness, and breastfeeding success.
Moving a prototype to a fully developed product relies on the designer continuing to involve the target learner audience.
You're going to lose time developing the product when you could be earning your royalties instead.
The hardware startups include entrepreneurs who develop products with the help of electronic components.
Then, companies should theoretically be better equipped to develop their products more quickly and more safely.
Marketing teams develop the product packages that keep customers coming back.
First, they're passionate about developing a product or service that solves a big customer problem.
First talk to your customers and then develop your product according to your market need.
Insurance companies have in recent years developed products for niche markets, most notably targeting seniors in an aging population.
The company is also developing products in the self - driving car, robotics, life sciences and AI industries, among others.
We will work with your engineering, maintenance, production, safety, and sanitation departments to develop product flow layouts and equipment designs.
• Highly competent in developing product roadmap and design market strategy to maximize revenue opportunities.
The subject is further explored in the panel discussion: how can food and beverage firms develop products so that nutrients and packaging do not go into waste streams?
This includes developing products to insure against more than one kind of risk.
On the premise that no one knows teaching like teachers, some entrepreneurs have developed products around the instructional expertise of teachers.
While the practice of patent trolling is not illegal, a patent troll has no intent of ever developing a product or service by utilizing a patent.
The company plans to continue developing the product and spreading the word, and has plans to continue their growth on both the national and international stages.
No matter what eLearning tool you will eventually use to create your project, you can't just jump in and start developing the product without first having a detailed plan.
Finally, there is the challenge of not only developing products that work but providing those that are desired and that are perceived as being needed by researchers.
• Effectively planned and developed product trials and interpreting trial data.
It means developing products and services that meet the same consumer needs as products we are used to, but in entirely new ways.
Assisted in developing the product pipeline and prioritizing tasks as most beneficial to the business.
On the other hand, if you are customer - focused, you will always be on your toes, continuously developing your product and making it better.
Whether they are details about affordable health care for small businesses nationwide or opportunities for innovators developing products related to the green movement, the focus is on communicating information important to the industry.
He explained the time and care spent developing products that will perform consistently.
First, they must strive to develop a product mix that accommodates as wide a range of customers as possible with a good - better - best proposition.
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