Sentences with phrase «to develop the region»

To develop the region means to improve and make progress in economic, social, and infrastructure aspects of a specific area or locality. It involves implementing plans and initiatives that will enhance the quality of life, create job opportunities, increase investments, and upgrade the overall well-being of the people living in that region. Full definition
In developing regions with strong growth in income and population, consumption could rise by about 56 to 75 percent.
The right instruction can help develop the regions of the brain essential for proficient reading.
He was a pioneer in pursuing reproductive health programs to raise the status of women in less - developed regions as a means of supporting economic development.
But planners could also take advantage of market data to dedicate public resources to the least developed regions.
In most developed regions, urban run - off water end up in sewage treatment plants.
Even in the more developed regions, say the authors, transportation is pricey.
On the other hand in some less fully developed regions, there must be substantial growth in the use of some essential commodities either for food production or for industrial production.
The company is wisely focusing on developing regions where low price tags are more important than brands.
She hopes that one day soon the technology can be used by people in developing regions around the world where a low - cost clean energy device could make a big difference.
Each year cervical cancer kills about 250,000 women around the world, most of them in developing regions without basic health care.
Because many spices are grown in warm and developing regions worldwide, finding them is the challenge and recognizing them is the skill.
There's still plenty of room for better integrating women in developing regions into climate - change adaptation.
Public reaction to increasingly bad air quality in developing regions [74] may lead to future aerosol reductions, at least on a regional basis.
From university coursework for students in developing regions who do not have access to physical learning institutions to corporate training programs, and much in between, eLearning has certainly become a global industry.
We said that in several developed regions around the world, children born in the coming years would never drive a car in their lives.
When multinational corporations enter developing regions they look for modern, comfortable and secure office space.
Many of the economies of these emerging countries are growing much more rapidly than those of more fully developed regions.
Public reaction to increasingly bad air quality in developing regions [74] may lead to future aerosol reductions, at least on a regional basis.
Today, there are about 280 million women aged 50 years and older living in developed regions and about 550 million of them in developing countries.
The New England Journal of Medicine has published «Ebola and Quarantine,» an invaluable commentary by seven physicians * who warn how overreactions by American elected officials aiming to calm fears of Ebola here could make it more likely that the virus will spread in Africa and possibly other developing regions of the world.
China heavily focuses influence operation pages towards Internet users from developing regions such as Africa.
has supported early - career reporters from developing regions through travel fellowships to the AAAS Annual Meeting, where they can interact with scientists, policymakers, and their journalist peers with» no strings attached» on what they choose to write.
Corinne will further expand our existing in - house capability across the UK & Europe and has experience working within lesser developed regions as well as established markets.
With Europe's dynamic pet food market growing quickly in developing regions like Latin America, Eastern Europe and Asia; and even Western Europe, this exclusive event provided a valuable opportunity to learn about innovative, healthy pet food products to capture pet owners» attention and purchasing power.
The youths advised the federal government to channel the resources meant for Operation Crocodile Smile to start developing the region by «setting up fabrication plants, agro allied activities and other industrial projects that would engage Niger Delta youths».
While rapid point - of - care tests for diagnosing sexually transmitted infections are commercially available today and used within developing regions, they tend not to be affordable or accurately quantify the concentrations of the disease markers within a sample, which help to determine the stage of the infection.
With that, the great Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello (Northern Nigerian), the great sage, Chief Obafemi Awolowo (Western Region), the Pan-Africanist, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe and Dr Michael Okpara (Eastern Region); and Dr. Dennis Osadebay and Jereton Mariere (Midwest Region), were able to develop their regions with such produce as groundnut, cocoa, hides and skin, palm produce, cotton, timber, and rubber.
Widespread mobile phone connectivity, the declining cost of hardware devices and increasingly affordable digital content has made e-book delivery a viable low - cost solution for many developing regions.
For example, we found that total livestock methane emissions have increased the most in rapidly developing regions of Asia, Latin America and Africa.
In both scenarios the dominant source regions shift southward, away from the current industrial regions toward developing regions in South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America.
January 16, 2017 Developing regions without access to reliable energy, banking and the Internet at risk of being left behind in Fourth Industrial Revolution
How can Australian research and industry work together to help developing regions improve their resilience to an increasingly volatile world (geopolitical instability, warzones, and climate change) by helping them produce more food domestically, stabilising their markets and ultimately creating a new customer base?
Natalie Angier has a fascinating piece in the Week in Review section describing one unexpected result of recent bursts of rain - forest road building — a boom in the discovery of mammal species, including the saddleback tamarain, found in a newly developed region not far from Manaus, the heart of human - dominated Amazonia.
The Office will support the development of climate models and projections of future climate, facilitate cooperation between regions and countries, and promote knowledge exchange and capacity building with a particular focus on developing regions.
Cryptocurrency can take companies into previously untapped developing regions.
Stock markets in developing regions bottomed out earlier in the year but anti-trade rhetoric and a rising dollar were a headwind in Q4.
While glass bottles are finding a new lease of life among developing regions, the «Old World» is making way for alternative packaging to glass, with PET bottles and bag in box making wine particularly suitable for less conventional consumption occasions, such as on - the - go and the outdoors.
The state must be prepared to reserve huge funds to develop the region following the Pandeffs documents.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide, with less developed regions suffering a disproportionate burden from the disease.
Science must also become more international, with researchers from both developed and developing regions collaborating in fair and equal ways, she said: True global collaboration means «including the agendas, perspectives, approaches, methods, models, and voices of scientists from all parts of the world.»
Emphasis will also be paid to ensure all including those from rural or under developed regions to have equal priority over information.
Jan Boudewijns, head of Emerging Equity Management at Candriam, says, «With volatility at historically low levels and corporate valuations remaining reasonable across developing regions, we see considerable long - term value opportunities within emerging - market equities.
Chabil Mar is dedicated to sustainable tourism practices and environmental conservation and is proud to employ locals on its staff and encourages guests to spend money at the nearby Placencia Village in order to sustainably develop the region.
«As Europe and other developed regions fail to take the urgent action we need, people will be marching in solidarity with the communities on the frontlines of climate impacts and with the impacted workers, people will continue resisting fossil fuel extraction, and communities will carry on building the renewable, democratic energy systems that are the solution to the climate crisis.»
Women Feeding Cities analyses the roles of women and men in urban food production, and through case studies from three developing regions suggests how women's contribution might be maximized.
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