Sentences with phrase «to die for one's country»

I am grateful for those in the military who die for their country, as I don't have to be drafted, but this is nuts.
Everyone should be allowed to serve and die for their country without fear of discrimination.
Those who are prepared to die for this country deserve to be treated better.
They were volunteering to fight and possibly die for this country.
Hank Willis Thomas, My Father Died For This Country Too.
When I think about these men and women who took an oath saying that they would die for our country in defense of our liberty, we as lawyers are going to need to answer our own oath, our own calls as a profession and help these veterans.
«He won it by making some other dumb bastard die for his country
The birds look out at me, at the man holding his iPhone to the wall so a distant friend can pray into its mortar, at the Israeli soldiers completing their training and swearing to die for their country before this last remnant of the second Temple, at the masses of praying men and women — the women in a smaller area, separated from the men and further from the holiest part of the Wall.
it turns on my love for those how have died for our countries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He seems to be equating dying for your country with love of your brother, which, while it might be true in some cases, is clearly not true in many others.
It would have seemed odd — treasonably, seditiously odd — for an English Christian in 1914 or an American one in 1941 to have refused to kill or die for his country because he might have to kill his coreligionists on the other side.
It has always been my understanding that the brave men and women who fought and died for our country did so to ensure that we could live in a fair and free society, which includes the right to speak out in protest.
Focusing on a perceived national problem (and let's not forget, the nation is a evocative idea, people will wilfully die for their country) of disordered drinking allows the government to enforce regulation without appearing at odds with their underlying political ideology.
«It is a gross insult to expect soldiers to die for this country while removing their right to have a say.
... Yoseb didn't see the point of anyone dying for his country or for some greater ideal.
The work reflects the anxiety and betrayal that many black men who served felt about potentially dying for a country that resisted the Civil Rights Movement.
Also the moment of silence in school has nothing to do about praying... it's remembering the people who died for the country, which is why it's after the pledge of alliegence.
Millions of people consider it to be an honor to die for a country in a war, every year people celebrate the Remembrance Day as a day thousands made what they call the «ultimate sacrifice».
«No dumb bastard ever won a war by going out and dying for his country,» U.S. General George S. Patton famously said in a 1943 speech.
S. called it «deplorable» that «good citizens,» soldiers willing to die for their country, had to endure the status of «pariahs.»
Many will fight and die for their country, few will stand and die for the convictions of their conscience.
Atheists fight and die for this country.
Some of the men and women in uniform who have fought and died for this country were Muslim Americans.
Another found strength to say, long live Poland, I am dying for my country.
These gay men and women are dying for their country, why can't their country recognize them for who they are?
Americans have often bled, sacrificed and died for their country.
When we do we dishonor those who have fought and died for this country.
He played for the AZ Cardinals and gave up millions of dollars to fight and die for his country.
«For people to say that his voice doesn't matter and it's not an appropriate time to do that, that's why people fought and died for our country.
In an article written for The Sunday Express Lord Ashcroft talks about those service men and women who have died for their country.
«These service members are willing to die for their country, and this is an insult to their brave and honorable service,» she said.
As a resident, he should have showed up and supported the community that supported him and honored the people who died for the country,» said John Maher, 68.
Beltrame «died for his country,» tweeted Interior Minister Gérard Collomb on Saturday.
Brown should recognise that there's «a simple moral principle at stake: those who are prepared to die for this country should be allowed to live in this country.»
A Downing Street spokesman said: «Spraying graffiti on war memorials is a despicable display of disrespect for those who fought and died for their country, particularly at a time when the whole nation comes together to commemorate the 70th anniversary of VE Day.»
«These service members are willing to die for their country, and this is an insult to their brave and honorable service.»
I think part of him believed he'd die for his country — on his feet and bravely fighting.
You still think it's beautiful to die for your country.
When it comes to dying for country, it's better not to die at all.
«How willing are you to die for your country?
After all, since he had been willing to die for his country, Ronsel figures it's reasonable to expect equality and all the rights of citizenship, racist traditions notwithstanding.
It seems this would have been better served as an intimate portrayal of these three aging men who were willing to die for their country than as a giant political anti-war statement and an accusation of how evil the government is.
Today we are engaged in a different war, following another attack, and America's young men and women are once again fighting and dying for their country.
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