Sentences with phrase «to do at this age»

I started doing that at the age of 12 and worked there every summer until I graduated from college.
If he's slowed down a little in his growth rate, that's okay — most babies do at this age as they settle into a long - term growth pattern.
If your child still does it at that age she might need an earlier bedtime.
They aren't seeking approval from their peers as much as boomers did at this age but what they do want is everyone around them to have a social conscience.
They are giving at higher rates than previous generations did at their age, and 70 percent of them spent at least an hour volunteering for a cause that was important to them.
There are tasks that children can do at all age levels that will help you out.
She's been vegan since birth, and eats much healthier than I EVER did at her age.
Can we also talk about how she almost never gets to do all the fun things by herself with mama like her brother did at that age?
In many cases, spaying or neutering is done at an age when the animal's metabolism already has slowed, and its need for food has decreased.
His first musical compositions were done at the age of 10 using computers.
He wanted to stand in the foot space and crawl around and do what babies do at this age.
I can still do this at age 83; two [is] the gift of communication.
If your veterinarian won't do it at that age, be sure to schedule the procedure before your pet reaches 6 months of age.
The procedure is usually done at the age of two to five days old and requires only local anesthetic by a veterinarian.
Rehabbing an injury at age 37 isn't the same as doing it at age 22.
Joseph and Ted Burnett, who made most of their money in real estate, are now doing what many retirees do at their age: converting their portfolio to fixed income — granted, at $ 2.9 billion, it's on a much larger scale than the average family's.
Prince George may look exactly like his father did at his age, but he won't be wearing the same school uniform.
This has to be part of the reason for the last item, but Millennials have much less wealth than their older cohorts did at their age.
Baby boomers in their 50s and 60s are carrying much more mortgage debt than their parents did at their age.
I was actually in danger of losing having to have a full hysterectomy done at the age of 14 due to this issue and thanks to good «ol birth control pills, I was able to keep my girl parts and reproduce normally.
It only allows them to begin learning to become leaders as husbands and fathers in their own future households, as well as prepare them for going on missions, which boys do at the age of 19.
One snatched his ball as he watched, as kids often do at this age.
My 2 1/2 - year - old daughter seems to talk less than her sister did at this age.
Screening for bone density is typically done at age 65, or sooner if risk factors exist (smoker, thyroid disease, chronic steroid use),
But if I recall correctly, my kids couldn't consistently and adequately wipe themselves until closer to age 5, so it isn't something I'd have trusted them to do at this age anyway.
Anyway, my son (# 2) doesn't know as much as my first did at his age, but they're different kids.
So, if your mom found out she had cancer at age 45, you should start having mammograms done at age 35.
Flanery began his training in martial arts, more specifically Tae Kwon Do at the age of nine.
Just remember that you are still young and your body will continue to change in the next couple of years (mine definitely did at this age and my body changed again around 18 - 19 years old).
I think a graphic tee can still be tastefully done at any age, as long as you resonate with the message.
Love can be done at any age in person's life at DatingIntimate.
I don't recall getting particularly hurt or harmed — although I did break a collarbone when I fell over while chasing a friend over rocky ground — but then I also did that at the age of 44 when a car and my bicycle collided on Melbourne's notorious Beach Road.
Despite everything, Kaylee is still an 8 week old puppy and does the same things most puppies do at this age.
My mother's cat, Simon, who was already declawed when she rescued him, was a 17 - pound Bombay (he wasn't overweight, he was just solid muscle and about the size of a Maine Coon), whose declaw had been so badly done that at the age of 4 years he already had trouble walking.
Somehow, and very embarrassingly, I've never done the Grouse Grind, and my son did it at the age of six!
As many children do at that age, Camelia had become distracted and the boy had her brother wandered off.
They don't worry about grade levels and there is no testing, unless teens want to study for and take the public «GCSE» exams which are usually done at age 15 - 16.
In fact, millennials earn about 20 % less in today's dollars as Baby Boomers did at their age, despite being more educated.
And to the woman who says her 5 month old baby is potty trained... you're full of it, and warped in the head to even attempt forcing your 5 month old who has barely mastered sitting (I know this because I'm a mother of 3, and one of them is 5 months old and she's learning how to sit alone as most babies do at this age).
Home prices have increased 250 % since 1980 and Millennials under 25 are spending 7.7 % more of their wallet on housing than the Boomer generation did at that age.3 As a result, the number of non-married people under 35 sharing a home or apartment has grown.
I have personally been inspired by her in many ways, including but not limited to: having the courage to train for a marathon in Port - au - Prince because she had done it first, having the courage to raise my children here through many trials because she had done it first, having the guts to begin to study midwifery at the age of forty - because she had done it at the age of fifty.
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