Sentences with phrase «to dream something up»

I've been dreaming it up for a while and feel so excited with how it turned out....
The atmosphere in their home is just as warm and inviting as the couple themselves, and I absolutely love that they had so much fun dreaming it all up together from scratch.
The obvious conclusion is that there are no practical limits to economic growth now or in the foreseeable future despite the major effort to dream them up over many years.
It's better than your standard muffin + cheese + egg + ham and worth all the minutes you spent dreaming it up under the covers.
We talk all the time, we talk about dreaming something up together but just haven't come up with anything yet.
I was dreaming something up with mason jar lids, but paint lids make so much more sense as well as the candle mirror disc things.
Even MORE interesting, in a reverse - jujitsu sort of way... but most likely it's some random guys who dreamed it all up while passing around a 2 a.m. dorm room bong.
Just as it isn't smart to hit consumers with every new data technology available, it also isn't smart to hide capabilities or refrain from dreaming them up in the first place.
Bono told crowds that the band had to go away and dream it up all over again.
«No, of course not,» he replied, according to the official, «the U.S. dreamed them up itself to have a reason to go to war with us.»
A giant gun that could fire spacecraft into orbit was an outlandish idea when Jules Verne dreamt it up.
The emphasis here falls on description — what the game is like, how a misfit thinker dreamed it up, how students react.
Cobra's no stranger to the Roku, having ported the company's cup - based dream»em up Storm In A Teacup to the platform at the end of 2011.
Some honcho or focus group dreamed it up and pushed it through.
Back in April I wrote about how the physical world is too big for Snapchat to fill with augmented reality on its own, and there are too many ways to use AR for it to dream them all up by itself.
The company's most recent patent design for an anthropomorphic voice assistant / toy reads like someone dreamt it up after watching an AI and Ted double - feature (and had obviously never seen Child's Play).
I too would have said the statement was irresponsible if Marty had simply dreamed it up, but I doubt that someone of Marty's station would do that in print.
This room pushed my limits and I had a really good time dreaming it up...
«It's just some people in a smoke - filled room who dreamed it up,» he told the Associated Press.
I love that it is a separate project (freestanding) and I can dream it up as I go!
Here — for your reading pleasure — is a countdown of the year's most - viewed stories about far - out technologies and the entrepreneurs who are dreaming them up.
If you can dream something up, then it is in the realm of your possibility to make it happen.
I don't believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up yourself.
There is not one scintilla of evidence that this event occurred - EVER - other than in the imagination of Moses or whichever ancient Hebrew drama - queen guy (s) dreamed it up.
Thanks Jennifer — it was surprisingly really good, I was a little skeptical while I was dreaming it up.
He dreamed it up, nurtured it for three years and plugged away until the papers were signed.
Those who dreamed it up have been quite candid in stating how active management of labor relieves staff of the frustration of waiting out «tedious hours» (O'Driscoll 1986).
Maybe you can dream something up and make it popular!
Using ever - cheaper printing hardware, researchers and hobbyists can build new robots as fast as they can dream them up
When you come up with a new idea, there are two parts to it: One is to dream it up and the other is to figure out how to do it.
I dreamed it up as something to do with the precious bag of white whole wheat flour generously handed to me by The Flour Peddler.
The potami and I dreamed them up one Friday night during a debate on whether to play superheroes or make cookies.
One — I dream it up on the spot.
Our sweet friend, Grace, made her a cake exactly as she dreamed it up: a rainbow cake with white the icing on the outside with different coloured pink hearts all around it and little red dots along the top.
Dreaming them up is one thing but putting them into action is the more challenging task.
The digital age has brought us a plethora of sites and apps offering as many ways to locate, meet, evaluate, and hookup online as there are criteria and qualities we seek in a mate, i.e., if you can dream it up or desire it, there's an app for it!
She dreamed it up in April 2014, and by November of that year, she'd made the awards ceremony into a reality.
Ace is the hero we dream of being, Eliot is the guy who dreamt him up.
An online uploader for self made decals ensures that if you can dream it up, it can be made.
by George Wolf If the story of Captain Phillips wasn't true, someone in Hollywood would have dreamed it up for a new Paul Greengrass adventure film starring Tom... read more →
It's just a shame that this multi-talented woman with so much potential who dreamt it all up was taken from us before her time.
It's about a party so insane only a mad man could have dreamed it up.
Well Amy Adams (looking a bit like one of them) plays painter Margaret Keane who dreamed them up, and Christoph Waltz plays her husband who tried to claim the work as his own.
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