Sentences with phrase «to do with global warming»

Steve is the person who appointed himself auditor of all web sites and organizations that have to do with global warming in order to debunk this «hoax».
When I talk about political issues they have everything to do with the global warming issue, as in voting them out of office!!!! I say that because they are the ones pushing it.
So is it unreasonable to wonder if albedo might have something to do with this global warming caper?
Anyway, as a result of these flaws, and again having little to do with the global warming argument itself, the Senate voted 95 - 0 in 1997 not to sign or ratify the treaty unless these flaws (which still exist in the treaty) were fixed.
How much is to do with global warming — and how much can be blamed on the weather?
Almost as if on cue, representatives from NOAA's National Weather Service have been dispatched to tell us that the event e.g. «has absolutely nothing to do with global warming», but instead is entirely due to the impact of the current El Nino event.
It also says that rapid formation of thunderhead is difficult to predict and may have something to do with global warming.
I could write a headline right now — «Exposure to Impacts from Rising Seas Has Tripled in Maldives since 1965 ″ — that would be utterly accurate and would have nothing to do with global warming or the rate of sea - level rise.
None of it will have anything to do with global warming, which is simply a lot of hot air.
There are various interpretations possible, e.g. a) The big increase in hurricane power over the past 30 years or so may not have much to do with global warming, or b) The models are simply not faithfully reproducing what nature is doing.
It has nothing to do with global warming.
'' a) The big increase in hurricane power over the past 30 years or so may not have much to do with global warming, or b) The models are simply not faithfully reproducing what nature is doing.
-LSB-[Sliding ice is a geothermal effect — never an atmospherical and has nothing to do with global warming.]-RSB-
On that note, thanks to a tip from our friends at World Changing (thanks David) we revisit a post on the Terrapass blog from last year: «What does Hanukkah have to do with global warming
There is really no evidence that the recent observations of hybrid polar bears, however, have anything to do with global warming.
henning @ 191: when you say «Sliding ice is a geothermal effect — never an atmospherical and has nothing to do with global warming»: I'm doubtful.
-- A report from John Fleck examines why the annual distribution of four tons of toxic lead on the streets of Albuquerque, N.M., is not news, and Keith Kloor discusses what this «slow drip» pollution problem has to do with global warming.
Also, I have every right to bash you for being political because 9 times out of 10 you post something that just totally bashes Conservatives and Republicans that has exactly zero to do with global warming.
But that has nothing to do with Global Warming.
(Neither carbon monoxide poisoning (Schwarzenegger) nor low - level atmospheric smog (Garcetti) has anything to do with global warming.)
This article has nothing to do with global warming, but it is about a truly great achievement.
It has nothing to do with global warming and almost everything to do with the near - worldwide ban on polar bear hunting, which hitherto kept populations in manageable numbers.
Since tornado seasons vary considerably from one year to the next due to natural variability, it is unclear that the absence of tornadoes during the past 12 months has anything to do with global warming, just as it's unclear if the 2011 tornado outbreaks were connected to it, either.
We already did this with war and peace, and now we've done it with global warming.
But anyone familiar with Pacifica's history understands this coastal erosion hotspot has nothing to do with global warming, and everything to do with the local geology and the natural El Nino oscillation.
This must have something to do with global warming?
The trouble is, nobody knows if the Arctic emissions are new, or indeed anything to do with global warming.
Not even looking further to see what it had to do with global warming.
However, this has nothing to do with global warming.
But remember, that almost all of the fossil fuel subsidies are in third world countries, and have nothing to do with global warming.
I believe CO2 has very little to do with global warming.
Exactly, and I try often to remind people that the impetus behind the US effort to turn corn in ethanol had nothing to do with global warming, and very little to do with environmental concerns at all.
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