Sentences with phrase «to draw something»

So that is what drew me in to read your blog.
However, the main story wasn't what drew me into the world.
But what drew me in at first was the fact that they use only safe ingredients in their products.
The print is what really drew me in though.
Years later, he wrote some lines of poetry to go with drawings he made of imaginary animals.
^ ^ Draw it on in a triangle shape and then blend it really well.
Make use of one leg to both vigorously press the pedal down as well as draw it back up.
This, he adds, gives people without design training the sense they are not being fooled by technical drawings they don't understand.
And, if that doesn't draw you closer together, I don't know what will.
So in drawing them together, he naturally has to play down certain elements which don't serve the pattern, and play up others that do.
I played it for a week (about 15 hours of gameplay) and it just wasn't enjoyable and it didn't draw me in at all.
It can not be said exactly that I wished to kill myself, for the force which drew me away from life was fuller, more powerful, more general than any mere desire.
Some rooms just draw me right in and I have to look at them for a long time, soaking in the reasons why I am inspired.
Such policies would help draw us out of the present depression.
My advice is start drawing it at the earliest age.
What is the influence of borders and who draws them?
And it seemed interesting, so I just drew it on a canvas and made, developed it from there on, without reference to any matches or anything like that.
Does your work and its intersection with nature draw you away from urban environments?
I love your travel stuff and have referred to it dozens of times in planning my own trips, but your house flips are what initially drew me in to your blog.
The environments are beautiful and chock full of interesting detail work that draws you further into its setting.
They always draw it straight up, showing the way they think it is, and not the way it appears.
Your site draws something like a million readers a month, and the repeat traffic numbers are ridiculous.
By drawing them really big, the child is using the whole arm to make the shape rather than just the wrist and the hand.
Explore a partner's perspective, perhaps by actually learning about their party's platform, and you'll draw them toward you.
Your kitchen is what first drew me into reading decorating blogs.
Learning to communicate well draws you closer together and promotes intimacy.
He is my body and blood, and he will draw us after him.
Unless it's socially significant in some way, blue - collar crime isn't the popular movie draw it once was.
Probably not That makes drawing them even more fun.
This worksheet asks children to name shapes then draw them and decide why some shapes are more difficult to draw than others.
Doing what inspires us just draws us more fully into the heart of who we are.
These are usually stationary panels, because drawing them across the rod can be cumbersome.
But soon, a powerful love draws them together and leads them into the tragedy of war.
Their loneliness also drew them together and I think both were interested in the others life style.
She is a fantastic stylist and photographer because every photo drew me in to examine every detail!
On the lines they have drawn they need to explain using «so» or «because» sentences.
And that's why after almost two years, the first two hours of Persona 3 instantly drew me back in.
What originally drew me to them, was their amazing designs, with affordable prices.
There is something charming about each of our main characters, which draws us deeper into the narrative.
A splash of red in the dining chairs and rug add interest without drawing you away from the main attraction.
His interest in horses and working with his hands drew him to veterinary medicine.
Try drawing him again, but in a different position!
Either cut out the individual equivalent fraction cards so that you can draw them randomly from a hat.
The images on the television screens drew us in and demanded our participation.
OK, so tell us what «draws us beyond the sensory to the metaphysical» mean?
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When I go to draw something new, I don't use my past works as a reference.
But the lure of the political movement eventually draws him in, pulling him farther and farther away from his family.
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