Sentences with phrase «to diagnose patients»

They're people finding groups, whether they're new parents raising kids or newly diagnosed patients suffering from a disease together.
She was drawn to veterinary medicine through the challenge of diagnosing patients, and she greatly enjoys the process of restoring mobility in pets that have suffered from injury or illness.
Unlike physician's assistants and nurses, they do not examine or help diagnose patient medical conditions.
The training enables clinical scientists to help doctors diagnose a patient's disease and suggest treatment.
That's why we take great care in accurately diagnosing our patients, communicating clearly with their owners and determining the best approach to their health care needs.
If doctors can not properly diagnose patients after a battery of tests and failed treatments, they must send them to a colleague or specialist who can.
The researchers were surprised that as many as 25 per cent of recently diagnosed patients suffered a fall in the first year.
Some newly diagnosed patients don't yet show obvious signs of memory loss, whereas others may have severe dementia at the time a diagnosis is made.
They are able to treat or diagnose patients as long as they have the doctors approval.
Failure to correctly diagnose a patient can result in serious problems.
But even as this paradigm shifted, treatment rates move slowly — only 8 percent fewer diagnosed patients received treatment over the timeframe studied.
Their technique might eventually serve as a basis for detecting the disease early and measuring drug effects on already diagnosed patients.
I used to draw parallels between a Chinese physician diagnosing a patient to a painter resolving a painting.
Required to be fast thinking while diagnosing a patient's status and administering medications before and during flight.
The main function of any doctor is to first diagnose the patient's disorder and accordingly provide treatment through the medication or surgical processes.
Using this technology it becomes possible to diagnose patients with aggressive disease, predict clinical outcome, and possible anticipate treatment response.
Clinical scientists do everything from applied research and hospital laboratory diagnostics to helping doctors diagnose a patient's disease.
Performed and analyzed lab tests to accurately diagnose patients and develop treatment plans, including lifestyle changes and prescription medication.
The researchers hope that in future the test could be used to help diagnose patients.
Doctors generally do a great job of diagnosing patients.
Initiating neurology nursing programs, and assisting neurologists in diagnosing patients with brain and nervous system illnesses is my strong point, as is my ability to handle other diagnostic procedures, such as brain scans.
«Because Hodgkin lymphoma patients commonly receive treatment in their 20s and 30s, many of the stomach cancers arise before age 50, nearly 20 years earlier than is typical for newly diagnosed patients who have never had cancer.
Physicians are known to be prone to confirmation bias when diagnosing patients.
Further more unless you are a licensed psychiatrist who has properly diagnosed a patient refer to some one as a schizophrenic may be a bit assumptive of you.
The study included 124 newly diagnosed patients at 25 clinical trial sites in the U.S. Two - thirds of the patients were treated with ICT - 107, an experimental vaccine based on immune system cells called dendritic cells that were exposed to six synthetic proteins, or antigens, known to be involved in GBM development.
While certain patients, particularly infants, have cure rates of 90 percent or better, the outlook is worse for more than half of newly diagnosed patients whose disease has already spread widely or includes mutations in the MYCN gene.
Abilityto diagnosed patient conditions and interpreting findings from examination and diagnostic tests
In a recent NBC report, Florida and Dr. Sean Orr, former Chief of Neurology at Baptist Medical Center were charged with fraud for intentionally diagnosing patients with MS and prescribing Acthar to treat a disease these patients did not have.
For example, if medical software can sift through massive amounts of data to automatically diagnose a patient, without having to go through a human doctor, healthcare would become more affordable for everyone.
If you spend your days diagnosing patients, reliable and disposable penlights are the perfect addition to your medical kit.
The DSM describes the symptoms of more than 300 officially recognized mental illnesses — depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and others — helping counselors, psychiatrists and general care practitioners diagnose their patients.
Because the infection is so deadly, physicians should be aggressive in diagnosing patients suspected of having the infection, Dr. Patterson notes.
Because the sounds can be recorded at home with no fancy devices, it is expected that doctors using this technology could diagnose patients under normal sleeping conditions, which is expected to lead to better treatment.
All participants agreed that a lack of time with patients, as well as few concrete guidelines about what defined irritability and how to treat it, made diagnosing patients more difficult.
Psychiatrists still are not at the point at which they can diagnose patients by analyzing their brain chemistry, but the field is moving in that direction.
«We found that the use of ultrasound to diagnose patients greatly reduced radiation exposure for patients without negatively affecting their health,» said Margarita Oks, MD, Long Island Jewish Hospital, North Shore - LIJ Health System.
Three students from this year's NIH Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Sciences share their experience spending the summer working on The Atlas of Human Malformation Syndromes in Diverse Populations, an online resource that helps healthcare providers diagnose patients from geographically diverse regions of the world.
The 101 multiply - diagnosed patients carried a total of 207 molecular diagnoses.
If a growth hormone or testosterone deficiency is found, the doctor can then diagnose the patient with low GH or low T
Our goal at Hoffman Estates Animal Hospital is to diagnose patients early and begin treatment to prevent congestive heart failure and all the other problems that go along with heart disease.
Simply because emergency rooms are full of patients seeking medical assistance and over-worked physicians without enough time to adequately diagnose each patient does not excuse a heart attack in the waiting room because chest pains were dismissed.
This doctor practices in the hospital emergency room and is trained to quickly diagnose a patient's injuries and stabilize a patient who suffering from life - threatening or emergent injuries.
A doctor wouldn't (or shouldn't) diagnose a patient recklessly, needing varying degrees of information for complete diagnosis.
Obtained history, examined, assessed and diagnosed patients independently with collaboration from physician
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers have a critical role in diagnosing patients without applying invasive procedures.
To examine and diagnose patients regarding their disorders and suggest effective treatments and medications for the same
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