Sentences with phrase «to do the voice»

The phrase "to do the voice" means to imitate or mimic the way someone sounds when they speak. Full definition
Could this mean she is going to do voice work for a character who is not mentioned in the story - line of the movie?
Because it's too disturbing for me to hear somebody else doing the voice of a character that I played for 15 years.
-- Did you enjoy doing a voice for a cartoon and how does being an animated character compare to other roles — Does you still swim a lot?
But I always loved the idea of doing voice over for animation, a lot!
Or has gaming reached level where people enter the industry with the sole aim of doing voice acting in games?
The partnership will give away prizes, such as inviting fans to come visit the set and even do a voice in the new movie.
If you're home anyway, you can also do a voice command to open the door without getting up from your couch.
If someone does a voice search for «lawyers near me,» is your firm going to come up?
If you can't do a voice or video chat please don't contact me.
Example, PS4 does voice commands fine, and if it had software that supported different features, then it'd work fine.
All of the original actors do the voices to their characters.
When does voice change occur for boys going through puberty, and what does it mean?
If you can actually hear you imaginary friend, what does his voice sound like?
Once the phones did pair, the 9 - inch display made it easy to access phone functions, as did the voice recognition system.
This new addition will let you chat with 16 of your closest friends and do a voice call with up to 32 people.
-- Did you enjoy doing a voice for a cartoon and how does being an animated character compare to other roles — Does you still swim a lot?
So maybe they had someone else do his voice just for that part... Anyway, the rest of the footage is starting to look really good.
And if there are more people, you can do a voice chat instead with up to 32 people.
Along with this are fully voiced characters, with tons of dialogue for each with well done voice acting.
Why do our voices never get heard on this, and other issues?
Initial rumours state that the game is set in the same universe as the movie with some of the actors from the film doing the voices, but that is where the similarities end.
I set something up to be able to do a voice dial and give somebody a ring with an automated scripted message to let them know what phase we are in their case.
Unlike most of my book reviews, I have the fun of doing a voice interview and doing a written Q&A as well.
In which of our churches or colleges does the voice of the rich man not carry more weight than that of his less - affluent neighbor?
Does your voice suddenly lose volume from fear of conflict?
But as always with online dating, its users did voice their concerns, and the downsides and fears of dating services.
An interesting feature is that the characters take turns doing voice - over narration.
One of the movie's most enjoyable in - jokes is the way some of the animals actually look a little like the humans doing their voices.
Not until you push the gas pedal hard on kick - down does the voice of the engine finally becomes audible: discrete, cultured and as mannered as a petrol engine.
The voice acting alone made the story come alive — whoever did the voice - acting wasn't paid enough!
There are also authentication questions you must answer and in some courses, you even have to do a voice authentication every so often.
Many developers are doing voice apps as more of a hobby, in the hopes that the ecosystem will develop over time.
I also told him that I would do a voice if it would be helpful to do the raise.
It's great to see someone not only have a career on screen, but doing voice work as a bonus.
I spend most of my free time at the gym, playing sports, doing voice over work, and working on my car.
For other projects and video game makers, I also did voices and characters — with the toughest being a one - eyed parrot that needed to sound like a pirate.
You can also search for whatever you need by typing in the search bar at the top, or do a voice search by tapping the microphone icon at the top right.
BE: You've obviously been doing voice acting for more than a few years, but how did you first find your way into that aspect of the business?
Do the voices in your head say you're not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough... or just not enough, period?
While the watches must have microphones and speakers in order to do the voice commands, we don't know whether or not they will be able to make calls.
Another nice feature of this app is the ability to do a voice call as you draw.
I took a photo and did voices of family members for encouragement.
They wouldn't tell us who was doing the voice for whom.
A couple of days later, voice actor Roger Clark, who's voice sounds very similar to the individual who did the voice over in the RDR2 trailer «liked» a speculation video on the upcoming game on YouTube.
Kevin Spacey is an excellent actor and with these incredible graphics not only does his voice work shine through but also his facial expressions as it seems the series has had a lot of work being put into creating some of the best facial features and characters I have ever seen in a game.
Greens did voice concerns about Mr Livingstone's record on road building, regulation of the financial sector and air pollution, however.
They include an alternate opening of Carol doing an voice exercise with an annoyingly - voiced woman interviewing her in a bookstore, more of and on Dani and Moe's rocky marriage, a scene featuring an accomplished female voiceover artist (played by Melissa Disney), and a number of additional clips from the convincing fake reality dating TV show woven throughout the film,
How does a voice cast sound including Matthew Lillard, Ed Asner, George Takei, and Tim Curry?
PS4 doesn't do voice controls for Netflix unless you buy an optional extra (the camera).
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