Sentences with phrase «to direct one's actions»

While directing the actions of one protagonist, the other can be ordered to follow you or remain stationary in one spot with every press of the control key.
So with 2/3 of the electorate against you, taking direct action on global warming is sure to fail.
Our lawyers have represented general and limited partners, corporations and officers involved in derivative and direct actions in state, federal and bankruptcy courts.
• Take action online and help to facilitate rapid reaction, direct action against strategically chosen targets to promote a vision of no biomass for energy.
These events help interested adults learn how to turn their concern for young people into direct action by becoming mentors.
People's Action is a network of grassroots organizations with a fierce reputation for direct action from across the country that work to advance a national economic and racial justice agenda.
We support each other through direct action, critical dialogue, and grassroots organizing.
At the centre of the majority report's recommendations is the retention of the current Direct Action policy as the basis for further action.
Or maybe like some others you find my talk of forgiveness, and speaking out strongly with direct action when it comes to issues of abuse to be inappropriate?
I can see that historically it has had a part to play in many successful direct action campaigns, but I personally don't think it should be a first or even second resort.
We work together to stop the destruction of the environment using peaceful direct action and creative communication.
But who could have guessed they'd have such a knack for directing action scenes?
It would also be nice to see more creative thinking about how to direct action sequences.
New research has found that carbon intensive companies have lost focus on reducing emissions under Direct Action, when compared with the carbon tax.
Create specific goals and take direct action when it comes to looking for jobs.
• Don't choose a minor disagreement («He didn't want Italian for lunch») or a conflict that was resolved by someone else or just went away without direct action.
Direct Action mission are a blend of mission tasks and goals.
But a new initiative to let voters take direct action holds the most promise in years at cracking down on puppy mills.
On artists of color being torn between direct action and protest vs. art making.
Back in the 80's, we were doing a lot of direct action around nuclear power, nuclear weapons, and military intervention.
Their spaces were praised by the community for promoting direct action and bringing art into everyday living.
Eight floors below, our fellow students spent the week creating direct actions around campus.
Whether this commitment will truly direct actions is an open question.
MPs have backed new laws to stop direct action campaigners from targeting firms and individuals linked to animal experiments.
So how does carefully considered behaviour — what psychologists call «goal directed actions» — become habit, something we do without thinking?
For me there is no reasoning, being reasonable, or letting a personal relationship with the tenant direct your actions.
We support each other through direct action, critical dialogue, and grassroots organizing.
We transform lives with compassionate clinical care, innovative research, high - impact awareness campaigns, free online resources, and direct action in schools and communities.
Again, the «cure» is to get a grip on the debt by taking direct action to tackle it head on — and to stop routinely adding to the debt.
Those have often broken the law; but they have also shown that peaceful direct action can be effective.
As for direct actions, we'll continue to adapt as fast as possible to things we know aren't working well.
They create projects in tandem with the communities who use and inhabit them; their architectural spaces and environments promote direct action and embrace a DIY sensibility.
Before joining the Center her work ranged from nonviolent direct action against logging and road - building to K - 12 environmental education.
Direct action planned in protest against company's involvement in Cambridge Analytica scandal
In such a background King Jr. propagated the doctrine of non-violent direct action to achieve the social, economic and political institutionalization of freedom for the Americans Blacks.
But Jay Tiernan, of direct action group Stop the Cull, said: «Natural England's authorisation of continued culling in both Somerset and Gloucestershire can only be viewed as an admission of a complete failure of the culls to address bovine TB in cattle.»
From face - to - face meetings with top corporate officials, to nonviolent direct actions at corporate headquarters, to banner drops calling out bad actors, to brand jams designed to disrupt the public relations plans of our targets, RAN has placed mounting pressure on these companies and coined the now widely used term «Conflict Palm Oil.»
Doug Liman directs this action film with efficient brutality.
With money for social programs scarce, my own priority is to put cash into more direct actions on sexual and domestic violence rather than into prosecuting obscenity.
Does Maya's life have less value than Pao's, the dog Direct Action Everywhere rescued from the Yulin dog eating «festival»?
Activism on coal issues takes many forms, ranging from litigation to nonviolent direct action protests such as tree sits.
However, it's hard to ignore that it still feels like a Michael Bay directed action movie.
Recent press attacks on McDonnell for previously supporting direct action by protesters did not appear to have rattled him.
leading Greenpeace Australia's Clean Water's Clean Seas campaign which involved direct action against illegal waste dumping by major Australian corporations, in a 6 month tour with the boat Redbill and visits by the Rainbow Warrior.
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