Sentences with phrase «to drain the swamp»

The phrase "to drain the swamp" means to eliminate corrupt and unethical practices or behavior from a particular system or organization. Full definition
«To speak of draining the swamps of Islamo - fascism through democratization of the whole Muslim crescent,» he writes, «was mad.»
«President Trump himself vowed that he was going to drain the swamp in Washington, and ironically, his number one supporter — Chris Collins — is the epitome of an unethical self - promoter who has literally accomplished nothing for the people of the 27th District, the very people he's supposed to represent,» Cole said.
, we need not drain the swamp — but I hope we can avoid the quagmires, and cut through some of the jargon.
Rep. John Boehner (R - Minority Leader), on «Fox News Sunday» «When I talk about draining the swamp Chris, you've heard me say this.
These methods range from interventions in the environment like draining swamps, to genetic adaptations in the human body.
Schist is in the process of draining the swamp area for his own greedy purposes, and the only thing he sees standing in the way of him and untold millions are the local natives, namely, the Native Americans and environmentalists trying to protect the lands.
Author and former editor - in - chief of «Cosmopolitan» Kate White told me, «Don't forget to drain the swamp while you're slaying the alligators.»
Learn to drain the swamp as you slay the alligators.
Ritholtz has devised two indexes — the «Oligarch Index» that contains what he deems Trump - friendly companies, such as Colony Capital, CoreCivic, ExxonMobil, and Goldman Sachs — and the «Drain the Swamp Index,» which includes the New York Times, GM, Time Warner, and Amazon, among others.
If I have a life form that is perfectly happy and thriving, say in a swamp... I then drain the swamp, changing the conditions, the life forms that adapt, live, those that do not adapt, die.
If everyone is responsible no one is responsible which is sure fired route to further malaise... responsibility lies with board and manager... if criticism of them is negativity so be it... call me mr negative... make arsenal great again... drain the swamp!!!!
«We can work together in City Hall and help drain the swamp
Next month, county voters can make another statement for independence and decency and start draining the swamp that is Suffolk County politics.
I have interviewed Kenyans angry at a US property tycoon draining their swamp on the shores of Lake Victoria and fencing off their wet pastures for a rice farm.
In the early 1900's Soviet engineers drained swamps to supply peat for electrical power stations.
If draining the swamp of special interests is to mean anything, it should start with protecting America's kids and not the tobacco industry.
Now does talking of draining the swamp make me a cultural imperialist?
When DeSantis finally entered the race two months later (after much speculation), he vowed to «drain the swamp in Tallahassee, which needs to be drained just like Washington.»
«Mr. Sloan is not draining the swamp,» he said.
Conventional measures of public health overlook these trade - offs, especially at a global level, so a planetary health approach is required to ensure that public health interventions like draining swamps to curb disease - carrying mosquitoes don't lead to water shortages that could claim lives.
«It violates everything he said as a candidate about draining the swamp,» Millstein said.
The Bush administration set out to drain the swamps of terrorism by invading Afghanistan and then Iraq and constructing democratic regimes in those countries.
«I'm fighting a battle against a horrible group of deep - seated people — drain the swamp — that are coming up with all sorts of phony charges against me and they're not bringing up real charges against the other side,» the president said.
A rough translation of its message would be «When you're almost up to your armpits swimming around alligators, it's difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp
White said it's also important to drain the swamp in your life.
In other words, when you're working toward a long - term goal (draining the swamp), don't let your time and energy be eaten up by urgent, daily tasks (slaying alligators) that don't necessarily help you achieve that more important objective.
This Southern expression is meant to illustrate that when you're up to your eyeballs in alligators, it's easy to forget your long - term goal is to drain the swamp.
Privately, Trump has been telling associates in recent days that his health chief had become a distraction and was overshadowing his tax overhaul agenda and undermining his campaign promise to «drain the swamp» of corruption, according to three people familiar with the discussions who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Enacts new ethics reforms to Drain the Swamp and reduce the corrupting influence of special interests on our politics.
Donald Trump promised repeatedly to, «Drain the swamp,» during his presidential campaign, his vow to end the cycle of corruption within the Federal government.
Yet, his Cabinet appointments and his hand - picked advisors seem to reflect the contrary to draining the swamp, with former hedge fund manager, Steve Mnuchin, as Secretary of the Treasury; former Exxon Mobil CEO, Rex Tillerson, as Secretary of State; and private...
Instead of draining the swamp, Trump is simply restocking it.
In focus groups arranged to test messages for the 2014 midterms, these voters responded to calls for building a new wall to block the entry of illegal immigrants, to reforms intended to «drain the swamp» of Washington's entrenched political community and to thinly veiled forms of racism toward African Americans called «race realism,» he recounted.
Bannon directed the firm to test messages such as «build the wall» and «drain the swamp» and to test images and concepts for a U.S. audience relating to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian expansion in Eastern Europe, he testified.
Despite the evidence arguing against excessive share repurchases, it appears that the new tax legislation promoted by U.S. congressional Republicans will restart the trend — an effective rebuff to the millions of disaffected middle class voters who elected Trump in the hopes of «draining the swamp» of special interests.
In many ways, the discussion between the three men in Mr. Trump's office tower encapsulates the dueling impulses of the president - elect, a man who enjoys being at the center of attention, but who is also aware that he was elected on a strong populist message of «draining the swamp» of Washington cronyism and extravagance.
They discovered and refined potent themes about keeping out immigrants, «draining the swamp» and restoring an earlier era of national greatness — as understood mainly to mean for white American men.
Wylie's sense of uneasiness about that work began building when he heard Trump, in 2016, start using themes that Cambridge Analytica had developed in 2014 about building walls and draining the swamp.
Notably, the firm tested Americans» reactions to the phrases «drain the swamp» and «deep state,» during focus groups that took place in 2014, a former employee of the firm, Chris Wylie, told The Washington Post Tuesday.
Nancy Pelosi publicly said: «Republicans claim they want to «drain the swamp,» but the night before the new Congress gets sworn in, the House GOP has eliminated the only independent ethics oversight of their actions.
Unipolarists often refer to this process as «draining the swamp
So the classic formula for combating an insurgency is to drain the swamp — cut the insurgents off from their life support.
from the territories who work in construction and low - level hotel jobs raise the standard of living in their communities — a fact frequently touted by those Israelis who support the status quo — nevertheless Israel was a healthier place, a more Zionist and progressive nation, when we drained the swamps, built the roads and the houses and waited on our own tables.
They acquired ground already domesticated or themselves undertook to fell the forests or drain the swamps.
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