Sentences with phrase «to do around the house»

The smart connect app enables you to get things done around the house while your little one rests.
Wearing your baby can help you get work done around the house and may be a necessity if you have more than one child.
He says that instead of expecting a set amount of money each week, it's time to teach kids to start looking for the jobs that need doing around the house.
One of the biggest concerns I had when we found out about the twins was how I was ever going to get stuff done around the house with two babies?
In years past whenever I needed a big project done around the house, I would throw a party.
My family is more capable of doing activities and I am finally able to get chores done around the house!
This method can help the parents by getting those odd jobs done around the house that are put off until last and can teach the child the value of a job well done.
Without that simultaneous quiet time, it's hard to get much done around the house.
This can be a life saver for the parent who needs to get something done around the house.
Made me enjoy it so much more when I came back and allowed me to get so much more done around the house too.
It's the only portable sleeper we have and it has allowed me to get a lot done around the house, even take a shower!
Nothing fancy mind you, but the fact I got anything done around the house at all is somewhat of a miracle to me.
I gave my husband a list of things to do around the house just in case it was time, and tried to relax.
I had grand plans to get some extra cleaning done around the house, but I didn't.
When it comes to chores, most households have one person who knows what needs to be done around the house at any given time.
So, I'm getting lots of things done around the house so that I can have lots of time to talk and just be with them.
Here's a quick checklist of items you need, and things you need to do around the house before the baby arrives.
I always strive to keep doing what I would normally be doing around my house as much as possible, even if I wasn't a blogger.
Giving them work to do around the house helps them to begin to understand and appreciate what it takes to run a household.
Let's be honest: sometimes it's nice to take a break and get things done around the house without having to keep an eye on the kids 24/7.
Getting things done around the house seems impossible and we may sometimes forget to pay attention to our toddler in the mist of the chaos.
Cut back on what you need to, on what doesn't need to be done around the house during the day or in the evening to avoid you getting over exhausted.
And then plan to get some things done around the house over the rest of weekend.
Family members can show what you can no longer do around the house.
There are even things you can do around the house which will earn discounts on your insurance, saving you money for years in exchange for a little personal responsibility or an initial investment.
Oh wow, there is SO MUCH we need to do around the house right now.
Watching them play so I can get work done around the house.
He says that instead of expecting a set amount of money each week, it's time to teach kids to start looking for the jobs that need doing around the house.
My family got together, we got some projects done around the house and I was busy baking!
I am not ashamed to admit I will pop one in when I need to get something done around the house.
Also, we are excited about using it on our backs when the girls are a little bigger so we will be able to get a little more done around the house!
Needless to say, I found myself with so much extra time to spend with him and to get a lot done around the house.
If your twins will tolerate it, nothing's better than a play yard to keep them busy while you get a few things done around the house.
I am a stay - at - home mom and after six months I am still struggling to get anything done around the house.
Lately, I feel like I've been too busy to get much done around this house, much less on my blog.
It is packed with nutrients, protein and fiber to help you refuel after a workout or even just wake up and get a few tasks done around the house.
The more we wore, the more patient he was with me while I learned, the more patience I had with him with sleeping and eating, AND I could get things done around the house while simultaneously snuggling my baby and bringing him comfort.
So introducing toys like puzzles, LEGOs, and even giving them tasks to do around the house like helping to put away dishes can help encourage learning.
just remember, all of us who are going to Haven are getting NOTHING done around our houses!!
Andy the Athlete is an active 21 - 35 year old who has hurt themself in a sports related injury; Gerry the Grandparent is 55 - 75 years old, and worries about hurting themselves; Mary the Motivated Mom is 35 - 55 and has a full and active life, but has to worry about taking care of a family and kids; finally, Woody the Working Dad is concerned about being able to get things done around the house despite an injury.
Kids who received an automatic allowance regardless of work done around the house scored the lowest, at 49.1 percent.
I'm looking forward to hopefully getting some painting done around the house — a longgggg overdue task.
I'm hoping to get a lot done around the house -LSB-...] Read more...
I really like that it gives me a free set of hands to get things done around the house if needed, but it also brings us close together which I really like the most.
You may be able to pay your child for work done around the house provided it is legitimate and the pay is at the going market rate (you probably won't get away with paying your son $ 150 an hour to mow the lawn, for example).
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