Sentences with phrase «to die for one's beliefs»

Why would you care if someone does or does not die for their beliefs?
Unless, you can show me no other group of humans have ever died for a belief, that is false.
The ones who allegedly died for their beliefs could well have believed that the stories were true.
Tell that to the martyrs who died for their beliefs in Christ.
Sam, you don't understand that Jesus died for his beliefs alone.
Enriched by flashbacks to the alluringly sad tale of Anyusha's mother, a famous Russian refusenik who died for her beliefs, The Wanting is a poignant study of the costs of extremism, but it is most satisfying as a story of characters enmeshed in their imperfect love for one another and for the heartbreakingly complex world in which that love is wrought.
And, the post could not ask for a better coda, than Dave W's remark, «And speaking of dying, why do so many die for this belief
Those who believed in Jesus when he walked the Earth often died for their beliefs.
Name one person who has died for their belief in Santa Claus.
Luther did not die for his beliefs but thousands did in the two centuries after his proclamation.
The willingness of His followers to die for their beliefs was a contributing factor.
Many of my ancestors have been persecuted and died for this belief.
However, would you say that, each one of the 11 martyred men, who really had stolen the body of Jesus in the first place, would be willing to die for a belief they themselves knew to be false?
The chrsitan asked the atheist if he was prepared to die for his beliefs (meaning he believes in no god).
Yeah, I wouldn't say that would be a good example of «dying for his beliefs».
Thomas More was ready to die for his beliefs, Pico went so far as to approach Savonarola toward the end of his short life, and Erasmus stubbornly and ingeniously pursued a course between personal independence and a refusal to abandon tradition.
Every religious cult, from the muslim cult to the christian cult to the Jonestown cult have had people willing to die for their beliefs.
Perhaps willingness to die for your beliefs isn't a very good indicator of the truth of those beliefs?
I contend, dying for a belief, is not evidence.
I will fight and die for those beliefs, but i will first pursue a peaceful means before any physical action is taken!
Dumbazx believers might not die for beliefs they know to be lies but they certainly die for false beliefs.
Why did they die for their beliefs?
This man may die for a belief that he feels he can not recant, and instead of respecting him, you ridicule him for what he believes.
If this man is willing to die for his belief in the Lord doesn't that say something.
First I would like to pray for a man that may die for his beliefs.
Whether one shares his faith or not, it's inspiring to know that there are still people with the strength of conviction and spiritual depth that enables them to die for their beliefs.
Cause so many different people of faith swear they have the truth and will die for their beliefs.
When millions of people share a common experience for over 2000 years straight and have that experience reinfoced by growth, revelation, and miraculous happenings, not to mention the millions of people who have been so convinced of their revelation as to die for that belief, that builds a very strong case for that belief system being more valid than one that some person makes up according to their own whim.
Invent a religion, then benefit from the power, wealth, tax breaks, and needy sycophants willing to die for your beliefs.
I have to agree, let them be free to choose to die for his beliefs.
Non-Muslims know it's best to let the sons - of - bitches who want to die for their beliefs do all the dying.
Muslims seem willing to die for their beliefs.
You begin at number 1 where the purpose is self - protection at all cost and at number 4 you have with religion where a lot of people are willing to die and have died for their belief.
Nobody should die for their beliefs.
Some say that is the last place from which to expect any resolution of the terror wars, for it is the true believers, fundamentalists and hard - liners who are unable to compromise, preferring to die for their beliefs.
6 Great pressure was put on Cramner to recant and he did repudiate some of the doctrines which he had taught, but in the end he died for his beliefs and as he faced martyrdom, he first put the hand which had signed his recantations into the flames, saying, «This hand hath offended.»
lol Your sincerity might be real, but what you are sincere about does not need to be real for you to be sincere or even to die for your beliefs.
Dying for a belief, doesn't make it true.
Having faced psycho killers and been willing to fight and die for my beliefs I can honestly say I have been more than willing to die and kill for them If I stand before a crowd of people and they wish to kill me (and they did) for my religius beliefs and I give them the choice to move or die is it wrong to have a weapon?
Rate the intensity of this one belief on a scale of one to 10 (one being «I have no opinion» and 10 being «I would die for this belief»).
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