Sentences with phrase «to do with language»

I think some of the transformation has to do with language acquisition.
It has more to do with language arts than you might realize.
Film literacy, as a field of academic interest, has far more to do with language education than it does with the films we see at the cinema.
And this is a kind of translation that has nothing to do with language like Spanish or French or Mandarin.
These are checklists that allow language learners to self - assess what they can do with the language within the three modes of communication.
As I used to say to my students from time to time, lawyers aren't allowed to use their fists: it's all done with language, so develop a love for that tool.
Other interested companies like the aforementioned Facebook and Uber seem to be waiting around to see what Android does with the language first before jumping in full force.
As per reports, Home smart services is already under way and a lot of it has to do with language recognition.
It is because many of the terms lack meaning that squares with verifiable human experience (must be verifiable to others, as well, for purposes of proof; but inverse this requirement, as I did with language, and you end up with the following: if something can't be evidenced to others, there is a good likelihood that it is not what the individual thinks it is).
So since many of them spend so much time with these gadgets, they don't have anything to do with the languages.
The reason it took so long for the penny being paid by the poor to drop is, I suspect, to do with the language that budget measures came wrapped in.
Different tongues «contain interesting features that show what the human mind can do with language,» says Byron Bender, a University of Hawaii an Manoa linguist who created the Marshallese — English Online Dictionary.
For our bilingual learners, much of this has to do with language.
«This hostility toward bilingualism has nothing to do with language as such.
Murphy wants parents to expose their children to mathematical concepts from the beginning just as they do with language.
I've just read Anne Enright's The Green Road and I love what she does with language; I love Cormac McCarthy for the same reason.
It all has to do with language.
«Consequently, what I do to buildings is what some do with language and others do with groups of people: I organize them in order to explain and defend the need for change.»
PE These projects have to do with language, ultimately.
AP The motivation these artists had for making paintings had very little to do with language and a lot to do with feeling.
Consequently, what I do to buildings is what some do with languages and others with groups of people: I organize them in order to explain and defend the need for change.»
«My work's always had a lot to do with language and the landscape of the mind,» says artist Jessica Rankin, referencing her intricately embroidered pieces.
What they did with language was not saying what I had in mind.
I do believe that the problem is one to do with language.
This has to do with language as much as anything else; Alexa's language expansion has been very slow in comparison with Apple's Siri assistant.
The profession has all to do with languages; therefore, it is a given that all skills regarding languages should be highlighted.
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