Sentences with phrase «to do more»

Improvement by addition is focused on doing more of what does work: producing a faster car, creating a more powerful speaker, building a stronger table.
My wife is OK with doing more with my daughter, because she enjoys doing them.
As for doing more for your baby, at six weeks I imagine you are figuring this out.
Additionally, in the past two years, 54 % have noticed an increase in clients doing more work in - house.
I hate myself for not doing more research on this subject..
Businesses, and even consultants, often do more damage than good when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO).
The key is to work smarter, and by focusing on mindfulness at work, you can better utilize your full mental capacities, to do more in less time and feel better overall.
The reason they don't do more with their audience is they don't have the tools to track and manage the campaigns they are running.
Just think, you may even be more willing to sit at your desk and get things done more often if you know a stylish comfy chair is waiting for you!
However, I've looked at your college catalogue, and I want to know why you don't do more on the free - enterprise system.
We can do no more here than to suggest the direction that needs to be taken.
Okay, so week one of doing more things went super well.
But he is likely to be remembered as doing more harm than good.
Also, the bacon has better flavor if done more slowly, then quickly on high heat.
But I now know that all that exercise actually did me more harm than good.
I disagree with that statement, «two hands working do more good than a million hands praying».
Moreover, computers are capable of doing more at a time as compared to mechanical traders.
An additional analysis determined that the partners agreed about their assessments of who did more work in the relationship.
Technically speaking, one probably does more reading of the bible while sitting on one's butt than while not.
If you find that you didn't do enough to cater your application to the specific company, start doing more research before you hit apply.
Two of them have done really well for us, and two of them have done more like just ok.
Should you put the weight down once you reach 10 rep, or when the muscle starts to feel uncomfortable or when you can't do any more reps with good form?
It just does more for that guy than for that woman, but maybe we ought to just pull this out of our environment when we can do it cost effectively.
Then do more research to get down to the bottom of what the home is really worth.
Do you plan on doing more deals in the future?
Genetic testing might save some dogs, but also do more harm by identifying the true pit mixes.
Join us as our guest makes a compelling case for being a more effective teacher by doing more with less.
So then why do more people get sick in the winter?
I'll definitely be doing more shopping with them as the holidays get closer.
Will be disappointed he did not do more when he had the ball with time and space.
I'll wait and see how this goes for a year or so before doing more.
You can do it more times if you want... You will actually feel your body completely relax.
Update: After doing some more testing, I've realized that dragging the slider to the bottom will set the same registry key.
Try anything once and if it feels good and fun then lets do it some more.
It can actually help you get stuff done more quickly and efficiently than you ever thought was possible.
It's another example of an article relating to law and the Internet, which does more easily lend to citing blog posts.
I really think we have to do her more justice going forward — not as though we did her injustice, but she just didn't have a lot of screen time.
I just figured there were many out there doing more business than I was, according to their advertising and promo.
Then I need to tell myself that I need to do some more cardio work in the gym to get a stronger core.
It's this idea that we could be living better, happier lives if we just did more stuff for ourselves.
You need to be clear that you're trying to help get things done more efficiently, and that you want to put your team in the driver's seat.
As overall three - point shooting gets broken every season, so do more specific shooting records.
And some words of «wisdom» might even do more harm than good.
So many points savvy folks don't do it any more because tuition is now 2.5 % (or whatever) more expensive.
However, chili chefs on the edge will certainly do more research into this important facet of chili flavor.
While the orbital equivalent of a used - car salesman selling satellite parts is some way off, the need to do more about space junk is immediate.
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