Sentences with phrase «to do something nice for someone»

Few people use their free time to do something nice for someone else.
It's a fun way to be outside and do something nice for others!
Once you've reached one of your goals, celebrate by doing something nice for yourself.
«Each day, spend a few minutes thinking about the most important people in your life — then do something nice for one of them,» she says.
When a man does something nice for you, do you become suspicious of his motives?
Might be a while though, I hang onto games for ages, consider it a thank you for doing something nice for the community!
Then, each month, think of someone who did something nice for you.
Ever do something nice for your recruiter before or after being hired?
Even if our partner does something nice for us, it is still a selfish person doing something nice.
You're doing something nice for someone else and providing a ready - made evening for yourself as well.
This duo shows that you can be a girl boss by doing something nice for yourself like taking a bubble bath, or by landing your dream job.
Essentially, what that means is that we all had an extra 24 hours this year with February 29th on the calendar, so why not do something nice for somebody?
You try do something nice for someone... I suppose you're also upset that it didn't include a free lollipop and printable certificate (suitable for framing) that you're a WINNER!
Self - care is important too, so do something nice for yourself and commit to mini-meditations throughout the day.
Save yourself time and money while doing something nice for the environment with this microfiber mop.
Aside from simply doing something nice for the sake of doing something nice (which has a value all its own) here are other reasons why occasionally working for free — or for a big discount — can still provide value to you in return:
It feels a little strange to laud applause on Amy Adams — gifted actress and evidently nice lady — when she very clearly was just looking to quietly do something nice for someone else,...
Take that pray time and go do something nice for someone.
If you are trying to squeeze in pumping during a 15 minute break at work or while your baby naps, then this may seem hard, but it really makes a huge difference if you can possibly do something nice for yourself to create a positive association with pumping.
You'll find that you're creating because it's fun to create, or you'll help a friend move simply because you enjoy doing something nice for her, not because you're secretly keeping a tally of what the universe owes you in karmic debt.
Here's hoping you can channel that angsty energy into doing something nice for yourself (non-shopping related, of course!).
Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity to do something nice for Chicago while also getting to know other philanthropic people.
Whether training or just doing something nice for your dog, here is our list of the top ten best natural dog treats:
A big part of the reason I spend my Friday nights writing these Games for the Masses posts is because I want to help other impoverished gamers get their hands on quality titles without having to stress out about how much they cost — without having to feel bad about doing something nice for themselves.
For example, focus more on the time Uncle Jack did something nice for someone, rather than on how much you hate it when Uncle Jack pinches your cheek and hogs all the food.
I know it can be difficult to do something nice for others when we aren't feeling well or when something awful and unfair may have happened, but random acts of kindness, or doing nice things for others, helps, inspires, and enhances the day of both the giver and the receiver.
«Why not do something nice for the women most forgotten about?»
I would encourage everyone to try doing something nice for a stranger, a friend, or family member and you would be suprised at how joyful you will become.
You wrote, «If you're feeling down and want an instant «upper,» the surest way... is to do something nice for someone else.»
In fact, the happiest people go out of their way to treat themselves right and they do something nice for themselves each day.
But one slice that is hard not to like is a guy who, even though pressed for time and seconds away from going onstage in front of a packed auditorium, stops to do something nice for someone he doesn't know — just because he can.
Once they've taken the time to take your survey, do something nice for them.
Get in the habit of sending a personal note whenever someone does something nice for you.
It is impossible to do something nice for someone without feeling better yourself.
Take a little time every day to do something nice for someone you know, not because you're expected to but simply because you can.
It's polite to say «thank you» when someone has done something nice for you, but it's also a great way to create goodwill and to build a solid network.
Neither one of you want to ruin your diet but you still want to do something nice for your loved one.
How about you not be such a d i c k to someone that did something nice for someone and learn from their example instead of belittling it?
They are doing something nice for a non-verbal handicapped man who probably doesn't put much money in the plate.
In addition to doing something nice for one neighbor, it gives us an opportunity to meet more neighbors.
I find that doing something for others out the goodness of one's heart and the love of fellow man to have more impact than doing something nice for others so the «eye in the sky» will approve.
Sometimes your Husband does something really nice for you and in return you want to do something nice for him.
I will definitely make this bread, probably this weekend — my husband loves Almond Joy so I'll do something nice for him.
I wanted to do something nice for them, since I basically turned everything over to them, and the one (only?)
After a long work day, I really look forward to being able to do something nice for my body.
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