Sentences with phrase «to draw from something»

You also draw from it as you write your book announcement press release.
Our departure point is the structural, economic and financial crisis, with all the practical and ideological consequences which we can draw from it for our action programme.
Just need to be smart about where you invest your money and how you will draw from it when you retire.
Why not draw from them in a variety of different media and on a range of different surfaces?
I asked her to use a butterfly and told her what a difficult job it was to get a blood draw from me because of my tiny veins that moved.
And there are some interesting results drawn from them.
You will not pay any interest on this amount until you start drawing from it.
The viewer will bring their very personal context to the viewing of the photographs and the associations drawn from them.
If we tell our stories we allow others to draw from them themes and insights that are unique to their own experience.
But the conclusions drawn from it are a stretch, and probably a liberty.
A fixed amount of money, up to 100 % of your home's value (minus your current mortgage balance), is made available and you can draw from it as needed.
I plan to draw from it for the next 25 years as I do today, and a greater amount later for inflation built into my calculations.
Just need to be smart about where you invest your money and how you will draw from it when you retire.
I blend a variety of skills, training and experience together and draw from them in order to find the right approach to pain relief, healing, and hope for my clients.
Some Christians even denied the resurrection, not because they found it incredible, but because they found the implications drawn from it so offensive.
Yet it remains true not only that he sanctified the family by drawing from it his primary symbol of the nature of God as Father and of men as God's sons, but that he had a new and fresh insight into the personalities that constitute a home.
The roots of that utterance were Barthian, but the conclusions Bonhoeffer drew from it were not.
One may also learn directly from many other sources whether or not other followers of Jesus have already drawn from them.
(p. 115) «Baptismal grace is dynamic, and we can draw from it throughout our life.»
Priests should devote greater attention to the study of the documents of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, drawing from them resources for the pastoral care of their parishes - catechesis, preaching, sacramental preparation.
In chapters one and two this was explained In terms of God's fully experiencing our experience and drawing from it all the possibilities for continued experience that each event generates.
Unlike some of my cantankerous and crusading co-religionists on the right, I am now quite relaxed in admitting with Vatican II that «the church guards the heritage of God's Word and draws from it religious and moral principles, without always having at hand the solution to particular problems.»
God's response was to transform that event, give it a creative, new meaning by the possibilities God drew from it.
In art «after the High Renaissance,» Freedberg says, what was new «was either a consequence drawn from it or had to be reconciled in some way with its tradition.»
The ordinary Christian in one of the mainline churches, more inclined to look to the Bible for directions for living than concerned with problems of textual criticism, is apt to draw from them only an injunction to fidelity and perhaps a warning to be ready to die, since death may overtake one at any moment.
and all others draw from it — so i would tend to think that if you consider youself a «true christian» you would go as far back as possible and believe what the first or slightly later christians did, which is laid out for you in the creed.
As exegetes assert, «the likeness of man is not to be drawn from something called «human nature.»
Even if we think we are capable of choosing against God, God accepts that very choice and draws from it something new.
The function proper to the first organ is that of receiving [percevoir] each particular impression, of attaching signs to it, of combining the different impressions, of comparing them with each other, of drawing from them judgments and resolves; just as the function of the other organ is to act upon the nutritive substances whose presence excites it, to dissolve them, and to assimilate their juices to our nature.
Ingleby, You make some fine points but your conclusions drawn from them differ rather from mine.
the study most definitely is flawed and the conclusions drawn from it even more so.
The result is less science fiction than a metaphor drawn from it: a peculiar family portrait whose characters, though all lost in their own space, never stray far from their immediate earthbound environs (except in flights of fancy).
Even if Poulter drew from life experience, so do plenty of professional actors, and yet they would struggle to match the complex emotions Poulter draws from us.
In each chapter, Schwalbe picks one book and talks about the one value he most draws from it.
If the portfolio is down, the ability to avoid drawing from it allows more time for it to recover, and reduces the risk of exhausting it during retirement.
It makes a lot more sense for anyone that has a chunk of cash sitting in the bank and are planning on slowly drawing from it because you technically still have all that money in a property (or multiple properties) and can sell them if you really need the lump sum of cash but you'll earn great interest payments until you do that.
The 401K has the most complications, so Shaun should start to draw from it first, $ 75,000 a year.
Even still, Ubisoft has drawn from something solid and delivered an absolute blast that's more potent in all respects.
Still, Johns manages to be elegantly, entertainingly social when the occasion arises as well as remarkably solicitous of those he trusts, which may be why betrayal by members of his inner circle — for example the former studio assistant who stole drawings from him in recent years, and the rebellion of a street kid he cared for during the 1970s — has caused such hurt.
I project it and manipulate it in different ways on my computer but also make drawings from it and use those too.
«I don't know if this is true or not,» he says, «but when I had my first show in LA at Richard Heller Gallery, David Zwirner was buying Raymond Pettibon drawings from him and saw my work.
Yes, there are two piles because players can choose to draw from them as well, snagging something they really want but also letting everybody else know what they're drawing.
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