Sentences with phrase «to discuss the science»

"To discuss the science" means to have a conversation or talk about the knowledge, facts, and principles related to a particular scientific subject or topic. Full definition
I would have enjoyed an audio commentary or extended interviews discussing the science behind the film.
Would you prefer that people not discuss science and its implications if they are at risk of being mistaken?
They don't even know what the term «theory» means when discussing science.
Many pastors and religious leaders, however, don't feel prepared to discuss science because their own experience with it has been limited.
Y: I don't think you're capable of discussing science without your need to call everyone else names.
So now we have a chance to discuss science here and work for the greater good of knowledge.
For every 15 - minute show, three children aged six are invited to discuss science topic with the adults: How are things measured?
Each side of the debate is very well entrenched and they don't even discuss science anymore.
«In the absence of details, I wonder how the parliament will be able to discuss the science budget and articulate national science priorities,» he says.
Thus, they are discussing science content in ways that they normally would not without being supported by the forum.
Technology helps students discuss science in a motivating and supportive atmosphere.
We need to accept this and discuss our science accordingly (i.e., we need to carefully place the science into policy context).
He asked me if I would be willing to attend his study group and discuss the science there, possibly with people whose views were contrary to my own [2].
Here's how it works: create a video that demonstrates the student's understanding of the scientific concepts explained and his or her comfort level discussing science in general.
The first manual introduces the 3 week diet and discusses the science behind the diet along with providing information about nutrition and other background information you need to get started.
We attend such conferences not for personal financial gains but because we like to discuss science with other scientists.
Granted, this experiment is a bit cruel, but it's a great hook to discuss the science of the brain.
However, many pastors and religious leaders feel unprepared to discuss science because, in many cases, their own experience with science has been limited.
As a result, the 2 - hour hearing was more evidence of how entrenched and extreme views are dramatically remaking what was once one of the most rational forums in Congress for discussing science policy.
Greg Laden discusses science communication over at ScienceBlogs.
Alda also discusses the science behind what makes a good communicator and offers advice from experts on effective storytelling, all in hopes of better conveying research to the public.
Stop discussing science you can't be bothered to lear.
Next week, at the Society for Neuroscience's annual meeting, the world's largest gathering of brain researchers, several of them will sit down together again to discuss science funding in an era of global brain projects.
In this video, Professor Daniel Willingham discusses the science of teaching, and considers whether and how basic science can inform teaching.
Siders was among a panel of researchers who discussed the science behind the declining sea ice, the suite of changes occurring in the Arctic and public perception of it.
Kaye discuss the science behind these couples counseling retreats in this radio interview
Everyone's favorite astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson's StarTalk Radio is a comedic podcast where deGrasse Tyson discusses science, pop culture and more with some of today's hottest names in tech, such as Elon Musk and Alexis Ohanian.
The 10,000 or so government delegates and journalists gathered at Bali are not discussing science ¯» the science is settled» is the alarmists» mantra — but politics, pure if not simple.
The International Summit on Human Gene Editing in Washington DC is spending three days discussing the science, ethics and governance of a revolutionary genetic engineering technique called CRISPR — specifically its application to human beings.
Following the performance, psychiatrist and author Richard Restak, and Stephen L. Macknik and Susana Martinez - Conde, scientists who study various aspects of visual, sensory and cognitive neuroscience, discussed the science underlying what the audience had just experienced.
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