Sentences with phrase «to digest meal»

This way you have three full hours to digest your meal before you go to sleep.
I love breaking the fast with a nourishing, light and easily digested meal to start my day.
In addition to being a low glycemic, easy to digest meal with complete protein and healthy fats, they are absolutely delicious.
You may find that you are better able to digest your meals if you keep your liquid intake to a minimum before and during a meal.
Likewise, it's a good idea to eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day so that your system can digest each meal quickly.
And then it happens: you start sending silent but deadly reminders of that partially digested meal from last night.
As a cat gets older, its digestive system becomes less efficient and it requires several smaller, easily digested meals a day rather than two main meals.
I know life is busy and I struggle with this too, but as much as possible, try to slow down at meals, chew your food properly, and allow your body a chance to fully digest your meal before running off to a new task.
If you feel like you are having a hard time digesting meals with high amounts of fat, it is a good idea to consume smaller meal portions throughout the day in addition to using bile stimulating foods such as: beets, radishes, artichokes, asparagus, lemons, limes, and apple cider vinegar.
I simply can't digest meals where is fat, carbs, protein or even worse dairy and gluten together like cheeseburgers for example..
This food also has ingredients that will help your pit properly digest his meal even if he insists on wolfing it down without chewing.
This combo will shut down those hunger pangs, and your body will digest the meal more slowly than a simple carb fix, keeping you going for longer and avoiding a blood sugar spike / crash response.
Stretches of digestive tract in the creatures» legs do double duty — not only digesting meals, but also pumping an arthropod version of blood and oxygen through the rest of the body (SN: 2/4/17, p. 13).
Cold - blooded meat eaters tend to digest their meals slowly, whereas food passes through modern warm - blooded carnivores quickly, often leaving undigested bits in their dung.
So whether you eat two big meals or five smaller meals per day, as long as the caloric content and macronutrient distribution remains the same, at the end of the day, you'll have burned an equivalent amount of energy digesting your meals.
Digesting each meal requires the gut to squeeze and stretch, which may damage some cells.
German biophysicist Rainer Hedrich of the University of Würzburg and his colleagues found that flytraps count the triggers to size up their prey, telling them how much effort to invest in digesting the meal.
Eating easy - to - digest meals like soups, kitcheri (an ayurvedic protocol staple), and oatmeal can be beneficial when cooked with chai spices.
After you have finished digesting the meal, then blood sugars start to drop and insulin levels also drop.
This causes digestive distress because the body is not in an optimal state to begin digesting a meal.
This study suggests that a potential pattern at least worth experimenting with for athletes seeking maximal muscle mass gains would be to alternate between slower digesting meals with faster acting sources (perhaps a whey protein drink or an EAA supplement) throughout the day.
So, without a gallbladder, you are not only inefficiently digesting your meals, but your body is missing out on some of the healthy fatty acids and oils needed for your heart, nervous system, absorption of sugars and a healthy brain.
The surge of carbohydrates and amino acids from this quickly digested meal promotes an insulin spike from the pancreas, which shuttles nutrients into the muscle cells.
There's a reason why he's not digesting his meals well, and that poop probably tastes better than his food.»
The enzymes that help the ruminant digest its meal will give the pet the same benefit.
Outside of nutrient content, another reason why adult food isn't appropriate for puppies is due to the way growing dogs digest their meals and the way their bodies absorb nutrients.
If your dog has worms which continue to multiply in her digestive system, your dog's intestine will become choked full of foreign matter, improperly digested meals, and residue from the worms themselves.
Still digesting our meal, we walked toward the entrance of a long pier, passing by a group of guys renting horses and all - terrain vehicles.
I know life is busy and I struggle with this too, but as much as possible, try to slow down at meals, chew your food properly, and allow your body a chance to fully digest your meal before running off to a new task.
In cases where mom chooses formula, or it's a medical necessity, there's more of a risk that baby will have a hard time digesting their meals.
As much as possible make sure to allow at least 2 hours for your Boxer to fully digest its meal before taking out for its exercise or even before going to bed.
As Kitty's digestive system deteriorates in efficiency, it will require several smaller, easily digested meals a day instead of a single main meal.
Some very general guidelines I would recommend are to (i) try to eat after you exercise (preferably within an hour) and include a quality protein and complex carbohydrate in this meal; and (ii) try to avoid eating a large heavy meal just before you exercise or just before you go to sleep, so that you allow your body time to properly digest the meal (and so you train and / or sleep better).
Shred leftover chicken in the broth with spinach and cooked carrots for a nourishing yet easy to digest meal if you can't stomach eating anything else.
They also take days to digest a meal, meaning they only leave their perches to defecate around once a week, reports Scientific American.
A sloth can take up to 50 days to digest a meal.
Babies can be fussy little darlings, as they learn how much to feed, digest their meals, and then leave the contents in a diaper.
In a modest, nondescript building just outside Los Angeles, researchers are stockpiling a treasure — of organs, bones, and half - digested meals.
Again, the protozoa gobbled up the bacterial feast, but this time they digested the meal.
To survive, they supplement their diets with insects, using a clever counting scheme to snap the trap shut and digest the meal.
In their role as dinner, bacteria also likely provided raw genetic material for the first animals, which probably incorporated chunks of microbial DNA directly into their own genomes as they digested their meals.
Adding dairy to this already difficult combo turns it into a recipe for digestive problems and after - meal fatigue since your body will require a ton of energy to digest this meal.
Each time you digest a meal, your metabolism increases mildly and cortisol levels are suppressed, which then raises testosterone levels.
You already know that digestion is a long process, it takes anywhere from a couple of hours to 7 - 8 hours to digest a meal, depending on the type of the meal that's consumed.
So I've incorporated into my diet principles to balance kapha and pitta (particularly kapha), being very careful with heavy foods, cold dairy, and cold, difficult - to - digest meals.
If you plan on eating a difficult - to - digest meal, I recommend taking a digestive enzyme an hour before eating.
Adding fennel seeds, cumin, cardamom or coriander to boiling water and drinking it as tea will help you digest and get rid of the discomfort that comes from eating a large, difficult to digest meal.
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