Sentences with phrase «to discuss with the doctor»

Again, extensive research on this subject is limited, and I recommend discussing this with your doctor first.
Please discuss with your doctor before undergoing any type of dietary therapy or significant changes to your diet.
That should be discussed with a doctor if you suspect it.
This is best discussed with your doctor as one can't be insulin resistant and not insulin resistant at the same time.
But it is worth discussing with your doctor, who can recommend further assessment, if needed.
Before beginning a carb cycling or ketogenic diet, discuss with your doctor whether it is safe for you.
If you believe your medication is causing or adding to your fatigue, discuss with your doctor what other options you might have.
You will need to discuss with your doctor when or why they will decide it's time for a c - section.
Make sure you also discuss this with your doctor - ideally someone who understands low - carb diets.
When deciding upon either of these surgeries, plan to fully discuss with your doctor preserving the possibility of future breastfeeding.
When deciding upon either of these surgeries, plan to fully discuss with your doctor preserving the possibility of future breastfeeding.
This is something she can discuss with her doctor at the beginning of her pregnancy and decide where it is best and safest for her to birth.
If your medication is causing or adding to your fatigue, discuss with your doctor about what other options you have.
Please discuss with your doctor which detox program is right for you.
Do not go on a diet free of wheat, rye, barley and oat (gluten free diet) until after discussing it with your doctor.
You really need to discuss this with the doctor who is treating your dog.
Today the advice is that you can offer the whole egg to your baby at six months old, you should always discuss this with your doctor first.
Make sure you are taking a prenatal vitamin, as discussed with your doctor since it helps to provide you with nutrients you may not get enough of from your diet.
It is imperative that if you feel any unsettling emotions to discuss this with your doctor so that if the need arises you will have access to the help and support you need.
If your partner has a birth plan, you may need to let the labor and delivery nurses know about it (you should have already discussed it with the doctor or midwife).
The milestones may be delayed in premature babies and you should discuss with your doctor regarding this.
If you are a new mom and have a lack of knowledge about breastfeeding then you can discuss it with your doctor even you are your mom.
So, if you know you're at risk for a true low milk supply before your child is born, discuss it with your doctor while you're still pregnant.
It is best not to give your child this type unless you have thoroughly discussed it with your doctor.
May want to discuss with your doctor given your medical history but I find it helped me with my leg cramps.
I wanted some possible immune support strategies to discuss with our doctor just in case.
So the best choice is to discuss with your doctor for technical advice or researching on the internet about how users who have tried particular products rate them.
Additional services may be added to plans once discussed with the doctor.
If you are on these medications, discuss this with your doctor before taking the test.
You will need to discuss with your doctors if you are diabetic.
If you are planning to travel while you are pregnant, discuss it with your doctor first.
If your dog is suddenly grooming like it's their job, it may be worth discussing with your doctor.
If having more than one person in the room with you during surgery is important, discuss it with your doctor as soon as possible.
If you suffer from extreme allergies, discuss with your doctor whether you may be one of the unlucky few who is doomed to be dog free.
Some people may need higher doses, but please discuss this with your doctor.
It's important to discuss with your doctor how many embryos to transfer, as transferring more than necessary will increase your risk of conceiving twins or more.
We do keep Gravol on hand, but discuss it with the doctor in advance.
Another reason Dr. Oz has experienced such widespread success is that he talks to viewers about things they might not feel comfortable discussing with their doctors.
However, these circumstances can vary slightly if you have to go on medication, and at that point you should definitely discuss with your doctor that you are breastfeeding and what can be done to make sure any medications are compatible.
If you have not had your blood levels measured in the hospital then taking 400IU per day is reasonable and if in doubt discuss with your doctor.
They're also typically safe for those who have IUDs (although we always recommend discussing with your doctor first).
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