Sentences with phrase «to do in one's bedroom»

I would not care what disgusting things gays do in their bedrooms.
I've been thinking about doing this in our bedroom, but can't figure it out.
That doesn't mean I don't enjoy sex, quite the opposite; there is very little I haven't done in the bedroom.
I say do it in a bedroom where you won't have to worry about keeping it clean or being on your feet with it for long periods of time!
You people actually care what someone else did in their bedroom?
A clear kitchen table in the middle of the room has the same effect as a neatly made bed does in a bedroom; it just makes the whole space seem 10 times cleaner.
Looking for a woman who knows exactly what she's doing in the bedroom for some sexual gratification and education?
For now, I am trying to get some projects done in my bedroom!
This list can give you additional ideas on what to do in your bedroom mirror if you are planning to put one up and how you might just want to do it.
What other people do in their bedrooms isn't a political issue.
I know what heteros do in their bedrooms, and I assure you, I do not spend quality time thinking about it.
Michael doesn't care what Adam and Eve do in their bedroom.
or how it effects you what two men do in their bedroom?
In what way does what two consenting adults do in their bedroom effect you??? Think about what you are doing... You are trying to imposing your belief on other people... trying to run their lives.
The point is that most of the founders did not believe in a personal god who cares what particularly unhairy primates do in their bedrooms.
When it comes time to get something done in your bedroom you can take the rocker part out of the swing and bring the baby to the bedroom where they can soothe themselves with the rocking motion.
I had previously done this in our bedroom and thus far, it's the only room in the house we have refinished.
This bizarre fixation on what grown - ups do in their bedrooms — which has long since been rejected by the Supreme Court and the vast majority of Americans — is bad enough.
the girls my age do not know how to do it in the bedroom either.
Her work reflects what girls do in their bedrooms, a private space, and transfigures it into a public space.
I agree entirely that the state, its minions, and, indeed most of the rest of us, have no business knowing about and getting fussed about what citizens do in their bedrooms by consent.
The beautiful contrasts of warm and light hues are incredibly done in this bedroom design.
Tara — I love that anniversary digits idea, I would totally do that in our bedroom.
Look at how well it's done in the bedroom shown here — the gold chair adds a bit of spice, but it's the black - and - white printed ottoman and the geometric print wallpaper that really bring this bedroom to life.
If all you are worried about is what gay people do in the bedroom, and all marriage is about is se - x, how do you feel about a man who is paralyzed from the waist down getting married?
YOU: Gay & lesbianism — do Christians, fundamentalists in particular, ever ask themselves — why would God be concerned with what consenting adults do in their bedroom?
If you are concerned that I spend time everyday in prayer or encouraging some poor soul as a waste that is a value judgment no different than a believer that looks down on what gays do in their bedrooms.
Churches again trying to tell us what we can and can not do in our bedrooms, and they think that they are unjustly attacked.
Of course my original comment wasn't about literally what they do in their bedrooms but don't let that get in the way of your rant.
What anyone chooses to do in their bedroom is their business.
Why are Christians so concerned with what other people do in their bedrooms?
And I'm pretty sure you're a real freak if you are THAT worried about what other consenting adults do in their bedrooms.
With or without God it doesn't effect me what people do in their bedrooms and they rob nothing from me by becoming a family.
Sit in the pew and hold their hands on high on Sunday then Monday pass laws controlling what people do in their bedroom.
I do nt tell anyone what to do in their bedrooms, it's not my business.
What I can't get is how an infinite super being without a physical body with magical powers and a strange interest in what we do in our bedrooms actually makes better sense to some people than an infinite, utterly simple natural universe.
McCain would have won in 08 if the GOP had not forced him to pick a lunatic that is hell bent on telling us what literature we can read in our libraries and what we are legally allowed to do in our bedrooms.
Rolling Stone explains the shift of the current sexual revolution: «From OkCupid to Chatroulette to Tinder to Grindr to Twine Canvas to Snapchat, the current sexual revolution resides as firmly in code as it does in the bedroom
«If we can tell you what to do in the bedroom, we can certainly tell you what to do in the voting booth,» said the Minnesota minister, an evangelical leader of a nondenominational church, who expects to endorse Republican John McCain during his «Pulpit Freedom Sunday» sermon.
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