Sentences with phrase «to do with yoga»

Have you seen what they're doing with yoga mats these days?
I may get on my mat every day for some down dogs and forward folds, but I'm done with yoga as exercise.
If your intention changes then just go with the flow and your answer to what is it you want to do with your yoga teacher training, could come to you eventually.
What, you ask, would my Daddy issues have to do with my yoga practice?
For example, Ashtanga certifications to teach come directly from R. Sharath Jois and the KPJAYI institute in Mysore, and have nothing to do with Yoga Alliance at all.
Accessorizing with jewelry, a scarf, or sunglasses is an easy way to make your outfit more intentionally stylish and less I just got done with yoga.
Hi, I'm Christine, a mum of two and I love everything to do with yoga!
So here's what we're doing with yoga and foods to support our knees.
I'm done with yoga.
What I'm doing with yoga is bringing it back to its original source as a whole - health system, without the exclusivity or private ideologies.
So what do you do with your yoga mat, if you don't want it decomposing in the local landfill?
Which could leave the uninitiated to wonder: What do the elements have to do with yoga?
I inadvertently summed up the mission behind much of my yoga teaching in passing earlier this week, in the middle of a conversation that had nothing (but apparently everything) to do with yoga.
The fitness industry doesn't quite know what to do with yoga.
While the article has nothing to do with yoga, the accompanying image is a person doing yoga on a stand - up paddleboard.
So what does this have to do with yoga?
We encourage communication, exploration and enjoyment of all things having to do with yoga or Vedic culture in general, including Jyotish, Ayurveda, Mantra, Tantra, Yoga and anything else we can think of...!
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