Sentences with phrase «to do for the community»

First, include any volunteer work or work done for the community.
One of the nicest things you can do for community cats, both friendly and feral, is give them a place to go when it is cold.
I really don't know and I can't think of anything that she's done for our community as a whole.
I'm also inspired by the great work local businesses do for our community.
But we might suggest that some of the things our clinic and our team does for the community and pet owners at large are pretty great!
The simple act of planting vegetables together has changed their relationships with each other and the soil and is a wonderful example of what we can do for communities everywhere.
... The more of us who recognize that, the longer we'll all last at this and a better job we'll all do for the community we serve.
Any groups, whether it's organized labor, or parents, they could care less about the political games, they want to know their senator is up there talking to anyone, whether it is GOP or Democrat, to get things done for their community
Why is there no media coverage for all the measurable good that Amazon has done for the community of readers and writers?
Also, as stated in the article, banning the churches from meeting in the schools will have a negative impact on the community because of the good that a lot of churches do for the community.
I love atheists / agnostics / whatever they wan na call themselves because they will trash all the great things religion does for our communities and lives in an attempt to be «right» about the nonexistence of a supreme being.
Invite us to come and speak at your events to help raise awareness on diaper need and the good that the Diaper Bank does for the community.
Tony Avella has long touted his maverick demeanor, his «independent streak,» but what has he really done for the community?
Steve Cohn has a track record of getting stuff done for the community.
«We will not be able to have an excuse not to get done what needs to get done for our community because this is a decade of progressive politics with a new mayor and speaker,» Espaillat said.
«I appreciate all the efforts Senator Klein does for the community by removing the ugly graffiti.
She called this a «supplement» to what the Department of Health has done for community members.
With everything that volunteer firefighters do for our community, the least we can do is ensure they have access to health care and support if they do develop cancer as a result of their selfless acts,» said Legislator Dixon.
«The president really spoke from his heart, really focused his attention on some of the things that then - Senator Clinton did for this community
Was really drew me to joining Phi Mu was all the work that Phi Mu did for the community — especially the Children's Miracle Network (which is also why I have a CMN fundraiser here on my blog — > to the right!).
We also help other animal lovers — people with pets, activists, and civic leaders — discover what shelters and rescue groups do for communities and work with them to reduce the number of homeless, unwanted, and abused animals.
After seeing all that DPS does for its community, McCurry hopes people will step forward and fill those needs, just as DPS does for so many — humans and dogs.
«I found the tour to be a very age - appropriate orientation to the facility, and we all enjoyed getting to learn more about what AHS does for our community
We are proud to support the important work Peaceful Kingdom does for our community
Going to the march gave me that feeling that I'm not just doing this for my community, but for a whole group of people who need assistance.»
A Snapchat spokesperson gave no official comment, but told me this is something the company does for its community.
He states that «what's really important when you are talking about a sense of purpose is that people are aligned with not only what we are doing in the marketplace, but what we are actually doing for the community as well.
However, the Ngarluma Yindjibarndi people and their advisers had the benefit of access to similar work that had already been done for the community in previous negotiations for an earlier development by Woodside on the Burrup Peninsula.
Can you imagine all the good we could do for our community if everyone voluntarily gave according to their means?»
Many people, especially children, benefit from the continued good work the honourable men and honourable women in those clubs do for their communities.
There is no doubt that the Good Neighbor Award brought about a lot of awareness of the great things that Realtors do for their communities.
Alley Cat Allies is proud to wish this Feral Friend a happy birthday, and appreciates the lifesaving work they continue to do for community cats around the city.
Gillian is a local councillor with a strong track record of getting things done for her community.
But then this morning I read President Obama's 2009 Law Day proclamation, in which he urges Americans to celebrate the bicentennial of the birth of Abraham Lincoln and to use this day to reflect on Lincoln's words: «The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done, but can not do at all, or can not do so well for themselves, in their separate and individual capacities.»
A Snapchat spokesperson told TechCrunch that this store is something that the company wants to do for the community as a way to drive brand loyalty.
Next weekend many entrepreneurs will be ushering in Small Business Saturday, «a day to celebrate and support small businesses and all they do for their communities,» according to the U.S. Small Business Administration.
«We firmly believe that it's the right thing to do for our community, because it ensures that our various products maintain a cohesive vision and stay true to our mission,» Spiegel said.
We're learning some pretty amazing things about not just what they have done for our country — but about what they are doing for our communities every day.
He's taken a vow of poverty so while a small portion of church donations are used to take care of his basic needs (a small price to pay for all the wonderful charity work he does for our community), he owns no property.
But think about how much good the $ 600,000,000 that was paid to their victims of abuse will do for the community...
Including the Knights of Columbus organization and what we do for our communities.
Thank you for this and for all you do for this community!!
On Oct 11, the Northern California Volleyball Association came together and asked ourselves what our organization could do for our community.
And [our players], what they do for our communities, the way they speak out, the way I've spoken out.
The video shows how London Fire Brigade fights more than just house fires and highlights how much they do for the community.
It is a home away from home for many of us, helping many mothers through providing support groups that are held in the stores in which the owners genuinely care, appreciate, and love what they do for the communities they serve.
I had never heard about this program and think it is a wonderful thing that Panera Bread is doing for communities.
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