Sentences with phrase «to discuss data»

Their school day was structured to allow them time to meet and discuss data with their colleagues.
This strategy provides an opportunity to gather staff perspectives and to discuss data collection with other programs that serve families in the community.
The proposed meeting, he further explained, would discuss data security in the course of transmission of results in order to safeguard the security of the process.
Policy makers, politicians and media too often discuss data about class sizes and their impact on student learning without an evidence base, relying largely on second - hand research or anecdotes.
When discussing data, its always useful to understand your time frame.
It also discusses data availability — and the next steps in education finance reporting.
Additionally, marketing and sales teams should meet frequently to agree on common messaging and discuss data throughout the entire marketing and sales process.
While discussing data or student work, questions will likely emerge that can be explored in coaching observations.
This article addresses four different types of conversations that tend to happen when teachers discuss data.
A project manager will discuss data organization options with you.
The last segment discusses data targeting options during early case assessment and considerations for overall strategy.
Every time I sat down to discuss the data with my colleagues..., my reading instruction was shaped by what I saw.
Next, we'll discuss data about how meat eating affects health, and how much protein we really need.
Reboot Illinois discusses the data from Untapped Potential, specifically the lack of minorities in Illinois» gifted programs.
Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg discussed the data privacy scandals involving Cambridge Analytica, outlining nine ways it will restrict your information to third - party developers.
A State Information System to Support Improvements in Productivity In this essay Marguerite Roza discusses the data needed to support districts and schools as they seek new, more productive solutions.
In this essay Marguerite Roza discusses the data needed to support districts and schools as they seek new, more productive solutions.
For the remainder of the academic year 2016/17, Ofqual will publish data tables for learners in Wales and Northern Ireland without commentary, alongside revised publications that discuss the data for England only.
Nicole Eagan discusses data protection and privacy concerns facing big tech companies like Facebook and Google.
Charlie Giancarlo discusses data concerns in the wake of the Facebook - Cambridge Analytica scandal.
Former Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Brittany Kaiser, and Jeffrey Wernick early Airbnb and Uber investor discuss data collection practices, use, ownership and monetization.
Lastly, Dr. Zemojtel will discuss the data obtained with the Avenio workflow from clinical research subjects with ovarian cancer.
Matt discussed data - driven outreach, voter - data feedback loops (i.e., allowing information from direct voter contact to influence the modeling for the next round of outreach) and an Obama - style voter scoring system to prioritize people to contact.
An FBI forensic accountant who took the stand later Thursday discussed data culled from subpoenaed bank accounts, credit card accounts and other financial documents.
In December 2016, NIH staff discussed those data and floated the possibility of limiting a lab's grant total in order to free up funds for early - and midcareer investigators.
Yesterday was the first time the French team discussed their data publicly, speaking to the media at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) here.
The Policy View discusses data from five large epidemiological studies done in Sweden, the Netherlands, the UK, and Spain that compare dementia occurrence in old people across two periods of time using the same methods of diagnosing dementia in the same geographical regions.
Herein, we summarize and discuss the data suggesting a role for MAIT cells in infectious diseases.
Science is a data - driven pursuit, yet we rarely discuss data management in depth.
To expand the Data Dive blog series on Ed Prep Matters, AACTE invites members to submit brief articles presenting and discussing data related to educator preparation.
Recently AYPF has provided several contributions to the Ready for Success Blog, including posts discussing the data sharing system in Metro Nashville Public Schools, as well as a recent discussion group focusing on career academies.
The author will conclude by discussing data from a gamified classroom experience at a charter school in Detroit and investigating language you might use when facing skeptical audiences.
In fact, the PLC did not even see or discuss the data until researchers from Mississippi State concluded their study.
Jonas Lund discusses data, the art market as subject matter and A / B testing with Whitechapel Gallery Assistant Curator Séamus McCormack.
Please Join the «Surrogates» (Matthew Lange, Tilton Widrow, Alex Chipkin, Becky Chipkin, Ben Godward) on Sunday, September 9th at 12 pm at Bogart Salon to discuss the data collected for the Art Time Capsule: Bushwick project.
Back in March, while at the South by Southwest festival to discuss data visualization with a NASA team, I had a chance to watch «Song from the Forest,» a deeply captivating visual and sonic exploration of the strange, music - driven life of Louis Sarno, an American ethnomusicologist who was lured to the Congo River basin in the 1980s by recordings of pygmy songs and, in many ways, never came back.
Denier» is not a scientific term, it's a form of character assassination from lazy minds who want to avoid discussing the data.
I see... so discussing data is now inappropriate and insupportable while it is perfectly fine to inject emotional terms into expert witness testimony given to the public.
SMX Advanced 2017 was a powerhouse of industry leaders discussing data - backed case studies and their insights into mobile - first indexing, visually - engaging content, Google algorithms, and the increasingly collaborative nature between UX and SEO.
Clark Hill PLC Of Counsel David G. Ries discusses data security, Mandiant's M - Trends, and Verizon's Data Breach Investigation Reports.
«There will be two sets of data,» Facebook writes in its letter to the committee discussing the data passed to CA.
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