Sentences with phrase «to do with god»

I thought I was about done with the God of War series once I'd beaten the third entry; surely after killing all the gods that Olympus had to offer there was nothing more the series can give me?
Science dealt with the secular realm while religion had to do with a God who transcended that realm.
Religion, as we know, really has nothing to do with God for the Bible... it's all man - made — or as a good friend of mine says «God made man and man returned the favor»...
Even working the assembly line becomes a holy activity when done with God
When asked how he would encourage others to be creative when it comes to evangelism Rev Dyble said: «There are so many opportunities for us to reach out and share what I think is the greatest message in the world... there's nothing that you can't do with God on our side.
im so sori this had to happend to eddy yet he is only human and only a man and it has nothing to do do with god and gods word im sori he has to be the example to the world that this is not the way but this is the life he has chosen if it is true he should have known wat happends in the dark will come in the light his bad yet god is a forgiven god just cuz you sit in church do nt make you saved just like sitting in the garage do nt make you a car.... - smile
Christians have been against science in the beginning because science always ends up proving a strange occurrence has nothing to do with God at all and can be explained with science.
Jesus Christ says to love God with all your heart love your neighbor as yourself and love your enemies The world would be a much better place if we did that
The typical Christian justification that I've encountered has to do with God creating people, thus being ent!tled to make up our morality and pass whatever sentence he sees fit.
Ahead of leading worship at Spring Harvest, she tells Joy Tibbs about the wrestling she has done with God over the years, and about her new album Ethos.
We've done with our own words what we've done with Gods Word.
Predestination in the Bible has nothing to do with God choosing who would be saved.
For the kingdoms of God are inside us all and we all are God's buildings created by God's husbandry and in labors do we all with God share in Godliness morals of righteous God sent civilities appearances.
You don't «sign off» with any other conversation (except for phone conversations), so we don't need to do this with God either.
What traditional judgments about how best to go about having to do with God shape it?
Moses did this with God, and far from proving that Moses was a rebellious idolater who didn't want God to be God, such intimate dialogue with God made Moses more of a friend to God.
I enjoy contemplating the wonder that is God, and am saddened to read the hateful, horrible, misery inspiring trash that articles with anything to do with God provoke.
??? Ok, I'm normally pretty good at reading between the lines, and figuring out what someone is saying, but this is random gibberish, right... and has nothing to do with the psalm they cited, which has something to do with god smoking...
It has to do with God conceived as an actual concrete entity or process — whether God be considered as personal or impersonal.
Done with religion does not mean done with God, but done trying to please God by performance.
It has to do with god because most people want «proof» of god, as they equate proof with truth.
However, as an atheist, I can tell you that my worldview has nothing to do with god ideologies at all.
Fortunately, I recognize the fact that my dreams have less to do with God attempting to communicate His plans to me and more to do with the pepperoni pizza I had for dinner.
The man called jesus has nothing to do with god besides when he spoke about the dude... his message was one of love and compassion... nothing to worship there just a good man with a good message — then when he claims to know things about the afterlife and so called kingdom of heaven all come from eastern beliefs dating from 500 to 600 years before jesus was said to have lived.
If you don't want anything to do with God heaven would be hell for you.
Are you able to do everything you'd really like to do with God watching?
On a radio show March 27th, the host asked Luter whether he believed that North Korea's sabre rattling had anything to do with God judging America for debating same - sex marriage.
I think that the pan flute has to do with the god Pan from Greek mythology.
It's more because there will be select few across the internet who spoil the story in an article that has nothing to do with God of War.
your right marriage has nothing to do with religion But it does have everything to do with God who is the Creator of all things both heaven and earth and all that is in them.
She tries to say something along the lines of people have some innate desire for spiritual fulfillment (which I could buy into, if one clearly defines what they mean), but never provides any supporting information as to how this is true and, particularly, how does this have to do with her god in the first place.
God will not do what we will not do with God.
How do we do this with God?
they have nothing to do with God (s).
has nothing to do with God's works.
I see, and since prayer has nothing to do with gods or jesus, there is no connection with any such discussion.
(And you are one too unless you have been to every corner of the universe to prove it one way or the other) Nothing else has anything at all to do with a God being real or not.
people with alheimer's really talk some crazy stuff before they die, god and love don't have a damn thing to do with it
The very same people who want nothing to do with God, are the very same ones who always submit the smug, sarcastic posts that mock Him.
Cool story & all, but what does this have to do with God?
What does any of that stuff have to do with God or Jesus in the first place?
If we take a close look at Stephen's speech with a geographical lens, we can notice that almost all of his points have to do with God's activity outside of Israel: God called Abraham while in Haran; God using Joseph in Egypt; God called and used Moses in Egypt; God with Moses in the burning bush and calling it holy ground near Mount Sinai; God's provisions to Israel in the desert wanderings outside Israel; and God dwelling in the tabernacle.
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