Sentences with phrase «to discard these books»

Books aren't just for reading: this designer is transforming discarded books into fashionable jewelry.
She makes artist's books and alter discarded books.
A wreath made out of the pages of an old discarded book!
If you don't have any lying around, try your local library for discarded books (do NOT cut up a library book in circulation!).
Discarded books from the city's more problematic eras and photographs of the decaying east contrasted well with electric pigments and acrylic weavings and photographs that I took of the industrial parks around my studio.
Between 300 B.C. and A.D. 800, Egyptians in the city of Oxyrhynchus discarded books, scrolls, and other documents with their household garbage in a dump on the outskirts of town.
The images in this series are a collage of sorts — the components are found in discarded books and magazines, then reassembled to create a completely new image.
More On Recycling And Repairing Books Five Ingenious Things To Do With Discarded Books Brilliant Ways to Reuse Books 14 Reuses for Phone Books Repair Damaged Book Binding Learn Proper Book Maintenance, Make Your Books Last
Besides re-purposing discarded books as furniture or art, law libraries have so many more alternatives than before.
Visual News — Mountains of Books Become Mountains — Benjamin Starr — Guy Laramee carves stacks of discarded books into fantastic mountainous shapes.
Nice essays by Anne Fadiman in Ex Libris and a recent piece in the Guardian reveal the challenges of marrying two libraries together and the pain of discarding books.
In view of the fact that there are many who would have discarded this book, are there any reasons why we must strenuously refuse to let it go?
Bousted said that too many schools are turning their libraries into classrooms and discarding books, with some school libraries being too small and having inadequate numbers of computers for children.
When we discard books for non-books, which have images and video and which flesh out the story completely, there's nothing left for the reader to do.
«Save the ball (s) / discard the book
Video, discarded books, drawings on blackboard ink and cast bronze artifacts complete the hellish depiction of a semi-fictitious person seeking out dangerous territories.
A Hawaii based artist from Northern Ireland, she makes sculptures out of old, discarded books and other materials to give them a new lease of life.
Kushner painted on pages from discarded books that cross centuries and cultures, such as a collection of French Christmas poems, 19th century Spanish algebra lessons, a Tsarist treatise, handwritten letters, and a volume of Japanese Noh plays.
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