Sentences with phrase «to disappear tomorrow»

Social media serves a purpose, but if the social networks you use disappeared tomorrow, what would you be left with?
• If my business disappeared tomorrow, would it be missed?
Even if we could somehow make climate change disappear tomorrow, these reefs would continue their decline.
Your coffee won't disappear tomorrow, but keep an eye on places like Colombia for what the future holds.
And if Amazon disappeared tomorrow, you'd keep right on reading whatever e-books you had already downloaded.
All of this will continue even if Shelly Silver disappears tomorrow.
I don't keep text files of my blog posts which I hope never comes to bite me in the butt someday of course I do endless backups here on the blog but if my blog suddenly disappeared tomorrow I would lose at least a few of my most recent blog posts and that is something that really bothers me.
If we dared to change our frame of reference so that the «school» we all know and many of us work in disappeared tomorrow and we awoke to find a brand - new system of learning — a web of integrated learning experiences — what would that educational system look like?
In addition, what would happen if Facebook disappeared tomorrow?
Don't forget... if you are in Colorado... The #AuthorU BookCamp is TWO weeks away... get registered on the website — discounts disappear tomorrow.
There is a lot of discussion about the longterm usefulness and value of a crypto currency, but if interest disappears tomorrow, they are all only random bit strings on some harddisk, and as such not worth a penny.
If Windows disappeared tomorrow, somebody else would come along and fill their shoes without a lot of fuss.
If Macintosh disappeared tomorrow, we'd have all these mass - gathering candlelight vigils, with everybody singing «Imagine».
(Cassidy: «If global warming disappeared tomorrow, the bike lobby would still demand more bike lanes.»
Making your resume search engine friendly is not a bad idea in a world that would come to a standstill if the Internet disappeared tomorrow.
It reminded me of Ryan Rancatore's post last week — in it, he asked, «What if your favorite social network disappeared tomorrow?
Our backup plan if Airbnb disappears tomorrow is to do student housing and rent out each of the 3 bedrooms at $ 450 / month.
Graves realizes our Y may not disappear tomorrow — or ever.
This isn't about whether Facebook will disappear tomorrow, but whether it will remain unconquerable for the forseeable future.
Tom tom: I'm sure you accept many things without absolute proof - for example, you probably accept that matter is made of atoms which you can not see; you probably accept that gravity is not going to disappear tomorrow; you probably believe that testing a theory over and over will yield reliable results.
«you probably accept that matter is made of atoms which you can not see; you probably accept that gravity is not going to disappear tomorrow; you probably believe that testing a theory over and over will yield reliable results.
If religion were disappear tomorrow, the law wouldn't and murder would still be illegal.
In the short period of time following our vows and before I started peeing on ovulation sticks like they were going to disappear tomorrow, we told the truth: «I don't know!
«The very nature of this data is that it will disappear tomorrow, so we had to start capturing it from an early stage and design a research framework so we could continue to collect data all along,» said Wang.
We laugh because this life is short and unpredictable and it could all disappear tomorrow.
Even better: «It's live and limited, which gives people extra accountability and a gentle nudge to really get up and moving for the day because each workout will disappear tomorrow
They won't disappear tomorrow.
A handful of loyal fans is better than a mob of strangers who may disappear tomorrow.
My parting comment for those authors who are so adamant about finding ways to destroy Amazon is simple: if Amazon were to disappear tomorrow, how would you make up the sales you'd lose?
According to the general manager of the hotel, their previous system, «wasn't sophisticated enough for what we wanted to do» and they» chose the iPad because it is a great piece of equipment that is here to stay and won't disappear tomorrow
Around mid-summer I noticed that we were re-treading the same digital memes over and over: Amazon's dominance and its competitors» counter-moves, the growth of tablets, the crisis in education and the recognition that book retail won't be disappearing tomorrow.
If consoles were to disappear tomorrow, all current console owners wouldn't go out and buy a $ 1500 gaming PC, they'd likely buy a PC equivalent to what their console was.
I agree that brands need to help people understand why they exist, and why anyone should miss them if they disappeared tomorrow.
This is almost double Hansen's new target of 350 ppm and all tipping points are upon us, with all Antarctic ice about to disappear tomorrow!
Developed and supported by LexisNexis, and with a 20 year track record, you can rest assured that your new system won't disappear tomorrow.
Although cost can be a huge determining factor you always want to pick a solid company that is not going to disappear tomorrow.
To determine how much East Bronx renters insurance you need to have, you should start by making a list of everything in your home that you would need to replace if it all disappeared tomorrow.
This isn't about whether Facebook will disappear tomorrow, but whether it will remain unconquerable for the forseeable future.
Now, Ripple has argued that if its company were to disappear tomorrow, the XRP token would live on, proving it's not a centralized entity.
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